Murphy's Law [Chap 2]

Jun 26, 2007 17:43

Title: Murphy’s Law
Length: Series
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG-13
Genre: M-preg, Crack, Humor
Pairings: Jaeho, Yoosu, MinFood
Summary: Life is not easy for Micky Yoochun. His family is insane, his school life is complete crap, and every time he turns around he and his boyfriend are having problems. One day he has got to stop saying, ‘What else can go wrong?’

A/N: Gah, I just want to thank orionsroad, vrilly, my friends Nae and Meg, and my sis, Mae for being there with kind words, advice or just encouragement and understanding during that dreadful moment when I nearly lost this whole chapter around page 10. >.<

This chap is dedicated to my sis Mae, since she and Micky are on the same ship, S.S Grounded. XD As well as An Café, whom I listened to in order to keep me giddy and crack felt every time I wrote it. (I’m so depressed that Bou had to leave.)


[+.:Murphy’s Law:.+]

Chapter Two

BEEP. BEEP. “Hyung..?”

Mmm…go away…

BEEP. BEEP. “Hyuuuuung…wake up.”

Junsu…with a hot fudge sundae…

BEEP. BEEP. “Hyung!”

Junsu as a hot fudge sundae…mmmm Jun.Su.

“Ew, you’re drooling!” THWAP. Micky shot up, confused and disoriented as he knocked the pillow off of his face. His hair was mussed from sleep, the locks in complete disarray as his mind tried to catch up with his abrupt wake up call.

“Huh, what?” he muttered intelligently. “What’s going on?” Changmin came into view, although somewhat blurred, but Micky could still tell it was his brother. He rubbed his eyes, blinking away the last remnants of sleep. Trying again, he looked up to see his younger brother; a piece of French toast in one hand, and the other on his hip in a pose that was frighteningly similar to their Umma’s. The boy had a pout that was covered in flecks of cinnamon and sugar, obviously annoyed by something.

“Hyung, you’re going to oversleep. We have to go to school in…ten minutes.” Micky’s eyes widened, as he sprung out of bed, his clothes stiff and wrinkled from falling asleep in them.

“School?! What the hell do you mean, school? I thought dinner was in ten minutes?” He grabbed the digital alarm clock on his bedside table that had finally stopped beeping, staring as it smugly flashed: 7:40 AM in his face. What the--

“Umm,” Changmin started. “You kind of fell asleep last night, and when everyone was ready to eat, we tried to wake you but you were practically dead, so Umma said to just leave you alone. We had the best Ddok Kalbee ever, you know we haven’t had that in…in…well forever. Ooh! After we ate, everyone got to have kimbap and a cookie for desert then…” Micky groaned. Ddok Kalbee? You had to be kidding, that was his favorite! Umma had cooked everyone’s favorite dish at some point since this pregnancy began, and now that his time had come around, he’d missed it. Since when did he sleep so hard? He rushed to his closet, pulling out his school uniform as quickly as he could.

“Where’s Umma and Appa?” He still hadn’t been told what his new punishment was now, and his mother never let anyone be late for school on his watch.

“Appa has the day off, and he took Umma to his doctor’s appointment. They think Umma might be put on bed rest.” Micky grimaced. He wouldn’t be happy to hear that. This pregnancy had been his best one; the morning sickness at the beginning had passed quickly, he didn’t have any cravings this time around, and now in his last month there were barely any signs of swollen ankles or those god awful mood swings…well…maybe some things were the same.

He hurried into the bathroom for a quick five minute shower, spending most of it on his long hair. Afterward, he nearly slipped on the tiles coming out and cursed when he stubbed his toe. Changmin watched him, eating his rather large piece of French toast as his older brother made a sport out of trying to dress, brush his teeth, and dry his hair simultaneously. Moonbin came running into the room to hug them both goodbye, his own backpack strapped on.

“We’re going now!” Micky took a comb and brush to his hair, trying to tame the slightly damp locks.

“Where’s Ricky and Dong Hoon?” he asked.

