Title: One Moment in Childhood (When the Door Opens and Lets the Future In)
Chapter: 1/1
ladyknight_fic Fandom: Glee
Characters: Noah “Puck” Puckerman, Rachel Berry
Pairing: Puck/Rachel
Genre: Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T
Summary: It sounds corny, even in his head, but he thinks maybe this is the first time in months she’s actually seen him, Noah.
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Comments 8
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On the other hand, your portrayal of Rachel in her extreme vulnerability was perfect. The tone, timing, and voice of Rachel resonated, and overshadowed Puck. That was the only problem that I could find with this.
A wonderful piece, that was a joy to read, from the 'Lady'!
Keep 'em coming, bright eyes!
Puck was mature in this piece but, in all honesty, I've always seen "Puck" more as a front. He's shown more honesty and vulnerability around Rachel before, so she gets to see "Noah." That's kind of what I was going for here.
I'm glad you think I got Rachel right, though. :)
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I always read your posts (usually about half a week after you posted them), but don't always comment - most often due to an inability to find the right words!
...not a good trait in a writer, I know. ;-)
Anyway, I encourage you to continue commenting, but you don't have to "workshop" the pieces. LoL. I don't rewrite my fanfic. ;)
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