Algorithms and Love Songs (#208 Photograph)

May 18, 2009 12:26

Title: Algorithms and Love Songs
Author: ladygray99
Prompt: #208 Photograph
Word count: 100
Pairing: Charlie/Ian, Don
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Summary: Don can hear the words for what they really are.
Notes: Written for numb3rs100, part of A Silk Pillow ‘verse.
Beta: riverotter1951

Algorithms and Love Songs (#208 Photograph)

Don could only assume he’d become a complete sap in his old age.

Ian was helping them search a chunk of mountain that might have a suspect. Charlie was trotting out some new search algorithms. This was leading to a continuation of the debate between field experience and math voodoo. Of course Don could now hear the argument for what it really was. Half argument, half love song.

A little ways away Ian and Charlie bent their heads over something. They weren’t touching but were close

Don thought they looked kinda cute. He lifted his phone and took a picture.

Three Circles / The Things You Can Not Control

fandom: numb3rs, rating: pg, a silk pillow, pairing: charlie/ian, character: don eppes, 100's

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