fic: you in the wake

Aug 29, 2012 23:25

Title: you in the wake
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Rory/Amy, Eleven, others
Word Count: 4,492
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own no Who, as usual.
Warnings: brief mild panic attack
Summary: Rory gets up tired.  Amy makes the tea.  The rosebushes may not last the year.
A/N: We've all been sort of tired all the time lately, haven't we?  So this is sort of for ( Read more... )

cotton candy bingo, eleven, doctor who, fanfic, amy, rory

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Comments 35

redjaywrites August 30 2012, 11:11:48 UTC
New favourite Pond fic. Thank you for this.


ladymercury_10 August 30 2012, 15:12:00 UTC
Oh wow, I'm really flattered! So glad you liked it!


eve11 August 30 2012, 12:03:16 UTC
This is sad, and funny, and bittersweet. Ah, life and compromises, and love. I hope Rory feels better soon. And oh, the scene with the Doctor was fantastic; I love how the pace increases there but you still get a feel for 'the slow path' and the Doctor's intersections with it. Getting used to real life again, learning to love, be loved and live with losses.

And, "I’ve met baby goats more coordinated than you." LOL


ladymercury_10 August 30 2012, 15:14:16 UTC
Ahhh, thank you! I'm so glad you thought it worked! :D


tree_and_leaf August 30 2012, 12:37:04 UTC
Aw, poor Rory!


ladymercury_10 August 30 2012, 15:15:18 UTC
Poor Rory. Amy will look after him!


a_phoenixdragon August 30 2012, 13:29:12 UTC
Ohhh, this was sheer perfection. I just...

*Whips out with Kleenex*

Ohh, now I'm gonna start crying over the absolute, honest beauty of this...



ladymercury_10 August 30 2012, 15:16:48 UTC
Oh, thank you very much! *hugs back*


(The comment has been removed)

ladymercury_10 August 30 2012, 15:17:21 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you thought so! :)


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