Nov 12, 2008 18:07
WHOA what has happened to Shoebox? If you have asked me in the past 24 hours, I honestly could not tell you the answer. If you could tell me, then you would be my hero. My hands are shaking a little right now.
eta -- So, Rave's LJ was hacked! As of right now, we haven't heard back from LJ about the problem, and I still have no access to the comm (I was removed as a maintainer by the hacker) so I can't go in there and warn people not to click on the potentially harmful link. BUT DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK PLEASE! I hope that soon this will be solved, and here's hoping something can be done about Rave's journal. Thanks for all the helpful links and suggestions, guys, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that all the posts in the comm, not to mention all of Rave's old livejournal entries, are not gone.
eta 2 -- Still no response from LJ. Sorry, guys. I haven't had the chance to talk to Rave since yesterday so I don't know if they've replied to her, either. I'm really, really sorry about this, but my hands remain tied.