The shaming room

Mar 14, 2012 19:02

Originally posted by mickeym at The shaming room
Originally posted by arynwy at The shaming room
Originally posted by firefly124 at The shaming room
Originally posted by
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Comments 2

mcteague March 18 2012, 18:45:39 UTC
I want to say that this is regarding the Texas law? I'd be very surprised if that is not
considered unconstitutional. Here's why..legally, under our Constitution, the procreative rights are considered
a fundamental right. As such, whatever the government is trying to to has to be
under a strict scrutiny analysis, which is the strictest in terms of protecting the right
in question. The wording is something like the law "has to be narrowly tailored
to achieve a compelling state interest", that is a tough one for the government to surmount.


ladyivy March 18 2012, 20:41:20 UTC
Yes, this is because of the TX law. I'm sure it will be challenged, and I hope it will get shot down as unconstitutional, but I'm appalled it passed to begin with.

Sort of how I am appalled that PA passed a law last week requiring photo ID to vote, which I hope also gets shot down.

Makes me ashamed to be a Republican right now.


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