Lois and Clark Drabbles | Smallville | 12 themes

Nov 10, 2010 13:53

#1 - Butterflies

#2 - Groceries

#3 - Waves

#4 - Mystery

#5 - Board Games

#6 - Winter

#7 - Sensitive

#8 - Darkness

#9 - Quiet Time

#10 - Kittens

#11 - Trains

#12 - Road trip

# 13 - Gravestone

Mystery (post-Harvest)
Words: 507
Lois pads down the stairs, hair caught up in a ( Read more... )

rated r, pg, character: clark kent, pairing: clark/lois, character: lois lane, nc17

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Comments 28

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ladygawain November 11 2010, 13:07:28 UTC
Oh, thank you, *hugs* it's okay --- I'm coming back to the States in a week so it's probably better that I don't sleep.

Thanks! I love oldie Clois, that's my favorite one because I want them to grow old together and be perfectly awesome! You're most welcome!


wrennscorpio November 11 2010, 02:11:10 UTC
I guess the insomnia is a blessing and a curse. Sorry that you couldn't sleep but wow are these drabbles awesome. You are such a talented writer. I love the Darkness drabble, so could see Clois doing that especially since Ambush has made it canon that they will go at it anywhere.


ladygawain November 11 2010, 13:09:25 UTC
Indeed, I think I should always write when really exhausted because I don't worry about editing myself, I just write, it's hysterical.

Thank you so much -- Darkness was totes one of my faves of the bunch, seriously, I feel like I should just write a series of drabbles about all the insane places Clois could have sex.... hmmm.... perhaps I'll set up a little challenge on my LJ for it....

Thank you for your lovely feedback :)


emerald_night November 11 2010, 03:17:34 UTC
Insomnia may not be your friend, but your insomnia is mine!

These are lovely.

I loved the when with Lois angling to find out if Clark would make it home for their anniversary dinner. Fantastic!


ladygawain November 11 2010, 13:10:39 UTC
Haha! We should befriend insomnia together!

LOL, I love the idea of her doing that too, how irritated the other journalists would be and that the two of them have this sort of code where they understand each other totally without having to say the words.

Thank you muchly!!!


audrey229 November 11 2010, 03:27:54 UTC
Honey, I enjoyed these so much. They brought such a smile to my face. Thank you so much for continuing to share your amazing talent with all of us!!!


ladygawain November 11 2010, 13:11:25 UTC
Thank you, my dear :)

I'm so glad that you liked them, and thank you for your encouragement --- and they made you smile!! Yay!!!! :)


airygold November 11 2010, 15:44:24 UTC
Wow! I'm like you, a short attention span, but I had to read all of this and all the comments!

These were simply beautiful and beautifully written. You are incredibly talented. I loved the different vignettes, different time periods, and ending with an elderly Lois and Clark.


ladygawain November 15 2010, 14:47:45 UTC
Yay! My attention span is worse than a fly, join me :D

Thank you very much for your kind words on my writing!


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