Random Thoughts

Feb 10, 2011 08:50

-Thinking that, say, if TGWTG was a live-action movie or TV show, I'd get Miranda Otto or Bridget Regan to play Scarlett. More Miranda Otto, actually. I mean, she's pretty, she's vivacious, she's brainy...she has a very "Scarlett" personality, methinks. :) Plus, Webmistress Eowyn (she'll always be Eowyn to me. :) would be too awesome for words. :D

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Comments 2

timidfox February 10 2011, 16:36:32 UTC
I'm going to be boreing and say if tgwtg ever became a TV showw/movie then they should get the people to contuine playing their characters. Some have done real acting before and all know their charatcers more than anyone else XD

>////> if all else fails Jason Schwartzman should totally, absolutly play Spoony. (He plays Gideon Graves in Scott Pilgrim)


ladyhadhafang February 10 2011, 17:15:12 UTC
Very true. :)

*Mostly just me speculating. XD*

And sadly, I haven't seen SCOTT PILGRIM. *Should turn in my geek card for the upteenth time. XD* Maybe I'll catch it on DVD. :) Either way, I've heard it's pretty badass. :) *Is genuinely shocked that it hasn't gotten the love it deserves* I mean, Jesus!

/end meandering. XD

In all honesty, though, if we can't get the original actors to appear, I'd definitely go for Miranda Otto as Scarlett. :) (But then again, I *adore* her. :)


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