“Downstairs. Appa told Ricky to take me and Hoonie to the neighbor’s house down the street so we can carpool with them. Appa will pick us up.” Micky nodded, letting the boy hug him goodbye when he finished his hair.

“Tell Ricky we’ll see him later then.”

“Okay!” Moonbin said, nodding. Ricky’s voice called from downstairs, urging him to hurry up.

“Moonbin, let’s go!” The boy ran for the door, his backpack swinging with every step.

“Coooooming!” he called back. The two older brothers followed his example, grabbing their things and remembering to lock the door as they left the house. Micky, gloomy at the loss of both dinner and now breakfast, grabbed a large piece of Changmin’s toast, mindful of keeping his fingers away from the boy’s mouth. He made a reminder to ask Umma if he could get that rabies shot, later.

“Hyung!” Minnie cried. “Get your own!” He stuck out his tongue in response.

They made it to the bus stop in the nick of time, and arrived at school without being late. The two split up, heading towards their respective classes. Micky headed for his locker first, needing a book for his first period. Students were bustling in the hallway, rushing for their first class of the day. While he fiddled with his lock, his vision was suddenly blocked by two hands sliding over his eyes. He grinned, knowingly.

“Su, I know it’s you,” he slid his hands around those familiar pair and pulled them down around his waist. A laugh sounded behind him.

“Guess again, Romeo.” Micky looked over his shoulder, gaping, only to see a nearly identical set of eyes looking right back at him, accompanied by a grin. “You know, this is really sweet but I’m pretty sure incest is illegal in Korea.” his brother batted his eyes innocently, as he gestured to Micky’s still grip on his hands. The boy scowled, letting go of his hands with an expression of annoyance.

“Ricky! That was low. You know only Junsu does that.” His brother laughed.

“That’s why I did it. Still can’t believe you thought it was Junsu…” Rolling his eyes, Micky opened his locker, taking out his book and closing it with a slam.

“How’d you get here?”

“Neighbors dropped me off on the way.” Ah, that explained it. “Oh hey, your ‘love’ told me to give this to you. Passed him in the hallway.” Ricky held out a folded note, addressed to him. Micky took it, staring at it a few minutes before looking at him suspiciously.

“You read it, didn’t you?”

“You know it.” Micky sighed. For a twin, although fraternal, he and Ricky really weren’t alike. Not that it was surprising. He’d kill himself if he grinned that much. He tucked the note in his back pocket, noting that the halls were already scarce.

“Aren’t you going to be late?” Ricky shook his head.

“Me? No, my class is just around the corner. Yours, on the other hand…” Micky glared, slapping his brother upside the head for distracting him--“Ow!”--before running down the hallway to beat the bell. He got there right when the bell sounded, mentally pouting as the teacher gave him a look that clearly said: Not a chance in hell.

He accepted his tardy and sat down at the empty desk in the back, laying his head down in defeat. It was morning, and he had nothing in his stomach. Now he had another tardy on his record. What more could go wrong?

“Class, if you’ll look at your desks, you’ll see I’ve passed out your tests from last week. Some of you need to study for the retest, since a lot of you failed to make a decent grade.” Micky had a feeling that was directed at him, despite the ‘lot’ in that sentence. He picked up his head, noticing a paper that was indeed laid face down on his desk. Turning it over, he wanted to lay his head right back down. A giant ‘D’ was at the top of the paper in bright red. Probably written in the woman’s own blood…she’s evil.

He tried to glare at the teacher, but she was looking straight at him when he looked up, as if she had heard the comment; he averted his eyes quickly. She began the morning’s lesson, her drawling monotone voice already causing his eyes to droop. He leaned back in his seat, shoving his hands into his pockets when he felt a folded square of paper. Ah, Junsu’s note! Unfolding it discretely, he looked to make sure the teacher’s eyes weren’t on him as he read his love’s familiar scrawl:



I hope you didn’t get into too much trouble, because of me. I have to cut lunch short today, a teacher wants me to make up a test I missed a few weeks ago. You remember that Friday, in the Janitor’s closet…

Anyway, we’ll talk then. I think I know a way we could spend time together pretty soon, if you can do with just brief chats of adorable ol’ me at school and phone calls until then. (No phone sex, the time before you got a cell phone and your umma nearly picked up the phone scarred me.)

