Much belated fandom_stocking roundup

Feb 18, 2012 23:28

I did fandom_stocking again this year and it was quite fun.  Thanks to everyone who helped fill my stocking!  I wrote three ficlets, so I thought I'd repost them here since I haven't posted fic in forever.

For karate0kat, I wrote this Martha/Mickey ficlet:
1. )

martha, fanfic, fandom stocking, amy, river song, rory, eleven, doctor who, tng, mickey

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Comments 3

eve11 February 19 2012, 15:12:55 UTC
Aw, all three of those are wonderful :). I love your description of the doctor, scolding and laughing at the same time. And the middle one, with the doctor learning some of the finer points of marriage and River tracing patterns on his skin. And the third is so cute and a very apt parallel :). (Though do British shows have commercials? Maybe breaks between shows...)


ladymercury_10 February 19 2012, 17:09:27 UTC
Thank you very much!

British shows don't have commercials? What sort of magical land is the United Kingdom? :P


eve11 February 19 2012, 17:13:18 UTC
You're welcome!

What sort of magical land is the United Kingdom? :P
;D One where the television stations are state-run and you need to pay a license fee to own a TV, I believe.


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