Murphy's Law [Chap 3]

Jul 17, 2007 18:03

Title: Murphy’s Law
Length: Series
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG-13
Genre: M-preg, Crack, Humor
Pairings: Jaeho, Yoosu, MinFood
Summary: Life is not easy for Micky Yoochun. His family is insane, his school life is complete crap, and every time he turns around he and his boyfriend are having problems. One day he has got to stop saying, ‘What else can go wrong?’

A/N: Your comments amuse the hell outta me XD I just wanted to say, that in other cases, if this weren’t a crack-fic, and I were writing a serious M-preg, I would at least have an explained reason for the pregnancy, since that’s one of the few reasons some people are iffy about them. :D BUT, it is a crack filled adventure after all, and I just wanted to mention that nothings supposed to make too much sense lol. ^ ^

Besides, the next time we have an evolutionary leap and suddenly men are popping out babies I’m going be on TV laughing manically going ‘I told you so’  >.>

[+.:Murphy’s Law:.+]

Chapter Three.

Micky let out a heavy sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall: 2:00 AM. He let his head fall back to hit the back of the cushioned seat, wincing when some of his hair fell into his eyes. It may have been dry but it was still an uncombed mess that irritated him. Moving it with a flick of his forefinger, he glared at the ceiling.

It was official. His life was insane. IN. SANE. Who even went through half the things he did? It should’ve been a sitcom, he was sure it would get top ratings. Exhausted and bored, he thought back to hours ago; there was someone against him, he just knew it…


He would never run faster in his life.

Micky didn’t let Changmin say another word; he gave a frantic ‘I’ll be right there!’ and shoved the phone into his jeans pocket. He searched the room for his clothes, putting on his boxers and pants hurriedly. Grabbing his shirt and shoes, he ran for the bedroom door. Junsu muttered something incoherent, frowning in his sleep at all the ruckus. Micky skidded to a halt, turning back to the bed to place a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead. The furrowed brows relaxed, and he turned over to snuggle into his pillow; the covers up to his chin.

Aw, how cute…--Micky dashed to the door, trying not to make too much noise as he left. Out in the hallway, he’d nearly made it to the living room when he noticed a light on in the bathroom at the end of the hall. Mentally cursing, he flattened himself against the wall, hoping the darkness would keep him obscured. Junsu’s uncle came out of the bathroom, mumbling on about ‘no-good hearing aids’ as he went back into his room. Micky paused for a few minutes until the light went out and crept quickly into the living room; silently out the front door.

The cold of the concrete floor seeped into the soles of his feet as he hurried down the steps outside. The night was still, with the occasional sound or two here and there, but for some reason it felt like the silence was encompassed with the sound of time, ticking away with every second. It was unsettling. Micky stopped at the bottom of the stairs to put on his shoes--socks be damned--and took off at a full run, slipping on his button up shirt. He barely thought about where he was going, and yet his mind was a flurry of rapid thoughts.

Shit, shit, shit! If he didn’t make it home in time he was dead. So dead. Everything had been perfect, and now this. He flew down a sidewalk; the only sounds being his quickened breath, his shoes thudding against the ground, and the illusion of time ticking in his ears. About three blocks down he stopped at an intersection, looking around. Transportation, he needed transportation. No matter how fast he ran his feet alone would not get him home in time. Appa was undoubtedly hurrying home as quick as possible, and his office and Su’s house were on opposite ends, their home being dead center between them. If everything had gone according to plan, he’d have been up around eight thirty, and would have taken a bus home. No worries because the Library closed at nine, and he could easily say that he wanted all the study time he could get and stayed till closing hours. Appa would not have been back until around eleven.

It had been perfect. Why couldn’t things just go his way for once? Where was a bus when you needed it--WAIT!

“Taxi!” Micky waved down the yellow cab frantically, the situation at hand being the only thing that kept him from dropping to his knees to thank every deity he knew. The taxi pulled up and he jumped into the back seat, falling against the seats to catch his breath.