Yours truly,

Micky smirked at Junsu’s reference to Friday, remembering full well what had happened in that closet. Wondering what his boyfriend’s idea was, he scanned over the note again, and felt the smirk drop off his face when he saw a message that had been hastily written underneath Junsu’s:

Janitor’s closet? Phone sex? Oh ‘Chunnie’, you kinky bastard, you.

Micky folded the note and shoved it into his pocket, lips pressed into a thin line. He was not going to get mad. He was going to get through this class, meet Junsu at lunch, go home to eat his Umma’s brilliant cooking, then smother Ricky in his sleep.


“This is the most I’ve ever seen you two look so alike…”Eunhyuk commented, watching in fascination as Micky and Changmin consumed their lunch in the same manner. It was both amazing and appalling…more so appalling but still…“Since when do you eat that much?” He asked the elder.

“Since I miss both dinner and breakfast, cooked my Umma in a decent mood,” He responded in between bites of the meager school meal. It wasn’t fine cuisine cooked with love and the talent of a chef, but sustenance was sustenance, he’d worry about quality when he got home. Eunhyuk hissed, as if in pain.

“Ouch, that must suck. Jaejoong-sshi’s cooking is amazing, too…” Micky paused, mid-bite and gave him a look, eyebrow raised.

“When have you ever had his cooking? I’ve never invited you over for dinner…” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, Yoochun, I’ve noticed. What kind of friend are you…” He waved off his own comment before Micky could reply. “Anyway, uh, helloooo? Your Umma works at that five star restaurant, Chez héros. He’s their head chef, right? I was there with my family once and Jaejoong-sshi happened to recognize me. Gave me and my folks the most delicious meal, and I quote my Appa: “It was the best damn Nuhbi-Ani Gue-e I’ve ever had.” He looked to the ceiling, thoughtfully. “I can’t remember if he got smacked by Umma for that…”

“Can you not remind me of how delicious my Umma’s cooking is when I have to eat this?” Micky asked, gesturing to his tray of noodles. The tale didn’t seem to effect Changmin too much, as he was still eating vigorously. Eunhyuk grinned, playfully.

“Yeah, I see how it is. Get good food every day of the week and all of a sudden the cheap stuff isn’t good enough for you.” A pair of eyes were rolled in response. Micky was about to retort about how it wasn’t about being cheap that mattered when his vision was obscured by two hands covering his eyes. Clenching his jaw, he started to grab the hands.

“Ricky, I swear to god if you keep playing--”

“What are you talking about, Chunnie?” Came Junsu’s puzzled voice. Micky turned around and sighed in relief when he saw that it was indeed him. Tugging his boyfriend down into the seat beside him, he shook his head. Junsu greeted his best friend Eunhyuk with a smile and wave before turning back to the brunet. “What?”

“Nothing, just Ricky pissing me off, earlier…he read your note.” Junsu froze, flushing bright red.

“W-what?” Micky dug around in his pockets a bit before he found the note, and passed it to him. The blond unfolded it hurriedly, scanning over what he already knew he had written, before he spotted the scrawl at the end of the note. His face turned a shade darker as he crumpled the note in embarrassment. “I’m going to kill him.” He promised quietly.

“Already have plans to smother him with a pillow while he sleeps. I’m thinking one of those throw pillows made out of polyester or wool. That way he can itch to death before he dies.”

“Polyester. Definitely. Forensics can get evidence from the wool fibers too easily.” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes for about the third time since this lunch had begun, wondering about the type of friends he had.

“If you two are going to be making murder plans, I’ll take my leave now before I become an accomplice.” He grabbed his tray, patting Changmin on the head as he went. “Later, Min.” The boy barely flinched, mumbling a goodbye as he ate his still diminishing tray of food. Honestly, Eunhyuk wondered. Where did he get all of it, let alone put it? Junsu waved as his friend left.

