pre-midterms music memery

Nov 09, 2012 23:32

Well, it's midterms again, so this is the lull before Cram All The Things begins in earnest.  I got my algebra take-home today, and I don't even understand it well enough to be properly mortified by how unprepared I am for it, but I need to start on it soon anyhow.  But for now it is still Friday, so here is a meme, stolen from isiscaughey:

List seven songs ( Read more... )

meme, music, general nerdery

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Comments 24

aoife_hime November 11 2012, 23:58:16 UTC
The only song I know on there is the Regina Spektor song (which I LOVE SO MUCH), but I love listening to new music so that's all good :)

Of the selection, the Caroline Keating song really caught my ear. Where did you hear of her? "Two Cousins" was also interesting. It's not quite the style of music I usually listen to, but it was still quite enjoyable with good lyrics.

(I am totally doing this meme!)


ladymercury_10 November 12 2012, 01:38:27 UTC
Regina Spektor is always fabulous. :D

I think the first time I heard Caroline Keating was before she got signed, when her song "Billy Joel" ended up in the background of some video of kittens being adorable or something. I have been waiting forever to be able to pay money for her music, so I was very excited to find her first album on Bandcamp last month!

...oh my goodness, I really am turning into a hipster. SEND HELP. O_O

Yay for meme perpetuation!


aoife_hime November 12 2012, 04:12:58 UTC
Oh god kittens. They can make anything more amazing than it has any right to be, but in this case I think the amazingness of the artist is legitimate.

I'd send help but I've been waiting for assistance for years. At least I've resisted the urge to wear plaid shirts with skinny jeans and dark-rimmed glasses. There's still hope for me yet.


ladymercury_10 November 12 2012, 04:20:00 UTC
Haha, yes, I think her music definitely holds up with or without the kittens. :D

Oh no, I'm wearing a plaid shirt right now! My jeans are not skinny, my jeans are not skinny! There is still hope! :P


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