“Where to, kid?” the driver asked, looking at him in the rear view mirror. Micky disregarded the ‘kid’ comment, not having the patience to argue. He gave the guy his address, albeit still panting.

“I’ll even pay extra if you floor it,” he said seriously. The man laughed, driving off to the location.

“You sleep with someone’s lover or something?” He said, referring to the brunet’s mussed state. Micky glared, running a hand through his hair and buttoning up his shirt.

“My lover is--you know what? Just drive.” He stared out of the window, watching buildings pass as he anxiously tapped his fingers on the leather interior. The driver drove, pushing the speed limit, but nothing close to ‘flooring it’. The static of the radio buzzed, meshing with muffled, choppy voices. Red numbers on the fare box ticked steadily, but Micky paid none of it any mind. He thought about home, how crazy things must be. Ricky was probably cursing his name as he tried to keep things under control. Changmin was probably doing whatever he was told, which was most likely to keep Moonbin and Dong Hoon calm and out of the way.

Micky sighed. Umma had to go into labor tonight of all nights. His heart pounded a bit faster. Partly in anxiety; he was going to have a little brother or sister soon. Partly in fear; he might not live to see his new sibling. God, Umma would never let him near Junsu until he was sixty. During that period he’d have to listen to Appa’s lectures the entire time. After all, the worst punishment their father could give other than some type of backbreaking manual labor, was to give all rights to Umma, no holds barred without any interference on his part. Heaven help him if that happened.

The scene of the night, buildings and streets passed by quickly, as they sped to the destination. He wondered if he could actually make it in time--A loud ‘blam’ sounded and the car lurched, sending Micky to the other side of the seat. What the? The driver let out a string of curses, throwing his hands up in the air, and pulled to a stop.

“Damned tire! That’s coming outta my paycheck!” Micky leaned out of the window to see the front right tire deflating with a hiss. He looked on in disbelief. You had to be kidding!  He dug out his cell phone. 8:58 PM.  Oh come on! Appa could reach the house any minute! Without hesitation, he opened the car door and jumped out, sprinting in the direction of his house.

“HEY! You didn’t pay me!” Micky dove into his  pocket for his wallet and pivoted, performing some kind of move that involved twisting mid-run, throwing a crumpled twenty at the driver, and turning back to hurry on. He was halfway down the street when he heard: “Hey this isn’t enough!”

‘Like hell it isn’t’ Micky thought, not looking back. He could finally recognize the street he was on; it had to be around here somewhere--there! The library! He sped past, nearly jumping for joy. ‘Don’t stop now, you’re almost at home base.’ He reassured himself. All of this physical and mental stress had to be bad for the heart. It felt like it would drop out of his chest any moment now.

One block…

Two blocks…

YES, Sweet Buddha he could see it! The lights were on in every room, and he could tell from here that everything was fine. He sped up, doing a little victory jig in his mind as he neared his house. ‘Oh Micky you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind…--Oh crap!’ Micky threw himself into the nearest bush, crouching down to hide as he recognized the black SUV that pulled up into the driveway.

NO. No,no,nononononono. Nooooo. It couldn’t be!

The car door opened, and Micky watched pathetically as Yunho jumped out of the car, running to the front door to let himself in.

It was. Damn. He was so close! He couldn’t stop now.

Micky looked around, trying to find a solution. He had to get in there now, or it was game over. Searching wildly, he spotted the trellis on the side of the house. Bingo. He took a quick glance around, and ran across the lawn to the house. It was perfect, the trellis sat right under his window. Micky took a breath, before jumping up to latch onto on of the open spaces in the wooden fence. He hefted himself up, keeping a foothold so he wouldn’t slip. Time was running out, and he scrambled up hastily until he reached his bedroom window and peered inside. As luck would have it, Changmin was there, as well as Moonbin and a slumbering Dong Hoon on their beds.

