Three Sentence AU Fic Meme

Sep 14, 2011 15:32

Taken from the wonderful synnerxx, because it looks like a lot of fun and I won't feel guilty about neglecting suitsbigbang if it's only three sentences - but just be prepared for possible run-ons, okay? Anything goes (ex. Suits, SPN, etcetera)! =)

Give me pairings (or characters). Give me an AU setting. I will write you a three-sentence fic.

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prompt me, genre: slash, genre: total au, pairing: michael/adam milligan, fandom: supernatural, pimp: contests/challenges, activity: meme, fandom: suits, fanfiction: to be written, discussion: big bang, pairing: gabriel/sam winchester, pimp: meme, pairing: harvey specter/mike ross, pairing: lucifer/sam winchester, pairing: castiel/dean winchester, pimp: websites/communities, word count: 100-999, fanfiction: oneshot, fanfiction

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Comments 165

yellowwolf5 September 14 2011, 19:56:48 UTC
Harvey/Mike, the world is overrun by zombies, they're two of the survivors.


Suits, Harvey/Mike, Zombiepocalypse AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 00:05:41 UTC
I hope you like it, bb. ♥

“Quit fidgeting,” Donna reprimanded, her mouth pursing half in worry, half in irritation, as her eyes flicked away from their armory - previously Pearson Hardman's filing room - to his grimacing face, likely losing count of how much ammo they had remaining.

Mike was out there - fighting, surviving - and she didn't bother to remind Harvey that it was his fault the rookie was without backup, since he'd been the one to blow out his shoulder during their last crucial mission, but she didn't actually have to.

He heard the crow of exhalation outside their barricaded door, hushed compared to the rambunctious victory cries the associates shared not a year ago, before peers were lost to Armageddon, and Mike's voice cheerily declaring, “I kicked some zombie ass, Harvey!” was finally enough to soothe his frazzled nerves again.


Re: Suits, Harvey/Mike, Zombiepocalypse AU! yellowwolf5 September 15 2011, 16:20:17 UTC
aww, I love it. ♥ I wish there was more of this...


Re: Suits, Harvey/Mike, Zombiepocalypse AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 18:42:33 UTC
Yay, I'm glad! I might expand on some of these AUs, because there's so much fun packed into three little sentences already, but after I finish my big bang. Thanks, bb!


ourspacesongs September 14 2011, 22:14:15 UTC
oh god my brain isn't working right now so this is boring but:

Harvey/Mike, highschool AU, Harvey is a cool jock and Mike is a nerdy nerd


Suits, Harvey/Mike, Highschool AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 00:35:01 UTC
lol, Don't worry, bb! That was my exact precursor when I made a request to my friend, lol! I hope it came out okay! :D ( ... )


Re: Suits, Harvey/Mike, Highschool AU! ourspacesongs September 15 2011, 00:38:07 UTC
awww I love it! ♥♥


Re: Suits, Harvey/Mike, Highschool AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 00:42:15 UTC
Yay, I'm so glad, especially since I noticed two typos after posting. *facepalm*


synnerxx September 15 2011, 00:58:21 UTC
Suits, Harvey/Mike, Mike is a barista at Harvey's favorite coffee shop


Suits, Harvey/Mike, Coffee Shop AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 01:34:04 UTC
You're a special snowflake, so you get four sentences. What, noooo, I didn't fail this challenge! Whatever do you mean by that? *shifty eyes*

Hope you like it, love! ♥


There was a frown of consternation marring Handsome Suit's previously unlined forehead, his agitation emphasized by the fact that he'd taken one look at the long line of customers in front of the counter, then elegantly dropped into a free booth, too agitated to bear with it.

Mike bit his lip and rang the closest person's purchase up, wishing caffeine wasn't the lifeblood of New York, no matter how much he loved it himself, so he could go and immediately sate his curiosity - obsession, as Trevor would say - with this man ( ... )


Re: Suits, Harvey/Mike, Coffee Shop AU! synnerxx September 15 2011, 01:38:21 UTC
*feels special and snowflakey* You over achieved on this challenge, not failed it.


You already have all my love, but have even more that I made just for this fic!

I love that Mike nicknames Harvey Handsome Suit.



Re: Suits, Harvey/Mike, Coffee Shop AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 01:47:42 UTC
You're the specialest snowflake to grace special snowflake land. *nods*

I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT! *accepts your love and raises you more* ♥♥♥

Of course Mike would have an amusing pet-name for him, even before they're dating. He's awesome like that (as are you)! XDD


zekkass September 15 2011, 18:44:18 UTC
Supernatural, Gabriel is a traveling swordsman-for-hire and Sam hires him to rescue his brother.


Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Medieval AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 19:22:52 UTC
Hope you like it, bb! Feel free to ask for more - that is, if the chunkiness of this one doesn't manage to scare you off, lol. Also, um, can we ignore that it's actually four sentences? *fail*


The emblem on his shield and sword were the same, exactly what Castiel had promised, depicting a white dove in flight, sunlight painting ethereally over its delicate wings, but the man at the bar, nursing a frothing mug of rum, had nothing to the stories.

Prince Sam, of the noble kingdom Winchester, scrutinized the slick helmet of brown hair, the saucy smirk that easily absorbed fellow patrons, and the mischievous pair of hazel eyes that suddenly flicked his way, their owner inquiring, “Why don'tcha just get me painted, O large lord of mine? It'd last longer, ya know?”

Sam flustered beneath the bold display, his voice catching on his first attempt to speak, then inhaled a braving breath, thinking of Dean, only of his beloved older brother, and said, “Please help me, Sir Gabriel...”


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Medieval AU! zekkass September 15 2011, 19:26:08 UTC
*wriggles* I love it! I forgive four sentences, this works excellently and just - yes. <3 Oh Sam, oh Gabriel - I'll prevent myself from begging from more, k?


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Medieval AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 19:44:01 UTC
*smish* I'm so glad! I actually do want to write a long - a really, really long - classic fantasy AU, that would have three novel-length parts for each Winchester brother and their angels (Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel and Adam/Michael), but it wouldn't be quite the same as this and I'd have to finish my big bang first. ^^;


zekkass September 15 2011, 19:22:46 UTC
In a world where bodyswaps happen once a month and where people are used to it - in a world where these bodyswaps happen with different people usually - Sam can't seem to stop swapping with Gabriel of all people every month.

Problems ensue from there.


Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Bodyswap AU! ladyknightanka September 15 2011, 19:40:59 UTC
I hope you don't mind an unwarranted excess of Cas? He insists on being close with Gabriel, in these drabbles, for whatever reason. XD


It was the first of October and Castiel stood in his kitchen, filling his coffee pot with boiling water for a morning brew, when his brother wandered in, still wearing a bombastic pair of cartoon footie-pajamas that most men gave up at infancy.

Castiel considered him for a long moment, taking in the frown that pursed his lips, his curiously roving eyes, and the hesitant way he broached past the room's entrance.

He turned back to his task, throwing a noncommittal, “Hello, Sam,” over his shoulder, used to this by now, before sparing a thought to who he'd switch with this time, since his was more pressing a matter than Gabriel's strange connection to giant lawyers who lived halfway across the city.


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Bodyswap AU! zekkass September 16 2011, 06:16:19 UTC
\o/ I adore this! And Gabriel would wear cartoon pjs. XD Castiel's general 'oh hi' and \o/ *glee!*


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Bodyswap AU! ladyknightanka September 16 2011, 17:58:09 UTC

Of course Cas would be all nonchalant about it, which would kind of serve to weird Sam out even more. XDD


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