Title: Standing Tall in Sunlight
Rating: PG-13 for language
Spoilers: Sequel to 'Revelation in Shadows,' slight references to canon.
Word Count: 3240
Disclaimer: I wish.
Author's Notes:
renisanz made the
pretty and after I picked myself up from my swoon, I asked what she wanted next. She said 'Sequel.' I said 'Yes, Ma'am.' Thanks to everyone who commented
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Comments 20
Bits I especially enjoyed:
Sheldon shot him a look that quite clearly said "Be quiet now, you lesser mortal,"
I can see that in my mind's eye right now! And near the end:
If I help you, then you're not upset anymore and I don't like it when you're upset.
Yay for Penny's mental Sheldon-to-Penny-ese dictionary! :D
But agh for Leonard coming out at JUST that emotionally charged moment...! Will there be more?
Honestly, I don't know. I wasn't even planning on writing this, but I am helpless in the face of fanart. I did enjoy experimenting with darker themes than my normal wont.
I actually almost ended it when Sheldon shows up at her apartment, but I extended it because I felt Penny needed to rescue herself.
Bits I especially enjoyed:
Sheldon shot him a look that quite clearly said "Be quiet now, you lesser mortal,"
It was really, really important to me that they both be in character. Yes, Sheldon was acting a role that we don't normally see him in, but I wanted to him to still clearly be Sheldon. He wasn't responding to Penny's emotional cues, but rather the aberrations in her behavior. He didn't try to console her or tell her everything would be fine, he just went ahead and fixed the problem the best way he knew how.
So glad you liked. Thanks.
A inkling of a third part just popped into my head. Excuse me while I go lie down and hope it goes away. Thrilled you enjoyed! Thanks.
I'm a little surprised Sheldon and Leonard didn't panic when David grabbed her arm, or instantly jump in to grab him.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I hope there will be more ! :)
Echoing what everyone else has said I really like how in character everyone was. Sheldon was still so very Sheldon, and Penny was still very strong, she just needed the reminder that she was strong. Of course, knowing that she wasn't alone and that her friends didn't think it was her fault helped as well.
I had a very uncomfortable brush with a similar (but no where near as bad) situation a few years ago. I rarely think about it at all, but you wrote David so realistically that honestly I got a little creeped out by it. They are that irrational, and even more scary, they are that sure that they're right.
I would love to see more of this.
Perhaps it's a little odd of me, but I find it such a huge compliment every time someone calls this fic creepy or scary. While I don't want to bring back bad memories, I'm glad it's possible to empathize with Penny and her situation.
I don't know if I'll write anymore in this 'series.' I have the inkling of an idea, and while I was writing this part, I kept thinking about Howard. Howard's cracked jokes about sexual harassment laws and restraining orders. We laugh, ha ha, so funny, but it's such a fine line. I'm very tempted to explore that angle of things, how Penny's relationship with Howard changes after this. So we'll see.
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