Am I the only one who thinks...

Feb 27, 2011 10:14

...that Summer Glau would make a great Luthien if the Silmarillion was ever made ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

darth_eldritch February 27 2011, 15:28:06 UTC
Make her hair very black, her eyes brilliant grey, and skin very fair. Maybe.

We lucked out on Liv Tyler as Arwen, she's so beautiful, and Cate Blanchett made a nice Galadriel.

But when it comes to Luthien Tinuviel I'm going to be very picky.

And they will need someone tall, raven haired, and major league HAWT smoldering to play Feanor.


darth_eldritch February 27 2011, 15:35:30 UTC
But as they have been doing such a great job so far with LOTR, it has to be just as great with Silmarillion.

The Silmarillion is my favorite of Tolkien's works.

(Can't wait to see how they portray Morgoth, if they ever do make the movie.)


ladyhadhafang February 27 2011, 15:53:04 UTC
It's my favorite too! (Although so sad... :( )

And yes, Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett are really, *really* gorgeous women. 'Nuff said. :3

Very good question regarding Feanor. He's a very complex character, and we'd need an actor with sufficient depth and grace to play him. :)

(Someone on the Arwen Undomiel forums suggested Cillian Murphy, BTW. :) Which I thought was a good choice) Alternately, Alan Rickman or Jackie Earle Haley. *Is curious to see what you think*

And if not Summer Glau, Jennifer Connelly, Natalie Portman, or Bridget Regan would also be very good choices. :D


darth_eldritch February 27 2011, 16:03:57 UTC
Cillian Murphy!!! Oooo, likes this very much, I do, my precious, my precious....

Summer Glau isn't a bad choice, but I love the idea of Jennifer Connelly!


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