Micky rapped on the window to get his younger brother’s attention. Changmin looked up in surprise, his onyx eyes wide in astonishment. He gestured madly for him to come over, and the younger Jung hurried to the window and opened it.

“Hyung, what are you--?”

“Never mind that, just get me in, quick! Appa’s here.” Micky hauled himself inside while Changmin pulled in his legs, bringing him in clumsily. Moonbin stared at them both from the bed, watching as one brother closed the window and the elder dashed into the bathroom. He frowned, confused.

“Hyung?” Both of them shushed him. Micky shut the door to the bathroom and Changmin went back to his previous spot, beside him. There was a knock on the door before it cracked open; Yunho peered inside at them and then stepped in all the way.

“Hey guys, how’s Dong Hoon?” he whispered, eyeing his youngest on Changmin’s bed. The bed’s owner smiled, hiding his anxiety. Moonbin sat beside him, quiet.

“Everything’s fine. He was upset earlier when Umma cried out but he calmed down.” Their Appa nodded and looked around.

“Where’s Yoochun?” The bathroom door opened, and Micky stepped out, shirtless and rubbing his dripping head with a towel.

“I’m right here. Sorry, when all the chaos started earlier I was in the shower. My hair still hasn’t dried.” Yunho nodded again, unaware of the breath the two older boys let out at that.

“Look, Ricky’s helping your Umma into the car right now, I’m going to take him to the Hospital. You guys can hold down the fort while I’m gone, right?” No one answered. Yunho frowned. “Guys?” Moonbin looked up at him with doleful eyes.

“Appa, can I come too? I want to be with Umma and see the baby.” He was about to gently tell Moonbin that he couldn’t, when Changmin spoke up too.

“Can we, Appa? You know everyone’s worried.” Yunho sighed. Micky rested the towel around his neck, agreeing with his brothers.

“Come on, Appa. We just want to make sure Umma is okay. If it gets too late…or early, we’ll come right back home in time to catch some sleep before school.” He held up his hands. “Promise.” His Appa looked at him for a moment, before giving in.

“Alright…alright.” He looked at Micky. “Yoochun, you’re driving your Umma’s car. You know the way to the hospital, so we’re going on ahead. Get some clothes on and if Ricky wants to go as well you bring Dong Hoon along.” His son nodded in affirmation, although stunned at the news. Yunho bid them later and headed on downstairs to his distressed spouse. Micky shut the door and slid down it, tired. He pulled out his phone to check the time: 9:23 PM. Thank goodness. He closed his eyes, relieved.

Mission Impossible; Completed.


Alright, Micky thought. Maybe he should count that miracle as someone on his side, not against it, but it was still one hell of a close call. He blinked multiple times to wake himself, unable to go off in search of a coffee vending machine when he was currently a human pillow. He looked down to his left, seeing Moonbin resting against his side fast asleep. He smiled softly. The kid was incredibly resolute for a nine-year-old. He’d been determined to stay awake until the baby was born, and be the first to see his Umma. Unfortunately, Moonie didn’t know just how long a delivery could take, since he hadn’t been there when Dong Hoon was born. His younger brother had been away at camp, and had come home to see a new stranger taking up all his Umma’s attention. Needless to say, he hadn’t been very happy. It was understandable also, that since he hadn’t been around to experience their Umma in labor, that he’d be scared when he saw him in such pain. Moonbin had struggled to stay awake, but passed out around twelve.