“Bye, Eunhyuk.” He faced his boyfriend once more, “Chunnie, did you ever come up with an idea as to how you could get out of the house, while on punishment?” Micky shook his head. “Well…you know how when we first started dating, I said we would never go to my house, since it’s technically not mine but my uncle’s? I…I think I’m reconsidering that.” He smiled as the boy’s face lit up, immediately understanding. Changmin happened to catch the tail end of their conversation, and started to slowly scoot away.

“Your place? Perfect, what about an excuse?”

He quietly picked up his tray, careful to avoid detection from the lovebirds.

“You’ll have to come up with something both your parents will believe.”

Easing up slowly, he spotted a table on the other side of the cafeteria. Now if only he could get there…

“Oh! I got it. I made a D on a test in History. I could tell them that I need to go to the library to study for the retest. It’s a few blocks away, so it’s nothing they’d want to ‘check up’ on me for.”

He took one step at a time, not too fast, not too slow. If he kept a moderate pace they wouldn’t even notice him leaving…

“Good. That way, when you take the bus and head home, halfway there you can call and tell them you’re just leaving the library. They can’t wonder about how long it took you, then.”

Yes, he was so close. He’d be able to eat the rest of his lunch with plenty of time to spare…

“You’re a genius, Su. I’ll need an alibi though, in case something goes wrong.”

Changmin smiled, proud of his cleverness for getting away.

“Then who will cover for you?”

If only Umma and Appa could see him now…

“Oh Changmi~nnie…” Two voices called in unison. Changmin froze, turning to look over his shoulder. His jaw dropped, as he realized he’d only moved six steps from the table. He looked up to see two faces; one sweet and manipulative under an innocent façade, the other devious and evil. He sheepishly grinned, having a terribly bad feeling about this.


Damn big brothers and their boyfriends.


“Hey, we’re home!” Micky yelled, walking cheerfully into the house, a trailing Changmin behind him. Jeeze, you’d think the boy had never been blackmailed about a certain truth (concerning a very important piece of cake sample disappearing without a trace) being told to Umma, before. Moonbin greeted them with a half-hearted wave, too engrossed in the TV as he leant against his Appa on the couch. Yunho was decked out in a comfortable T-shirt and jeans, holding a munching Dong Hoon on his lap as they watched a soccer match on the big screen. He smiled as his sons came into the house.

“Hey, how was school? Did Ricky stay for practice again?” He asked, noting the lack of a twin. Micky sat down on the couch beside them, leaving his bag at his feet. Changmin pouted when he realized what Dong Hoon was munching on was a cookie, and marched straight for the kitchen.

“Yeah, Ricky said he’ll be home by five. School was so-so.” Micky replied, trying to keep any annoyance out of his voice as he mentally wrote ‘Kill twin as he sleeps’ on his mental to-do list, right under ‘Get a rabies shot’. “Where’s Umma? I heard he had an appointment this morning.”

“In the kitchen.”

“So they didn’t put him on bed rest?”

“Actually…they did.” Yunho sighed, running his hand through the same brown hair his oldest had inherited. “You know how stubborn he is. He’s promised not to do anything strenuous, thinking of the baby, but he’s on the phone right now, trying to work still.” Micky nodded in understanding. His Umma was never one to slack off when unnecessary, taking his responsibilities seriously. He twiddled his thumbs, trying to look innocent.

“So…he’s busy, huh?” Yunho gave him a look, wearing a light smirk upon his lips.

“Don’t even think about it. You’re still in trouble.” Damn.

“So what’s the verdict?”

“Don’t know. The minute he gets off of the phone, we’ll talk about it.” Double damn. Changmin walked out of the kitchen, a glass of milk in one hand and a sugar cookie in the other. Oh hell. As if he needed something with just the word ‘sugar’ in it’s name, let alone sprinkled with it. There was no way it would be out of his system before they went to bed tonight. He steeled himself for a night full of hyper!Min.

