Same Song Different Verse (#103 Arrest)

Dec 12, 2011 03:13

Title: Same Song Different Verse
Prompt: #103 Arrest
Author: ladygray99
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Don, Alan
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: Alan is part of the 99%
Notes: Written for numb3rs100.
Beta: swingandswirl

Same Song Different Verse (#103 Arrest)

Don didn’t have a single moment of disbelief when he got the call from LAPD.

“Really, Dad? Really? I mean what were you thinking?”

Alan stood stoic on the other side of the bars. His t-shirt read ‘Corporations are Not People’.

“I was merely passing on to the next generation the wisdom of my years. There’s an art to these things after all.”

“An art to getting arrested by riot cops?”


Don sighed. “I can talk them into dropping charges.”

“Don’t you dare.”

There were general cheers from the other protesters in the holding cell.

“Please stop encouraging him.”

fandom: numb3rs, character: don eppes, rating: g, 100's, character: alan eppes

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