Unlike some people…Micky looked to his right, rolling his eyes as he did so. Changmin had his head resting against his brother’s shoulder, snoring lightly. He would randomly mumble things every once in a while, and although it was hard to catch, the elder Jung was certain that they were foods. He was so drained, bored, and tired that he’d been making a game out of thinking up dishes with whatever ingredients Changmin mumbled in his sleep. There was nothing going on in this hospital, except them waiting for news of their new sibling. Which was probably not going to happen anytime soon…

Glancing over sleepily, he observed his twin holding Dong Hoon in his lap, hugging the youngest close. Earlier the little one had woken up, not understanding where they were and why his parents weren’t around. He’d gotten upset, but Ricky managed to calm him down within minutes. Now the both of them were sitting there about to doze off. As much as he hated to admit it, he did love them all, no matter how irritating they were. Shoot, he’d have to cancel his plans. Mentally, he crossed out ‘Kill twin as he sleeps’ on his to-do list. Maybe he wouldn’t kill him…just…smother him a little bit and then play it off as roughhousing. As he thought about it, he decided to mark off ‘Get a rabies shot’ as well. If he hadn’t contracted anything by now he was fine. …Jeeze, the things boredom could do to you.

“Hey…clone.” Micky called drowsily to his brother. Ricky turned to him, just as tired as he shifted Dong Hoon in his arms.

“Hmm…what…carbon copy…?” He said yawning. They hadn’t used twin barbs in a long while. Micky stared at the ceiling again for a few seconds.

“Want to make a bet?” Ricky rose an eyebrow.

“What kind of bet?”

“Ten bucks says it’s a boy.” His twin snorted, although half asleep.

“Alright…ten bucks it’s a girl for me then.” There was a shared silence between them for a couple of minutes, and Micky tried to crack open his eyes but failed.

“ ‘ey, replica…” He mumbled. Ricky frowned, in the same position he was.


“How long do you think it’ll be…?” His brother shrugged, although he couldn’t see it.

“I don’t know. It’s been a while since we heard Umma threatening Appa, so he might be under epidural by now…” A small smile crept onto his face in amusement. Micky was quiet for a while, trying not to grin.

“Did you hear that last one?”

“You mean the one where Umma threatened to castrate Appa? Yes.” Silence…The two of them burst into quiet snickers, their laughs being one of the few things identical about them. They carried on for a few minutes until they were able to calm down. Sleep was affecting them terribly. After their breathing returned to normal, the two began to drift off to sleep, until it was Ricky this time who interrupted.

“Yo doppelganger…” Micky sighed, nearly out of it.

“Nice one.. what, double mint?” Ricky smirked at his choice of barb.

“…Did you really climb the trellis…?” His older twin shook his head at the boy’s skepticism.

“I told you on the way here that I did, stop asking me that.” The younger twin was about to reply back when the smell of something wonderful hit their noses. The pair managed to open their eyes and saw their Appa walking towards them with a cup of coffee. He smiled as they tried to hide that they were tired, failing miserably.

“You two look like you could use these.” he said, handing them the coffee to share. “I’m afraid the delivery is just now starting; they gave your Umma epidural to cut off the pain and I’d said I would be back after I sent you guys home.” Micky started to protest but Yunho held up his hand. “You promised me that you’d go home if it got too late so that the boys could get a good night’s rest.” He said, pointing to the three younger Jungs.

“I know…I know…” Micky replied, defeated. He took a sip of coffee and tried to stretch, but was unable to as a human pillow. He frowned, jerking his shoulder and poking Changmin in the cheek. “Min…wake up.” The boy nearly smiled in response, mumbling in his sleep.

“Mmm…noodles.” His two brothers and Appa stared, before shaking their heads. Yunho leant a hand, sitting Changmin up to try and wake him. Ricky was already standing, holding Dong Hoon in his arms. Micky gently shook Moonbin, but the smaller boy was completely knocked out. He sighed. They were so lucky he cared…He handed the coffee to his twin. Standing and scooping his younger brother into his arms, bridal-style, he turned to his father who had succeeded in rousing his food-crazed son.

“Hey, Appa. Can you get Umma’s keys from my pocket? My hands are full.” He looked pointedly at Moonbin who slumbered away. Yunho got a sleepy Changmin to his feet and walked over to retrieve the car keys from the eldest son’s pocket. He placed them in Micky’s hand, and smiled down at the one in his arms.