“Hyung, Umma said he’ll be off the phone in a sec, and that he wants to talk to you.” Changmin spoke, around a mouthful of cookie.

Spoiled brat, he thought. Taking that as his cue, he stood up and headed toward the kitchen. Yunho placed Dong Hoon in his spot as he stood up, telling Changmin to watch him. The boy nodded and sat at the other end of the couch, immediately gaining a lapful of nine-year-old and a little six-year-old in his face.

“Hyung, can I have some of your cookie?” Moonbin asked. Dong Hoon amused himself by playing with his shirt.

“Haven’t you already had a cookie earlier?”

“I only want a little bit of it!”

“You’re avoiding my question.” Yunho chuckled in amusement at them as they entered the kitchen. Jaejoong sat at the kitchen table, trying to get comfortable as his legs rested in another chair. He held the phone up to his ear as scribbled down a few notes on a pad, most likely recipes or a list of tasks.

“The doctor said it could be any day now, Dong Wook-sshi…even after the baby is born, I’ll have to rest for a while. We’ve gone through this before, when my son Dong Hoon was born, and Moonbin before that. You know the routine by now…I am not.” Yunho walked over to the seat his husband’s feet occupied, sitting in the chair and placing them in his lap. Jaejoong rose an eyebrow at him at first, but when Yunho started to massage his tired ankles he sighed, relaxing more comfortably in the chair. Micky poured his Umma a cup of tea and set it on the table in front of him. Jaejoong smiled at the both of them before talking back into the phone. “Look, I’ll tell you what. I’ll speak with the other cooks and do the entire arrangement, alright? They can handle it from there…yes, I’m a saint, I know…alright, goodbye.” he hung up the phone with a sigh, rubbing his temples.

“Something wrong, Boo?” Yunho asked. His son rolled his eyes at the endearment. Jaejoong shook his head, picking up the cup of tea to take a sip.

“The manager has his hands full with arranging an important dinner for an old friend. Apparently, the man has heard of his success and wants to see the restaurant for himself, so he’s bringing a bunch of guests for absolutely no reason. Most of them are rich big shots, so of course Dong Wook-sshi is mournful over the fact that his ‘top chef’ wont be up and about in time for the dinner. He keeps calling me to ask if I’m ‘sure’ that I wont be able to make it.” The pregnant male took a sip of tea. “I’m about to strangle him.” Micky made the mistake of laughing, and suddenly had a pair of dark eyes turned on him. “and just what to do with you…”

“Ehehe, you’re under enough stress as it is, Umma.” He smiled weakly. “Why worry about me?”

“Nice try,” Jaejoong said, dryly. He turned to his husband, his tone suddenly sweet. “Did you have anything in mind, Yunnie?”

Micky shot his Appa pleading look, hoping that the man would give him a break. When it came to parenting, Yunho was the one who could punish the younger boys, which was why they always went to ‘Umma’ when they wanted something. He was a lot more playful with the older boys about things, unless they crossed the line. Unfortunately, while Appa could punish the younger boys and Umma’s maternal ways made him shower them with love, Jaejoong had a knack for making his older sons cringe where Yunho could not. It was probably why Changmin still tried to act like the baby of the family; the last time he’d done something and got punished by their Umma, he had barely spoken for days. (Micky was sure it had been something to do with a ban on snacks, treats and seconds at dinner.)

“Well,” Yunho started. “You’re due any day now, and supposed to be on bed rest. I’ll be at work most of the time, with a few late hours this week. But, you have a big arrangement to plan despite all this. I was thinking that Yoochun could help you out while you rested. That way you don’t have to worry about Moonbin and Dong Hoon, and he can get anything you need for your plans.” Micky held his breath as his Umma thought it over, biting his lip in thought…

“Fine,” Micky mentally praised his Appa. “If that’s how it’s going to be, then his grounding should last until the baby comes.” He gaped at his Umma. “Don’t look at me like that; even if you get off punishment now, you wont be able to go anywhere if you’re helping me out.”

