Metamorphosis [o1]

Jul 06, 2007 06:15

Title: Metamorphosis
Length: Series
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG-13/16
Genre: Drama, Romance, flecks of Humor, AU
Pairings: Eventual Jaeho, Yoosu, (implied) Changta
Summary: Jung Yunho was the top choice for dating in Junior High, and yet he dated one Kim Jaejoong for his pretty face, just to prove he could get anyone. He dumped him at the end of the year, never expecting to see him again, especially not his senior year of High School; a whole new person. Now that he wants to rekindle an old flame, how long will it take him to realize Jae’s appearance isn’t the only thing that’s changed, and that the boy isn’t up for games any longer?

A/N: I finally got past my minor Writer’s Block and tackled this. I mean, everything else I’ve got down, but it was starting this that irritated me. Thanks to my sis a.k.a my muse, who helped me. Speaking of which, Imouto, tell me this situation doesn’t remind you of that Jaeho video we love 'Get Another Boyfriend' (Xiah crying in that video cracks. Me. Up. EVERY time.) XD If this story was a movie and had a soundtrack, that song would be on it, as track one. Lol


Chapter o1.

Kinyombi High school; a prestigious school known for it’s successful academic standing and accomplishments as one of the top educational establishments in Seoul. Full of bright, promising students, it stood in the heart of the city, proud and large with it’s lush yard and clean surroundings, seemingly flawless. A full personnel of amiable teachers and other noteworthy staff lay at it’s disposal. At the moment, all was quiet within the halls. The large clock that sat above the double doors of the entrance displayed the time, it’s long and short hands indicating it to be mid-morning. The long hand inched little by little, until the moment it reached it’s destined number; the bell chimed, signaling the end of the period.

Students poured from the classrooms as they moved on to their next class, some stopping by a locker to pick up a book or mingling with their friends. Girls stood with their friends, giggling behind hands as they furtively glanced at the eye-catching males around them. Some paid it no mind, going on about their business instead of wasting time trying to flirt. Boys greeted classmates with a brief high five or stopped to joke around and catch up on events that had occurred during the summer. It was the first day of High school. For some it was as a Freshman; new, unknown, and awkward. Sophomores and Juniors were already used to their surroundings, easily locating their classes and having time to spare for old friends and new faces. The Seniors, having three years of High school notched on their belts, knew their away up and down the school; all it’s secrets and stories.

A young freshman girl struggled with her armload of books, trying to fit the ones she didn’t need into her locker. Her friend stood nearby, looking at her watch and stomping a foot in frustration.

“Eun Hee, our class is on the other side of school. We’ll be late if you don’t hurry up.” The girl pushed another book into the locker neatly, before shutting the locker and shifting the load in her arms.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” She hurried toward her awaiting friend when suddenly she tripped, stumbling a few steps before colliding with a solid chest and hitting the floor. A few students looked on in curiosity before continuing on with their business. Eun Hee winced.

“Aish, I’m sorry, are you hurt?” A mellow voice inquired. She looked up in surprise, only to feel her face grow warm as she came face to face with a very handsome guy. He smiled at her charmingly, offering a hand to help her up. Her books were already in his other arm, and she noticed her friend nearby, covering her mouth. Another boy just as attractive as the first stood off to the side, noticeably bored.

“I-I’m alright.” she answered, shy. “I just tripped. I’m so sorry for knocking into you…”

“Jung Yunho.” he answered.

“Yunho-oppa.” she gave a short bow of her head. Yunho waved it off, taking her hand and helping her to her feet.

“Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have let such a pretty girl hit the floor like that.” Eun Hee flushed bright pink at the compliment as he winked, only able to nod and accept her books from him. He brushed a chestnut lock from his face, and gave a smile that nearly made her swoon.

“Just be careful, okay?” He didn’t wait for her to respond, but walked off with his friend. Eun Hee’s friend ran to her, gripping her shoulder tight with glee.

“Eun! You just spoke to Yunho oppa! Aaaah, you’re so lucky…”

Up ahead, Park Yoochun shook his head with a grin. He slung an arm around the older boy’s shoulder.

“Yunho, do you have to do that every time a girl bumps into you or falls?” A small smirk was his reply, as his best friend shrugged. It was no secret that at Kinyombi High, Yunho fell in with the popular crowd. He was smart, attractive, outgoing, and got along with nearly everyone he met. Although he’d grown up quite a bit since Junior High and no longer followed the crowd just to fit in, he still liked being in the spotlight. He dated the cutest girls because he could, and when their more irritating personalities came to the light, he’d let them go, despite the crying and the begging. Park Yoochun was his best friend; just as popular as he was. He was often times labeled as a player because of his short relationships, and the fact that he was the more suave, laid-back one of the popular pair. He was in the limelight because it came with the friendship, not necessarily because he wanted to. Not that he ever complained of course…

“It’s too easy…another fan never hurts, you know.” Yunho said. They walked down the hall, navigating and maneuvering their way around the crowded corridors with ease. Experience came with being a senior after all. Yoochun mirrored his shrug from earlier with a grin.