“You guys get home safely, alright? If anything happens to you or the Kia Amanti your Umma will have your head.” Micky smiled uneasily. As close a call he’d made earlier, he was not about to press his luck again. Yunho gave him a pat on the back and headed back towards the delivery room at the end of the corridor. The brunet sighed, shifting his brother in his arms. He turned to Changmin and Ricky, nodding towards the elevator.

“C’mon, lets go home. If I don’t get at least four hours of sleep I’ll pass out in school tomorrow.” Ricky walked beside him, staring at his hand that held the keys, eagerly.

“Micky, let me drive back.” His twin looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

“Uh, hello, were you listening back there when Appa said we’d be in for it if something happened to the car?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Micky gave him a half-lidded stare.

“Gee, Ricky. I wonder what I could possibly be implying…” he suddenly dead-panned. “It took you nine tries to get your license. I wouldn’t trust you on a tricycle.” The younger twin gaped, insulted.

“That wasn’t my fault. The instructor was racist.” Micky rose an eyebrow, concerned for his twin’s sense of logic.

“Ricky…you’re both Korean.” His brother rolled his eyes, still trying to defend himself.

“You can be prejudice against your  own race…” The elder shook his head, pressing the button for the elevator and looking back to make sure Changmin was still with them.

“Whatever. You’re still not driving.” There was a glare, and a slight pout.

“I hate you.”

“The feeling’s mutual.”


“Junsu what?”  Eunhyuk guffawed, his head resting on the lunch table as tears rolled down his cheeks in mirth. Micky hid his amusement by drinking, as Junsu, the source of the hilarity, crossed his arms and glared at his best friend. It was a lost cause of course, as his glare couldn’t be taken seriously with the content smile on his face.

“It’s not that funny, you know.” The blond said, leaning against Micky. His friend only snickered louder.

“Yes…yes it is.” Eunhyuk rubbed at his eyes and managed to control himself long enough to look at Micky again. “Okay, so…after Junsu almost got into a fisticuff with some little preppy chick at the bar, what happened next?”

“We left.” Micky said, laughing. “His Uncle’s friend who runs the bar said it would be best. So that was when we left.” Eunhyuk clicked his tongue.

“Just when things were getting crazy…” he eyed Micky. “Not that your tale wasn’t one big amazing adventure…the trellis, man?” Even Junsu had looked at his boyfriend with an inquiring eyebrow at that one. Micky sighed. He had gained his beau and friend’s attention quickly when he told them of what had happened, after Junsu had asked when had he run off during the night. The story itself didn’t need any exaggeration whatsoever; even he still had a hard time accepting that he’d pulled it off.

“For the last time, yes. Man…I even got to drive Umma’s car.” Eunhyuk shook his head in amazement, popping his lunch into his mouth with a pair of chopsticks.

“You should bottle that luck before it runs out.” Micky scoffed, digging into his lunch as well.

“No kidding, I’m keeping every good thing that comes my way.”

“Like me, right?” Junsu asked, pouting cutely.

“Of course, Su.” The two shared a kiss. Eunhyuk suddenly jerked violently, looking around shock.

“Whoa!” Micky and Junsu jumped, turning to him in alarm.


“What is it?” Eunhyuk’s eyes were wide; he waved his hands out in front of him, as if sightless and trying to feel where he was.

“Nothing…for a moment…I thought my life was a really cheap boy x boy manwha.” The couple sighed simultaneously, rolling their eyes.

“Funny.” Eunhyuk shrugged, still smiling at his joke. He picked up his small desert cup and examined it for a moment before offering it to Junsu.

“Here, Su. I don’t know why I get these pudding things when I never eat them, but you love them, right?” The blond looked at the offering, before wrinkling his nose and shaking his head, content to stay nestled against his boyfriend’s side.

“No thanks. I don’t want it.” Even Micky stopped eating to stare at him. “…What?” Eunhyuk blinked.