“He has a point, Yoochun.” Yunho said, obviously not able to help him. He sighed, accepting his fate.

“Alright, responsibility accepted.” No better time to try it…“There’s just one thing…” Both of his parents looked at him, curious. “Well, I didn’t get a good grade on my history test from last week. My teacher is giving a retest next Friday. I’d go tomorrow or Sunday, but I think I do best studying the day before so…I was wondering if I could go Thursday afternoon?” He looked at them hopefully. Please say yes, please say yes…

“Hmm, how bad is the grade?”

“About a C minus,” Micky lied. There was no way he was going to mess up a chance to get off punishment by telling them he got a ‘D’ in history. Jaejoong nodded after a while, approving his little trip to the library. Yunho, however, frowned.

“I’ll be working late on Thursday. The company has a new artist coming in and they want to have everything set up perfectly. If you’re out, who will watch the kids and help your Umma?” Micky face-faulted, staring at him in astonishment. ‘Way to be a dad when Umma’s being cooperative, Appa.’ he thought, frustrated when he was so close to being home free.

“You’re forgetting about Ricky and Changmin, aren’t you?” he pointed out. “I’m sure they can handle things while I’m at the library. It’s only one afternoon and I shouldn’t be gone that long…” He trailed off, playing down his very own plans. If Min held up his end of the deal to cover him, he’d be able to stay gone for quite a few hours, and if he got lucky he’d leave earlier. Micky stared at the two innocently, trying not to appear overeager but making it look as if this was important to him, which it was. Yunho thought on it for a while, before nodding to himself.

“Alright. Come Thursday afternoon you can go to the Library to study. Make sure you take your phone so that we can reach you if there’s an emergency or Changmin or your Umma need to call you.” His son nodded, face passive as he reached out to clasp hands with him. They shook on it; Father and son looking as if they had just agreed on a cease-fire signed in their very own blood. Jaejoong looked at them both and let out an exasperated sigh, taking another sip of herbal tea.

Good to know it didn’t from come his genes…


“It’s not going to be an easy job, Micky.” His Umma had told him. As far as Yoochun was concerned, he’d had this in the bag. He’d seen all of his brothers born and helped take care of them as he grew older. Experienced as he was with these things, he probably should have taken the advice of the one person who had more knowledge in it than even he did.

Day one & two were easy. On Saturdays, the family wasn’t as busy; nearly everyone slept in, woke up later in the day, relaxed as the kids (all five of them) watched cartoons and the two parents checked on their weekly schedules, and had a great take-out dinner. With both his Umma and Appa home, he barely had to do anything. Jaejoong did everything and anything he could easily do on his own, and with a caring husband like Yunho, all of his other wishes were granted swiftly. This included watching Moonbin and Dong Hoon, whom as Appa, he had complete handle over. Sunday was almost a repeat, only everyone had something of their own to do; Micky spent it talking with Junsu on the phone since his minutes were free. So, the weekend proved effortless, and passed smoothly.

Day three, Monday, was quite a change. After coming home from school, Micky had to multitask between helping his younger brother’s do their homework as well as his own, while also running back and forth to his Umma’s room when he called. Get the phone, load the laundry, make sure he had something for lunch tomorrow, fax this, look up that, mail this, give the boys a snack, put up with Ricky and Changmin bugging him while he was busy; the day came to a welcome halt when Appa got home. Yunho ordered out for the whole family, and things were normal again as they all went to bed.

Day four, Tuesday, was crazy. Micky had never known that Moonbin and Dong Hoon tended to get into it over the smallest of things like toys or food, or the fact that the youngest liked to follow the older Jung around constantly. He had to keep them apart whenever they fussed, then deal with Dong Hoon’s crying, and Moonie’s indifferent attitude, which led to Jaejoong calling them in concern from his bedroom. Hoonie would go running before Micky could stop him, and then tattle on him in that cute baby voice of his, earning him a reprimand and a stern ‘Micky, let Dong Hoon play with Moonbin’. Minnie and Ricky were nowhere to be found, coincidentally. None of it was fair, but he put up with it. Just a little longer…just until Thursday, when all of it would be worth it.