“Yeah, well, when you keep knocking girls off their feet with your charm and wind up with a stalker, you’re on your own.” Yunho clicked his tongue, waving a finger.

“You’re one to talk, ‘Mr. Player’.” Yoochun nearly squawked in indignation.

“I’ve told you people for the last time: I am not a player! It’s not my fault my relationships barely last three weeks.” He sniffed. “I just happen to want to find my other half as soon as possible. If I realize three weeks into it that the person isn’t it, there’s no need to prolong the suffering.” Yunho rose an eyebrow.

“You shouldn’t be so serious, it’s High school, man.” His friend waved him off flippantly.

“Take your time if you want to, but the faster I find them, the more time I have to make precious memories.” He looked up thoughtfully. “Speaking of which, I never got to tell you. I’ve been seeing someone recently.”

“A doctor? Good, you’ve been needing to get your head examined for a while--OW.” He got a smack to the cranium for that one. “Okay, okay. Who?”

“Xiah, from Junior High.”

“Who?” Yoochun rolled his eyes.

“Kim Junsu, remember? Short cutie with a duck butt?” He waited for any signs of recognition, continuing when there were none. “…I was going to ask him out but he moved here to Seoul mid-year…?” Still nothing. “Jeeze, Yunho. Kim Junsu, cousin of Kim Jaejoong? The boy you dated back in Junior High?” His friend shook his head, unable to recall.

“You expect me to remember someone I dated back in Junior High? That was three years ago; I definitely wont remember their cousin.” He missed the look that crossed Yoochun’s face for a split-second, as they stopped at the doorway of his Chemistry class. “What’s he like?” There was something warm and mushy that spread across the boy’s face, a half-hearted smirk tugging at his lips as he thought. Yunho sighed. Yoochun had always been a bit of a romantic, since he was in-tune to emotions so much.

“Well, he’s a bit of a character, but we’ve been dating for two weeks and he’s…different. Not like those girls who turn whiny and weak and always want attention. It feels different, very different and if things keep looking this promising, who knows…” Suddenly, the romantic look was gone. “OH, and we went to a club once; baby has an S-line like you wouldn’t believe…” Yunho laughed. There was the Yoochun he knew.

“Micky, as fascinating as that sounds, we only have a minute before the bell. I’ll see you at lunch, alright?” Yoochun blinked, as if just realizing where he was.

“Ah, yeah. See ya Later.” He headed towards his own class two doors down with a wave. Turning around to walk backwards, he called back. “Outside or In?”

“Outside. Changmin wanted us to meet him there.” Yoochun nodded before jogging into the classroom. Yunho headed into his own class, grabbing a seat in the middle as the period started. Like most first days, there was mostly a series of introductions, rules and information from the teacher on how they intended for their class to be. How they graded, the way they did homework and class activities. A few girls sent him looks and whispered whenever the teacher’s back was turned. His fellow classmates looked at their new Chemistry books with distaste; some with interest. Yunho, being the good student that he was, gave enough attention to make it appear as if he hung onto every word. They weren’t learning anything today so why bother. In the back of his mind, he thought back to what Yoochun had said and made a feeble attempt to try and remember his friend’s new boyfriend. With the vague description he didn’t recall a thing, but in doing do he tried to think of who he dated three years ago. He knew he had dated someone, but he couldn’t put a face to fact.

‘Hmm…brunet? Or maybe black hair…I want to say both but that doesn’t sound right…Had to be someone pretty…’ He tried and tried, and before he knew it the bell had rung again, surprising him as he noticed that at some point he had completely tuned out the teacher, instead of equally dividing his attention like usual. It wasn’t his fault; he had this nagging suspicion that remembering ‘Jaejoong’ was very vital. Knowing Yoochun, he’d be introduced to Junsu, and if this guy and an old ‘ex’ of his were related, it could be a bad thing not to remember him. Ah well, it would probably come to him later.

Yunho grabbed his book bag and walked back into the now bustling hall, making a b-line for the cafeteria. Yoochun had probably already headed there without him, since he’d taken his time in class. He got his lunch (making a reminder to start bringing his own) and headed for the school yard. Students had their choice of eating in the cafeteria or outside, where there were trees to sit under or metal benches and tables. It was a sunny day, so most students were outside enjoying themselves. He got offers from different people as he went to join them, but he would flash a smile with a ‘Maybe another time’ and keep going. Halfway across the yard, he heard Yoochun call his name and turned around to see him and Changmin at a table. The older boy came jogging over to meet him halfway, taking his tray from his hands.

“You walk too slow,” He jogged back to the table. “C’mon!”

“Yah! Don’t drop my food!” He yelled at him. There was a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see two girls standing there. One of them was blushing, avoiding his eyes while the other was nudging her, half-hidden behind her friend. Eventually the girl spoke up, shyly meeting his eyes.

“Um, Yunho-oppa…you didn’t call me. You said you would at that party, remember?” Yunho smiled, remembering her from last year; SungHea.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you, SungHea. I must have gotten hung up on something.” She shook her head, eyes wide as she grasped his hand.

