Title: Hide and Smell (#98 Hospital)
ladygray99Pairing/Characters: David/(Charlie)
Rating: FRT
Summary: David hates the smell of hospitals.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Notes/Warnings: After
A Messed up Expression. Feedback please. For
numb3rs100Disclaimer: Still not owned by me but I hope to pick them up cheep one day.
Hide and Smell
David hated the smell of hospitals, hated the light, hated the sound.
At least the doctor kept Don in the waiting room while he was stitched up.
There was an ugly painting of a clown on the wall. Charlie could probably quantitate how ugly it was.
He wondered if Charlie is in the waiting room. Probably not. Charlie hated hospitals to. He would talk to Charlie when he got out, if Charlie was speaking to him, if Don didn’t finish the job the perp started.
David wondered just how long you could hide in a hospital and not get caught.