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Comments 30

bellacatbee January 9 2012, 08:33:32 UTC
Yes, superheroes! Of course that would be Gabriel's facebook profile, and poor Adam, not able to get Michael to call him back. Love this Avengers/Supernatural fusion.


ladyknightanka January 9 2012, 19:29:57 UTC
I think I want to write something later about Adam's adventures at 'dating' Michael, who's a ball of guilt for sleeping with him (not because he's underage or anything, but there is an age gap). It would be funny. I don't know if I'm ready for even more crack, though. XD

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, bb! I think I've just been writing things that fall more along the dramatic end of the spectrum than crack, my last few stories, and that's why I was just writing this, giggling a bit (because Gabriel and Adam should not be allowed to be friends, lol) and really wondering what was up with my brain. *facepalm*


bellacatbee January 9 2012, 20:17:22 UTC
Gabriel and Adam so should be allowed to be friends if it leads to this! How would the Avengers function without Adam's facebook page and twitter following? They just wouldn't.


ladyknightanka January 9 2012, 20:33:17 UTC
That's the problem, though; they're too funny together. It gets even funnier when Adam's brothers freak out about their friendship. XDD


trollmela January 9 2012, 21:39:10 UTC
I wouldn't trust anyone else with something this insane than you. Yes, it was definitely funny and I greatly enjoyed it! I wondered how you were going to span the bridge between Spn and the superheroes but it worked wonderfully! You kept elements from both fandoms, and even I, as the densest reader, couldn't miss that!

Now wipe that shame off your face and smile! :D


ladyknightanka January 10 2012, 02:47:08 UTC
It only flatters me that you approve! I'm so happy it amused you and REALLY relieved you found both worlds had meshed well enough! I've only seen the movie-verse for The Avengers, so that's why I feel like I'll mess up if I write for them, but I just couldn't resist this one. Thanks for the sweet comment. *is smiling*


morganoconner January 10 2012, 03:59:59 UTC







ladyknightanka January 10 2012, 18:57:12 UTC
I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT, BB! *hugshugshugs*

Sam kept mentally rambling, there was too much Adam and not enough other stuff, so I was a little wary, but it was a fun universe to write and I'll try to actually write MORE of the Castiel/Gabriel part of it someday. ♥


_bluebells January 10 2012, 10:20:48 UTC
I think you have three fandoms colliding here and I love it. I had no idea what you were doing when I read you were writing Superman/Spiderman, but the final result was hilarious and so heart-warming.

I loved all the descriptions of everyone in their armour, Castiel's despondency and the moment Sam learned via facebook (VIA FACEBOOK ♥) that Castiel and Gabriel were in a relationship. Oh, and it was complicated.

Dean as Iron Man is an uncannily good fit (a womanizing genius mechanic? Here's one I prepared earlier!). He and Sam are wonderful here, and Gabriel, along with Jo's password, really made me laugh!

Adam makes for a cheeky Spiderman and he's a real product of his generation, following their archenemy on FB and twitter. That's how the world rolls today. And then of course I thought of all the useful applications of his suspension cabling mutation, and I thought you chose well. ;D

I loved this. It didn't lack for rainbows and unicorns at all. ♥


ladyknightanka January 10 2012, 20:03:09 UTC
If I ever continue this to expand on each pairing (this ended up a bit introductory and I REALLY want to write why Michael won't call, because it's amusing), there will be more Marvel references in general. Raphael is Batman, you know? XD

It's always unnerving to find things out via facebook about a close friend. I feel worse for Dean, though, when HE finds out. He's even more averse to social networking than Sam.

This all started because I thought Dean would be the perfect Iron Man and Gabriel, obviously, Loki, then all the other characters fell into place. Adam in the Spiderman suit, hn, YES. Also, who can resist Pepper Pots!Jo? XD

...Adam and Michael are in the mile high club. That's all I'll say on the matter. And, arch-enemy or no, Gabriel is his BFF. Although, Adam's nemeses, not the group's, are the green-ghoul and hob-ghoul. Because. It's angsty, too, poor guy, since he can't avoid THAT in any world ( ... )


_bluebells January 11 2012, 01:21:32 UTC
Why won't Michael call? TELL ME. :D Is he afraid I'd technology? Is he afraid Adam will want him to do something kinky? Does he really not want to be tricked into a sit-down dinner with the Winchesters? Or is Raphael!Batman (omg, I love you for this, it is plain awesome) giving him grief for going outside the League?

I'd love to see Dean's reaction to Castiel's secret. Oh, boys. <3 If you write more of this, you have to show us more of Pepper Potts!Jo and Gabriel!

This was so much fun, I need to let more crack in my life.


ladyknightanka January 11 2012, 03:00:06 UTC
Actually, none of these things. Would you believe it was less silly? Or more, now that I think about it, lol. *enigmatic*

That's one part I'm planning. After all, just because he's with Sam doesn't mean Dean is any less of the kind of playboy you expect Iron Man to be, so that will be the Wincest part of the plot (finally wrote them, yeah!).

I'm glad you feel that way. It wants to be a whole crack 'verse, so... 8D


kattastic99 January 12 2012, 05:41:57 UTC
I would really love to see this little 'verse expanded upon, especially in the direction of Adam and Michael. I'd love to see who the Justice League is made of. I can really see Chuck as the Green Lantern, what with the Ring making objects from his thoughts, like Chuck's books being real, and the Green Lantern's weakness being yellow, like Chuck is addicted to alcohol which is also everywhere. Mostly I'd just love to see him as the Green Lantern because I can totally see him bitching about his tights.


ladyknightanka January 15 2012, 01:51:49 UTC
I really want to expand it, especially the Adam/Michael part. As I wrote, I thought, oh God, what am I writing, my friend is going to hate this crack!?! Then I delved even deeper and it became even more fun and I already have put some thought into the why-Michael-won't-call issue, so I think I have to. Not that it's a loss. XD

I love your brain, though! I already picked alter egos for some characters (Raphael is the Batman to Michael's Superman and even grumpier than Bruce Wayne), but I'd never even thought to connect Chuck to a possible Green Lantern! I will definitely include this in a possible next installment (and poke you with brain credit)!


kattastic99 January 15 2012, 21:07:14 UTC
Yay! Thanks! I love it when people use my ideas!


ladyknightanka January 16 2012, 01:42:27 UTC
It's a wonderful idea. Thank you for coming up with it. ♥


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