“Oh no, I don’t blame you, oppa. I just wondered if you had forgotten me…”

Meanwhile, a few feet away from the trio at a lunch table, Yoochun and Changmin both sighed simultaneously. They let it carry on for a couple of minutes, but when it didn’t seem like Yunho would remember he had friends waiting and a lunch to be eaten, they’d had enough.

“Hyung, go and get him please.” Changmin said, digging into his packed lunch. Yoochun stood up from the table, jerking a thumb at Yunho.

“Alright, alright. I’ll go fetch Casanova.” He walked over, intent on dragging the flirt over and making him eat. The minute he reached Yunho, the chestnut haired boy dismissed the girls with a farewell, and turned to head back, nearly running into him. He startled in surprise.

“Micky, what are you doing? I was just about to come over.” There was a scoff. “I was.”

“Sure you were. Now let’s go eat our lunch before Changmin does--” He was interrupted as a cry was heard.

“Chunnie!” The two of them stopped for different reasons. Yoochun, because he recognized both the voice and the endearing nickname. Yunho, because he wondered who the hell ‘Chunnie’ was. Glancing over to see his friend fervently looking around, he realized. ‘Oh.’ Catching sight of someone running in their direction, he saw a boy heading straight toward them. Yoochun immediately smiled as the stranger neared, panting. The minute he was within reach, they both embraced, Yoochun’s hands around the boy’s waist and the latter‘s hands circled around his neck. Yunho’s eyebrows rose as the two shared a kiss. This was undoubtedly the guy Micky was going on about earlier. Yoochun broke the kiss first; his hands not leaving his boyfriend’s waist.

“Su, I knew you were transferring but I didn’t expect to see you today.” The younger boy let his hands fall down to Yoochun’s chest.

“I know. Jae and I just got settled in but we didn’t get ready in time to come to school today. We just stopped by to register and get our schedules. I already got mine but I wanted to see you since it’s lunch time.” He said, fingering a lock of Yoochun’s long black hair. The two of them seemed quite involved with each other, and Yunho politely cleared his throat to remind them that he was still there. The two jumped, and Yoochun laughed sheepishly as if noticing him for the first time.

“Oh yeah. Su, I’ve been wanting to introduce you two. This is my best friend, Yunho. Yunho, this is Junsu.” He kept an arm lazily draped around his boyfriend’s waist as the latter turned to face his friend. Yunho had to admit seeing him that Yoochun had scored a looker. Kim Junsu; short, cropped auburn hair and dark brown eyes on a pleasant face. He was casually dressed since he wasn’t attending school that day, but had a book bag over one shoulder. From what he had seen, he seemed alright, and Yoochun obviously liked him, so Yunho readied a polite greeting. All of that changed the minute he and Junsu locked gazes.

Every polite, kind and complimenting word Yunho had been about to say froze in his throat as the warm look Junsu had previously worn melted away, and was replaced by something cold and steely. There was clear recognition in his eyes, but it was not happily received. If Yunho had never seen it directed at him, he was certain that he was seeing ‘hatred’ right now. For some weird reason, whatever this boy was angry at him for, he felt like it had to be his fault to induce this much dislike on what he thought was their first meeting. Apparently, it wasn’t, but he was sure he hadn’t met or seen Junsu before. Although, his face looked familiar, as if he resembled someone he did know. Something wasn’t right…he frowned.

Yoochun was oblivious to this entire exchange, beaming proudly at the thought of his best friend and his love getting acquainted. Yunho winced, wondering at how this day suddenly seemed daunting. ‘Damn it, Yoochun, just what I need. A best friend who’s dating someone that hates me.’ He counted the boy lucky that he cared, and tried to act politely.

“Hi, I’m Jung Yunho.” He said, giving a charismatic smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Junsu.” No smile, no surname, not even a greeting. Whereas his voice had been cheerful and sweet towards Yoochun, it was now flat and terse. He wasn’t even trying to hide that he didn’t like Yunho. Inwardly groaning, Yunho steeled himself for a bumpy road ahead. If he was lucky, the relationship wouldn’t be ‘different’ at all and would end in another week or so. As the staring match between them continued on, Yunho faintly wondered if Changmin had gotten fed up with waiting by now. He began to excuse himself from couple’s presence, when a cry reached his ears.

“Su!” The mood change in Junsu’s face astounded Yunho, as the previously cold boy magically switched back into a smiling, happy individual. The brunet’s gaze fell somewhere past him, as well as Yoochun’s, and he waved an arm to get the caller’s attention.

“Jae! Over here!” Yunho felt himself frown at the name, failing to remember as he turned around in curiosity to see the new comer.

‘Jae…?’ He froze, eyes widening as he felt his jaw unhinge and hit the ground in shock. ‘Jaejoong?!’


Cliffie. Yes. I know. Evil.
It took me a while to get started because I wanted everything how I imagined it and I‘d hate to disappoint you guys. I’m trying to get on track so bear with me. :D I know you guys probably want to know what happens next immediately, and I can start on either chapter two of this first, or go to Murphy’s Law chapter three next. So…whichever is more coveted I guess. Hope you enjoyed!

P.S (Hopefully future chapters will be longer =O)



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