we need to talk about shadows who hunt... or something

Feb 28, 2017 17:54

Okay, so I need somewhere to wail about this silly little show that won't steadily drive me to drink i.e. Tumblr.

I need to watch the episode again because I saw (most of it) this morning while still mostly delirious and in-between getting ready for work, and missed several scenes.

H O W E V E R, I did not miss this magical (and fucked up!) ( Read more... )

shadowhunters, discussion, cries in bloodlust

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Comments 19

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ladygawain February 28 2017, 18:35:29 UTC
PLS WATCH, if only bc of the pretty. It's the same old story with these shows, why do I get sucked in every time. Riverdale is probably gonna break me!

God it's so damn boring. Fandom is really funny with it when it's a WoC, as is the writing because nonsense always seems to slip in.


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ladygawain March 1 2017, 07:45:37 UTC
Like for real to your last paragraph. I've seen fandoms then fixate on the one white girl character in the text, even if she's not a main character, but she's the one that they'll project all their stuff onto and hold up as the fave over the WoC lead. It's intensely messed up.

I miss reading your meta about things so I look forward to your thoughts on this wee show when you do check it out!


ishi_chan February 28 2017, 16:47:11 UTC
They better not cheat me out of this ship based on the addiction part -____-

Tho the fact that he shared that story about his fam with Izzy and only Izzy makes me hopeful. They don't usually waste that sort of thing on ships that aren't at least semi-serious? (Hopefully I'm not wrong lol)


eccentricsimply February 28 2017, 17:30:54 UTC
The basic behavior the Shadowhunters writers are exhibiting is similar to several other teen shows - they present us with all these possibilities and all these amazing secondary characters, only to cut everything a bit later because it can either get in the way of an obvious ship that is being hyped from even before the show started (i.e. Simon/Izzy because of the books) or it can end up being more interesting than the main characters (i.e. Raphael showing a lot of depth and an amazing backstory).

I refuse to get my hopes up.


ishi_chan February 28 2017, 17:32:40 UTC
lol yeah Sizzy is probs endgame, but I kind of hope we can get more out of Raphael and Izzy before it inevitably crashes and burns


ladygawain February 28 2017, 18:37:00 UTC
I'm out here praying. Like on the one hand: they're spending way more time but on the other hand, it's a tween show and these two are not the mains, and arguably they could just do what they did with Maia/Simon and drop whatever little bits of development.

UGH, but it would be so good. I also genuinely am not here for Simon 80% of the time and certainly not with Izzy unless they make it work, so there's my bitterness about the inevitability of that pairing, eh.


eccentricsimply February 28 2017, 17:32:44 UTC
Magnus clocking Raphael's addiction and pointing it out was a highlight to me. As much as I adore the possibility of Raphael and Izzy, it's just so blatant that their relation so far is extremely based on their personal addictions. It'd be too much work for the writers to develop that into something real, so I don't expect them to.


ladygawain February 28 2017, 18:38:50 UTC
I loved that. I loved that at no point were their loved ones okay with what they were doing, and Magnus just pointing it out instead of berating Raphael was so great. I want him to adopt me.

Yeah, you're right. I need to measure my expectations because I'm going to be pissed either way. Sigh. But it'd be so good :(((((((((((((



ellensmithee February 28 2017, 17:38:33 UTC
ladygawain February 28 2017, 18:40:50 UTC
The show definitely watches better in a binge, I must say. So maybe wait till the mid-season finale (after this coming episode) then you can at least watch a bunch and come to a natural stop.

I'd be into Raphael/Simon if I could stand Simon but he's just not my fave. I do, however, love Raphael/Camille and Simon/Camille (and ot3 them tbh) but I think that's less their vampness and more the power dynamic they have.

Watch! And tell me what you think <3


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ladygawain February 28 2017, 19:10:21 UTC
Those two do provide ample beautiful opportunities for porn talk, I'm not gonna lie (even with the show seemingly determined to make them be as physically awkward as possible).


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