“You don’t want pudding?” Junsu shook his head. “Wow…”

“What, I can’t refuse pudding?” The boy asked, frowning. Eunhyuk held up his hands in peace, leaving the pudding cup on his tray.

“You don’t usually turn down a free desert, that’s all.” Junsu looked at him, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

“You saying I eat too much?” Micky decided to interrupt their banter to save Eunhyuk. He wrapped an arm around Junsu and rested his chin on the blond head of hair.

“You’re not an overeater, Su. If anyone knows that, I do.” he said suggestively. Junsu beamed. Micky turned to his friend with a sneaky smile. “Oh yeah, Eunhyuk. My brother said to tell you ‘hi~’.” There was silence as Eunhyuk stared at him warily.

“…Which one?” the brunet smirked with glee.


“Micky, that is not funny.” His friend merely laughed at his expense, and he glared. “He wouldn’t get any if I was a ten dollar whore.”

“Ooh, harsh.”

“Bite me.” Eunhyuk turned away, finishing his lunch and starting to rise from his seat. “Call me later to let me know how Jaejoong-ssi and the new Jung is doing, okay?” He stuck out his tongue to both of them and left with his nose up in the air to throw away his trash. Micky waved at him, laughing, and turned back to Junsu, who was still snuggled up beside him, lunch forgotten and with a content smile back on his face.

Yup, completely worth it.


The Jung household was silent; there were no sounds of life within the hallways or rooms as far as one could see or hear. There was no creak of the stairs as someone walked up or down it. There was a faint hum from the laundry room, but the room itself was empty aside from the appliances that occupied it. Nothing stirred. The calm continued on, until suddenly…

The cordless phone rang, piercing the silence.

There was almost a pause at the sudden noise, when gradually other sounds joined it. There was a rapidly approaching echo of feet thudding throughout the house, similar to a stampede. Four familiar figures came hurtling into the main hallway, with a smaller individual trailing behind, all aiming for the ringing device. Micky came running out of the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand. Ricky flew down the stairs at near neck breaking speeds (which was bound to happen when you came flying down a flight a stairs), while Changmin came bursting out of the downstairs bathroom, a trail of toilet tissue stuck to his shoe. Moonbin dashed from the living room, abandoning his homework, with Dong Hoon following behind seconds later. All five Jungs went for the phone at the same time, trying to reach the device as it’s neon green screen showed the mobile number of one ‘Jung Yunho’.

Appa. Appa was at the hospital; he was calling, meaning that he had time make a phone call when the last time he’d been available was right before the delivery, meaning that it must be over, meaning--


Changmin dove for the phone, but was cut off as Ricky came sliding across the floor, like a baseball player in for the homerun. He tripped, and Moonbin ran over his older brother’s back to grab the cordless, only to halt when Micky grabbed it before he could and did some Olympic looking flip--that was really more of flop--over his twin. Dong Hoon bumped into Moonbin when he abruptly stopped, sending them both down into the brother pile. Micky scrambled to his feet, the phone still ringing, and pumped his fist.

“HA! VICTOR--” Ricky tackled him to the floor, followed by the rest of the boys, all in proper age order. Dong Hoon didn’t completely get what was going on, only that he was having fun. “Get off me!”

“Give me the phone!”

“Hoonie get off my back!”


“Heehee! Game! Game!”

“OFF!” Micky struggled to get out from under the dog pile, but managed to pin down Ricky and keep the others at bay. He answered the phone, flailing back at Changmin’s eager hands. “Yeoboseyo?”

“Yoochun, how’s everything at home?” his Appa’s voice questioned. Micky snapped at Changmin’s fingers with his teeth while he pushed Ricky’s head into the thick carpet. It wasn’t a polyester pillow, but it would do.

“Ah, everything’s fine here. I was making soup.” Changmin had started to retort that it probably tasted awful, but Moonbin had clambered up his back and was now pinching his cheeks in order to reach the phone.

“The boys have been alright then?” Dong Hoon hopped up and down on his pile of big brothers, making them all flail wildly in an attempt to make him stop.