Day five, Wednesday, was insane. It was like a combination of Day three and four. His schoolwork seemed to multiply, and there were popup quizzes on subjects he hadn’t even remembered studying for (because he hadn’t of course). Lunch had been horrible, and Junsu wasn’t there because he had a paper to finish researching. Micky had sworn too early that things couldn’t get worse, before getting home to find two hyper children--who had gotten their hands onto something sweet at school--and an Umma with a headache. Jaejoong tiredly told him that there was a list of all the preparations he needed to take care of and calls to make. First he’d misplaced the paper, unable and afraid to ask his umma for help since he was taking a nap and he didn’t want to face the man’s pregnant wrath. Then, he had discovered Dong Hoon using it as coloring paper for his ‘artwork’. Having to haggle with a six-year-old, while a hyper Moonbin laughed at his expense was not fun, and somehow Ricky and Minnie managed to avoid helping him. Doing chores, running errands, chasing after his younger brothers, missing a call from Junsu, and failing to do a homework assignment because he was too tired when Appa finally got home. His life sucked.


“Thank the gods!” Thursday. It was Thursday. Micky woke up early, got dressed, sent his boyfriend a text and even made breakfast before even his Appa woke up. Yunho blinked when he saw his oldest son at the kitchen counter, cooking the only thing he knew how to make: Omelets. It was too early for him to question the boy’s behavior, so he got himself a cup of coffee and read the morning paper as the rest of the family rose to greet the day.

Jaejoong was a bit lethargic that morning, but he still managed to eat with everyone else and send the boys off to school. In his tired state he didn’t even think to ask who made the food; like everyone else he assumed Yunho had cooked something simple. It didn’t bother Micky at all, the only thing that seemed to unnerve everyone was the happy look he had slapped onto his face.

Changmin, Ricky and Micky all walked to the bus stop for school while their Appa drove Moonbin and Dong Hoon to Elementary. Jaejoong decided to sleep his day away. The eldest Jung had a permanent smile on his face as he went to his first period, smiling at classmates and freaking them out. At lunch he and Junsu did nothing but cuddle, ignoring their lunches and making Eunhyuk and Changmin sick with their displays of ‘love’. The day sped by fast afterward, and Micky practically skipped home, leaving a sulky Changmin to trail behind. He also knew what day it was; he and Ricky had to watch over Moonbin and Dong Hoon while Micky went out to ‘study’ at the library. Not to mention he was being blackmailed into covering for him if things went wrong. That put him in danger of getting into trouble as well. The brunet burst into the house, smiling as he greeted his little brothers in the living room.

“Hey guys, where’s Umma?” Moonbin looked up from his video game, pressing a finger to his lips as he pointed to the hall where the bottom floor bedroom was.

“Umma said he was going to take a nap. We have to be quiet.” he whispered. Micky tried not to gape at his luck. Sleeping? As in, he could leave now? He nearly jumped with joy and hugged Changmin as he finally came into the living room, nearly causing the poor boy to drop his snack.

“H-Hyung! What’s wrong with you?” Micky clapped him on the back, smirking.

“Ummas asleep.” Changmin’s brown eyes widened.

“You’re going to leave now?” His brother nodded, grinning, before running off upstairs, ignoring the younger boy’s cries telling him to wait. He went into their bathroom to jump in the shower for a quick wash, before picking out a more comfortable set of clothes and combing his hair. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he gave it a thumbs up and a wink, before grabbing his jacket and heading out of the room. Just as he was about to go downstairs, a voice stopped him.

“And where are you going, all dressed up and grounded?” He turned around to see Ricky in the doorway of his small bedroom (having your own room came at a price). Frowning, Micky turned around, crossing his arms to mimic his twin’s own stance.

“Library. You know I’ve got permission.” He glared when the other laughed, wiping away an invisible tear in his mirth.

