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Comments 65

Haunting Me, Saving Me, MAL, Hurt/Comfort, Soulbonding synnerxx October 17 2011, 01:27:51 UTC
They tortured him. They caused him obscene amounts of pain. They did everything they could to break him and they succeeded over and over again. They're the reason he can't eat, jumps at every loud noise, hates going out in public, and is terrified of sleeping ( ... )


Re: Haunting Me, Saving Me, MAL, Hurt/Comfort, Soulbonding ladyknightanka October 17 2011, 01:37:23 UTC

I love that it not only has MAL, but some bromance with Adam's brothers, andandand HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME TO MAKE ANY SENSE, HUH? It fills my prompts to a 't' and I love you so much!

I'm actually on yours, too. Hopefully I finish it quickly. ♥


Re: Haunting Me, Saving Me, MAL, Hurt/Comfort, Soulbonding synnerxx October 17 2011, 01:42:59 UTC

I'm really happy you like it, bb. <333

Ooo, awesome. :D


Re: Haunting Me, Saving Me, MAL, Hurt/Comfort, Soulbonding ladyknightanka October 17 2011, 02:08:42 UTC
I'm done! Will post now and hope it isn't completely terrible, lol. >_


Suits-Supernatural : Adam/Mike : AU, crossover, h/c : 1/2 ienablu October 17 2011, 07:28:38 UTC
Adam is heading out of his motel room when he sees a guy hobbling out of a nearby car. He's heavily favoring his right leg, and clutching at his left. Tentatively, Adam calls out, "You okay ( ... )


Suits-Supernatural : Adam/Mike : AU, crossover, h/c : 2/2 ienablu October 17 2011, 07:29:09 UTC
Mike props himself on his elbows. "That's probably Harvey. I was supposed to call him when I got back to the motel ( ... )


Re: Suits-Supernatural : Adam/Mike : AU, crossover, h/c : 2/2 ladyknightanka October 17 2011, 14:21:58 UTC


THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER! I love every single word of it, from Adam's casual snark to Mike's offhand comments about hunting with Harvey. And the Winchesters! Their teasing was both natural and hilarious. I could easily see it happening, if Adam was a part of their lives, and this makes me more sad that he isn't.

AND WHY ARE WE NOT FRIENDS YET? I'm adding you, hope you don't mind. In my defense, it's your fault for being awesome. And I'm totally going to return the favor with your acts. Nooo, you have no reason to fear, really...


Re: Suits-Supernatural : Adam/Mike : AU, crossover, h/c : 2/2 ienablu October 18 2011, 01:46:28 UTC
I had a nice, polite, eloquent reply planned out, but then I re-read your entry, and:

Michael tortured Adam in Hell


Don't Listen to the Ghosts in Your Head. 1/2 [CM/SPN; Emily, Reid, Adam; crossover] nights_fang October 17 2011, 13:16:27 UTC
I had an idea where I was going with this fic, but then it ran away from me. Sorry.The suspect the police caught looks nothing more than twenty. He's pale, skinny - far too skinny, Emily notes - gaunt, skittish, covered in blood - others and his own, and what little skin of his is revealed with a shift of the fabric of his clothes is scarred. Whoever he is - Adam Milligan, Garcia supplies via the phone, born September 1990, Windom, and he and his mom went missing early 2009 - he's had a tough time. That much is visible ( ... )


Don't Listen to the Ghosts in Your Head. 2/2 [CM/SPN; Emily, Reid, Adam; crossover] nights_fang October 17 2011, 13:16:59 UTC
“You knew where to come. They told you where to find me. You've started having the dreams already.”

Emily swallows, because yes it was her who told the cops where to go out of the six possible places Reid has highlighted, and she hadn't given it a second thought. She'd known they'd find more bodies there.

“Come on Emily, he's caught up in one of his delusions. He needs psychiatric help.” Reid butts in tugging her away. Thank God for Reid, because Emily needed that to compose herself.

Adam doesn't try to stop him, but he does say one final thing.

