Title: Taking It
Prompt: #250 Scream
ladygray99Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Colby/David/Ian
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: Bondage. Rough sex
Summary: Charlie is there for the taking.
Notes: Written for
swingandswirl Taking It (#250 Scream)
Charlie pulled against his bonds and relaxed when he knew he couldn’t get free. Spread eagled between two posts, his body was there to be taken.
David pushed into him first. He knew it was David by the shape of his hands and the way he always started slow.
Charlie thought the next cock was Colby’s but he and Ian were hard to tell apart. He guessed by the smell of aftershave.
The third had to be Ian. He was never gentle but never more than Charlie could take.
Charlie screamed, still hours from release, and wondered what was next.