Title: I Have Seen The Moment Of My Greatness Flicker
Word Count: 1358
Rating: R for language. Pardon my French. And Jack's
Pairing: Jack/Georgina,Blair/Chuck hints of Blair/Jack.
Summary: Obsessions are bred of nothing and lead to nothing on the Upper East Side. They are no exception.
Title from T.S.Eliot's Prufrock.
And Would It Have Been Worth it After All? )
Comments 36
very well done i must say you explored areas most us wouldnt dare to tred near georgina and nate? soon ul b doing rufus and georgina u never know!
"He might just have a fondness for women his nephew’s had..." i like that
somehow things coming full circle sounds very appealing sort of like a modern day happily ever after because there cant be any other plausible one with them two
No,Rufus/Georgina but thank you. I dont think I've ever sworn this much in my life. Not on paper (if you will) at least.
Im glad it worked for you.
The Basstards icon- how apt!
+ Your characterization of Jack is perfection. So delicious. And he seems to have just the right amount of self-awareness.
+ Your writing style is lovely! Your descriptions of things (syllables tripping down spines) are beautiful. And Jack definitely smiles like the Cheshire cat. ;)
+ I really like that the Chuck/Blair is oblique. The few glimpses you show of them are so tantalizing!
+ Love the nod to Eliot. I think the Bass men would like that poem.
All in all, gorgeous writing, darling! Merci for sharing.
And yes, I think Bart and Jack both have Prufrock potential. Chuck, too, with his reluctance to say those words.
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