“Yeah, they’re all just peachy.” he avoided a fist as Ricky tried to make him ease up. “So what’s the news? How did everything go?” At this, the other boys spoke up, shouting their own queries.

“Is it a girl?”

“Do we have another brother?”

“Where’s Umma?”

Even Ricky tried to ask a question of his own, only for it to be muffled by thick carpeting. Yunho laughed on the other end, faintly hearing everything in the background.

“Good news. It’s a healthy, raven-haired, baby boy. Five pounds, sixteen ounces. Hardly even cried; the house is still testosterone central.” Micky grinned, glancing at Ricky, who had managed to force his head up, and mouthed ‘You owe me ten.’ The latter glared.

“Have you guys chosen a name yet?” he asked. He could hear someone else’s voice vaguely before his Appa answered.

“Yes, but your Umma wants to keep silent about it until we come home.” There was a pause for another minute before he spoke again. “Your Umma wants to speak with you guys.” Micky waited patiently, before a gentle, slightly fatigued voice came onto the phone.

“Micky?” The brunet’s lips curved into a smile.

“Hey Umma. How are you?” His brothers suddenly stilled.

“Fine, Fine. Just a little tired, as expected. I held the baby for a good while, and Yunho says that he looks completely like me.” It was hard not to imagine the man beaming proudly. “How was your day?”

“Oh, it was great I--” He was pounced on by his brothers again, who lunged for the phone eagerly at the sound of their Umma’s voice. Ricky wrestled the phone away first, crawling away from them.

“Umma? Micky tried to smother me.” He said, glaring at his twin. Micky shot him a glare back.

“You are so immature--It was roughhousing, Umma!” he called out, so he would be heard.

“Ricky? What’s going on?” the boy stuck out his tongue to Micky and turned back to the phone.

“Nothing, Umma. I love you, come back soon, alright?” The other brothers glared, (excluding Dong Hoon, who was looking at the phone desperately) and went for the phone again.

“Oh no you don’t; trying to collect brownie points!” Micky hissed. Changmin grabbed the phone next, pressing it to his ear.

“Hey Umma. Get well rested soon, I miss your cooking. Micky can‘t even make decent soup.” He was struck on the head with the wooden spoon that the eldest still wielded, and Moonbin took the chance to snatch the phone out of his hands.

“Umma? I miss you and Appa.” He stuck out his tongue at his frowning older brothers. Jaejoong laughed at their antics over the phone. He couldn’t see them but from the rustling over the phone he knew it was a bunch of nonsense.

“I miss you too, Moonie. Keep them in line until Monday, okay?”  He nodded.

“Okay!” There was a pat on his shoulder, and Moonbin turned around to see the youngest pouting.

“Gimme. I wanna talk to Umma.” His brother frowned, but complied, handing the phone over to the six-year-old. Dong Hoon put the phone up to his ear, smiling.

“Umma?…I love you a whole bunch more.” he stressed the ‘love’ cutely in that killer baby voice of his, causing all the boys to grumble. How they wished they still had that ability; to sound adorable and overshadow everyone’s meaningful affections with just the tone of your voice.

“Awww, I love you too, Hoonie.” Jaejoong said, smiling tiredly. “I have to go now, but I’ll see you soon. Oh, put Micky back on the phone, okay?”  Dong Hoon nodded obediently, not realizing it couldn’t be seen.

“Okay.” He turned to Micky and handed him the phone. “Here.” Micky climbed over Changmin and Ricky, and took the phone.


“Micky, I just wanted to tell you we should be home Monday afternoon. You know how these doctors are…” Jaejoong snapped his fingers, suddenly remembering. "By the way, how did your test go?"

Micky smirked, twirling the wooden spoon in hand with so much pride his ego should have burst.

“Oh that? I aced it.”


