Really F***ing Relevant to Your Interests

Nov 28, 2012 21:02

Originally posted by franztastisch at Really F***ing Relevant to Your Interests
I think. I think this can be classed as "relevant to your interests". And if it's not, well, it should be. Trigger warning for slut-shaming.

Observe the beautifully worded and well thought out views of James Gunn, the director-to-be on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (yes, written ( Read more... )

slut shaming, misogyny, homophobia, triggering content, signal boost, some anvils need to be dropped, feminism, misogyny awareness year, can't stop the signal, you have got to be kidding

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Comments 12

philstar22 November 29 2012, 02:28:58 UTC
Glad people are posting this. What a vile human being. I just got finished watching a movie on sex trafficking of girls, so I'm particularly anti-men right now. And this didn't help. I would really, really like to punch this guy.


ladyhadhafang November 29 2012, 02:54:33 UTC
*Hugs tightly* I am so sorry.

And yeah, I know. :/ It's's like a laundry list of despicable. Seriously.


darth_eldritch November 29 2012, 02:32:08 UTC
I read that original article- what a total slime.


ladyhadhafang November 29 2012, 02:57:09 UTC
I know. I definitely know that I barely got through the first three items of the article before getting Squicked and deciding to hit the back button. "Slime" is definitely an understatement, IMHO.


darth_eldritch November 29 2012, 03:09:57 UTC
He sounds so self pleased, like he thinks he's being funny, but he isn't even vaguely funny, just disgusting.

Grievous sums it up (icon)


Don't worry, Grievous. Rose isn't happy either. ladyhadhafang November 29 2012, 12:09:08 UTC
Appropriate Grievous icon is appropriate. I can't imagine him condoning that sort of treatment of women.

And yeah. I think it was stuff like slutshaming Black Widow, Tigra and Stephanie Brown that made me angry. Hey, James the Jackass (sorry, childish, I know) -- single mother doesn't equal slut! * That and saying he would do...that to Kitty Pryde. It doesn't help that I always kind of saw Kitty -- from what I heard -- as sort of The Cutie, so I was like, "This is wrong." And even if that's not the case -- well, treating women like sex objects = still wrong. Not condemning sex at all, just treating women like sex objects.

* Doesn't help that that already really pisses me off. Just the lack of compassion shown towards single moms and pregnant teens because, "Oh ho; she doesn't have a husband; she must be a two-dollar whore!" Which is completely wrong. They deserve compassion, not condemnation.'s like society in general doesn't seem to realize it.


baeraad November 29 2012, 07:31:21 UTC
Okay, that was... really amazingly gross.



ladyhadhafang November 29 2012, 12:12:22 UTC
Right?! Seriously!


romani_blood November 29 2012, 17:47:56 UTC
So fucked up. :(


ladyhadhafang November 29 2012, 17:59:35 UTC
I know. *Hugs*


romani_blood November 30 2012, 13:49:04 UTC
People like that are disgusting. :(


ladyhadhafang November 30 2012, 16:32:34 UTC
They are. They really are. :(


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