“Don't say yes. Whatever you do, don't give them consent. You'll become like me.” Adam looks more lost than he did when they walked in ( ... )


Re: Don't Listen to the Ghosts in Your Head. 2/2 [CM/SPN; Emily, Reid, Adam; crossover] ladyknightanka October 17 2011, 14:39:14 UTC
I love this! The dialogue played out so naturally. I could easily see this happening on CM (and SPN, too), with Adam as someone who needs help from the BAU, but ends up aiding them himself. I love the idea of Emily as a vessel. Raphael, maybe? Or perhaps another angel in general, but I adored the connection this built between her and Adam. So, so lovely! And poor, confused Spencer, wondering what the heck is going on. XDD

Of course, I'd never object to more. *wiggles eyebrows*


Re: Don't Listen to the Ghosts in Your Head. 2/2 [CM/SPN; Emily, Reid, Adam; crossover] nights_fang October 17 2011, 14:47:59 UTC
It was actually supposed to be Reid who was a vessel. (It tied in with the random S6 thing with his headaches and where that one guy mentioned the "ghosts in Reid's head".) But suddenly as I was writing it, Emily made so much more sense, because Emily is the kind of mothering presence that Adam would be drawn too.

(Also the angel who's supposed to possess her? Gabriel. =D)


The World : CM/Suits x-over : H/C corsykitty October 19 2011, 07:15:54 UTC
Mike blinked into awareness between one moment and the next. He stared at the ceiling dispassionately, no longer experiencing a moment of confusion at the sight of a ceiling so obviously not his own. This one was a lovely shade of beige, with no cracks or water stains, and led into a pastel yellow wallpaper that may or may not have actual gold tooling. The colors were bland at the moment, the dim pre-dawn light sucking away their beauty. The bed he was lying on was plush and warm, one of the most comfortable he'd ever encountered, with 1500 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. He'd be thrilled to live it up in the lap of luxury like this under any other circumstances, but this wasn't a vacation. At least, it wasn't a pleasant vacation ( ... )


Re: The World : CM/Suits x-over : H/C corsykitty October 19 2011, 07:18:13 UTC
Mike's resolve wavered, his fear of their captor battling with his will to live, and Reid took advantage of the opening ( ... )


Re: The World : CM/Suits x-over : H/C corsykitty October 19 2011, 07:19:40 UTC
Mike allowed his thoughts to drift back to Harvey's office back at Pearson Hardman, trying to imagine what Harvey could be doing right now. There was no way his boss had taken time off from work to look for him, but Reid had said that it was thanks to him and Donna that they knew where to find him. Maybe Harvey would be pacing his office, or staring out the window at his spectacular view, eyes unseeing. Donna would be standing behind him, cell phone clutched in one hand while she waited for someone to call with news on Mike. They'd be silent, knowing there was nothing more they could do now that they'd found the bastard who'd taken Mike and put the best people available for the job on his tail ( ... )


Re: The World : CM/Suits x-over : H/C corsykitty October 19 2011, 07:20:11 UTC
They stayed like that for what felt like hours, propping each other up and reveling in being close like they never thought they would be again, until Mike was so exhausted that his legs buckled. Harvey caught him and called for a paramedic, and with their help dragged Mike back to the ambulance. Once Mike was seated he stared up at Harvey, drinking in the sight of his open, exuberant expression, unable to look away even to acknowledge Donna. It didn't seem to bother her any; she bustled past Harvey to drop a kiss on Mike's cheek and sit next to him with an arm lightly around his back, a comforting presence against his side ( ... )


Supernatural, Crowley/Adam, Corporate!AU + rimming, NC-17 ravenspear October 19 2011, 20:13:18 UTC
Here, because Jesus, long.


Re: Supernatural, Crowley/Adam, Corporate!AU + rimming, NC-17 ladyknightanka October 19 2011, 23:37:56 UTC
Best. Thing. Ever.

THANK YOU! *sprinkles luffs all over you*


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