The weekend went by quickly, with Yunho stopping by to change clothes, grab an overnight bag, and order the boys some take-out on Sunday. One would think it strange that they couldn’t just simply go with their Appa to the hospital to see the baby and their Umma, but as expected with a man giving birth, (even if it was the fifth time) the doctors saw fit to keep him isolated from too many visitors until he was discharged. ‘Didn’t want to stress an already stressed body’ or something farfetched like that.

Micky thought it was a lot of rubbish, as he sat on the couch in the living room, Monday after-school. Something else was on his mind, however. He frowned, staring at his phone as the screen displayed the time and date, and the banner ‘YooChun’. He pressed down the number one on his phone until the speed dial activated, and the words ‘Dialing… Xiah Baby’ popped up. Micky held the phone to his ear as the phone rang once…twice…there was a click.

“Mm…Yeoboseyo…?” A groggy voice answered. Micky laid back on the couch, relaxing.

“Su, you weren’t at school today. Eunhyuk said you weren’t feeling well and had to turn back home.” he didn’t bother to hide his concern. “You okay?” There was a rustle as Junsu sat up straighter in bed, still tired from sleeping in all day.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it, Chunnie. I just didn’t feel too well, I’m sure its just one of those things.”
His voice was raspy from sleep, but gradually disappeared the more he talked. “Aren’t your Umma and the baby coming home today?”

“Ah, yeah. Everyone’s excited. Dong Hoon still wonders how we’re getting a new baby, and since no one’s going to explain it to him, I don’t think he fully understands what that means.” His boyfriend laughed at the poor boy’s naivety, and Micky was happy to hear it. “…You sure you don’t want me to come over or something?”

“No, Chunnie, I’m fine,” Junsu smiled at his concern, not wanting Micky to know that he’d hadn’t just ‘felt ill’. He’d been downright nauseous. If he told him this, however, the boy would be worried. “I don’t think it’s anything, but if it is I wouldn’t want you to catch it. I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Alright, alright. I can’t help but be a worry wart.” The doorbell rang, and Micky immediately jumped up. “Ah, that’s probably them now. I’ll see you tomorrow, Su.”

“Bye, Chunnie.” Micky said goodbye and hung up, jogging to the door as the others all came downstairs. All of them were eager to see the new addition to their family, (each hoping they’d finally get a brother that wasn’t so annoying) and finally have their loving Umma back, sans the violent mood swings. All four boys stood patiently by the door as Micky went and opened it. Yunho stood behind Jaejoong, gently pushing him in a wheelchair into the house. A small bundle lay in the man’s arms, slumbering away.  Jaejoong smiled at his sons; Moonbin and Dong Hoon had drawn ‘Welcome Home’ posters and were holding them proudly.

“Miss me?” he asked. Ricky, Micky and Changmin chorused ‘Of course’ before crowding around to see the new baby. He was small but a healthy size, with fuzzy jet black hair on his head. He was still a little on the pink side, but from what they could tell of his features, despite being merely a baby, he did look a lot like their Umma. Micky wondered if it’d be like how Moonbin was so similar to their Appa, in features and personality.

“So what’s his name?” Ricky asked, nudging a tiny fist with his finger. Jaejoong watched the baby sleep, open-mouthed with small breaths, and smiled the same way he had with all his children newly born.

“Jung Seung Woong.”


I’m thinking that’s as good as that ending of chapter three will get. xD I was iffy about it but I decided to just let it be. At least you all get the satisfaction of knowing that it was indeed another boy :D I was honestly going to at least be a bit real about this cracky thing and have Jaejoong with a C-section but I realized there’s no way someone would have 6 boys with that surgery in the same place. Scar tissue wouldn’t allow it. Sorry for not much happening either than some humor.

Now, I have to go finish chapter 2 to Metamorphosis before you guys slaughter me. I also have an outline for a new story coming up, but that wont be ready for some time. Ja ne~!

P.S I absolutely listened to the Mission Impossible theme song  when writing Micky’s little mad dash home. XD


murphy's law

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