Title: Willful Humiliation
ladygray99Prompt: #186 Campaign
Word count: 100
Pairing: Ian, Alan
Rating: G
Warning: none
Summary: Ian was confident in his campaign strategy.
Notes: Written for
numb3rs100, part of
A Silk Pillow ‘verse.
riverotter1951 Willful Humiliation (#186 Campaign)
Ian was confident, he felt very nearly cocky. The campaign had been hard fought but he could feel the end game near and despite losses his units would be victorious. Ian moved a pawn.
Alan moved a bishop. “Check mate.”
“What!” Ian snapped. He’d been so careful, devising his campaign strategy right at the start. “What did I do?” He asked examining the board.
“Actually you lost eight moves ago.” Alan shifted the pieces back in time. “See, you moved your knight, broke your defensive line.”
Ian examined the board. “Why am I letting you humiliate me Alan?”
“It’s fun?”
A Golden Boy /
Plans Made and Broken