does this thing still work?

Apr 06, 2017 12:39

so I was going to make a catching up post bc I disappeared forever but then! lj has again found ways to scare off everyone who still wants to use it ( Read more... )

livejournal, housekeeping

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Comments 36

violateraindrop April 6 2017, 18:18:16 UTC
Hi! :D

I'm going to stay, mostly for the iconing community which doesn't seem to exist on DW. I have a DW account (same username) which I never use though.


ladymercury_10 April 10 2017, 16:57:09 UTC
Hey! ^_^

Glad to hear you'll be here. I have a DW but I haven't logged in for like forever, even to back up my lj.


elisi April 6 2017, 18:47:35 UTC

Staying put, but have been crossposting for a while, and I'm also elisi over there if you want to add me. :)


ladymercury_10 April 10 2017, 16:57:49 UTC
Cool, if I move towards DW I will keep that in mind! :)


eve11 April 6 2017, 19:11:48 UTC
Hi! I'm staying. I'm too stubborn to move.


ladymercury_10 April 10 2017, 16:53:41 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you'll be here!


egelantier April 6 2017, 21:30:12 UTC

i'm backing things up, but i'm not leaving until they literally pull the plug on service. and honestly, the new TOS for 98% has nothing to do with fannish communities or english-speaking journals, which sup probably gives zero fucks about; it has some unpleasant implications for russian-speaking politically-minded bloggers, but it's a completely different kettle of fish.


ladymercury_10 April 10 2017, 17:04:41 UTC
Glad to hear you're sticking around! <3


ext_4082182 April 6 2017, 22:19:04 UTC
I'm gone, but I'm glad to hear you're still alive!


ladymercury_10 April 10 2017, 17:12:14 UTC
You as well! How are things over on DW? I have never spent enough time there to get a feel for the community at large.


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