“You? The library? As if, not with the way you’ve been grinning all day. You’re obviously sneaking off to do something…or someone to be exact.” Ricky smirked. Micky inwardly cursed, wishing that he could be twin less for once.

“Yuhwan, you get off on me and Junsu waaay too much. Don‘t be a jerk and blow this for me.” His twin crinkled his nose at the sound of his name, hating it when people got serious with him. He placed a hand on his hip, raising an eyebrow. Micky stared. There goes the hip thing again; what was it, some type of DNA trait or something? First Changmin and now Ricky, they were both full of their Umma’s genes. He just hoped he didn’t carry it.

“What’s in it for me?” His brother asked, snapping him out of his musings. Oh, right. He raked a hand through his hair, causing strands of it to fall in his face.

“Look, you have rule of the house until Umma wakes up or Appa gets home, which will be late tonight. Plus, you’ll get to order Changmin around.” Ricky was quiet for a moment, before he gave a shrug.

“Deal.” Micky grinned and took off downstairs, eager to get out of the house before the boy could change his mind. He slipped out the back door, trying to avoid Changmin and his whining about ‘getting caught’ or ‘something going wrong’. Hitting the street at a brisk pace, he walked a block or two until he reached the large public library, complete with giant marble steps. The brunet sat on the steps, leaning back as he waited. He was there a good half hour or so before a tenor voice reached his ears.

“Chunnie, I got your text. What happened? I didn’t think you’d be out so early.” Micky looked up to see his boyfriend at the bottom of the steps, waving his phone. He smiled, walking down to greet the blond with a kiss as he took hold of his hand.

“Umma was asleep so I thanked my luck and left early. He wont mind.” He tugged the boy’s hand. “C’mon, Su. We’ve got even more time now, let’s do something.” Junsu returned the smile, entwining their fingers and walking close as the temperature slowly dropped.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” He asked, the two of them strolling leisurely towards the nearest bus stop. “I know we were heading to my uncle’s place, but with more time we could do something else…” His eyes suddenly lit up. “I think I know a place…” Micky looked at him curiously.

“Where?” Junsu shook his head, deciding to be reticent; a look of mischief in his dark brown orbs.

“Secret.” He tugged the older boy along, taking the lead as they hurried to catch the bus that had just pulled up. “I’ll tell you when we get there.” The bus opened it’s folding door, and Micky followed him as they waited to get on.

“Su, tell me. Where are we--” Soft lips pecked his, curving into a smug smile when he immediately shut up. “I’ll wait.”

“Good.” Junsu replied happily, turning around to saunter up the bus steps and pay his fare. Micky’s eyes followed his rear as he went, and he felt his blood rushing south.

I can wait, but I’m not sure how long.


The night sky shimmered with it’s sea of lights, the late hours full of Fall’s chill and the stillness that accompanied it. Two figures stumbled up the stairs of an apartment complex, a giggle breaking the previous silence. Actually, one of the figures stumbled, carrying the other over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Giggles broke out from the latter every couple of minutes.

“Su, I think you’re drunk.” Micky said, shifting the boy for a better grip. Another set of giggles sounded as the boy in question tried to muffle his laugh in the back of his shirt, blond hair hanging in his face as he tried to figure out why the world was upside down.

“But Chunnie-ah, I only had one glass.” he said cheerfully, as if proud of his accomplishment.

“I know, we both did. Apparently that’s plenty enough for you.” Micky stood at the top of the steps, turning right and left as he looked around. Junsu let out a thrilled ‘wheee’. “Which way is your apartment, Su?” The blond point to the left, even though the other boy could barely see it.

“There!” He chirped. “302!” Micky carried the tipsy male to the door and set him on his feet. Junsu stumbled lightly, holding his head at the abrupt change in direction.

“How did you even get us alcohol back at that club?” Micky questioned, digging in his boyfriend’s pockets for his keys. He found them and sorted through the bunch until he came across the right key, opening the door.

“My uncle has a lot of connections. The owner of the bar told me I was always welcome, since I was his friend’s nephew.” Junsu explained, smiling cutely. Micky shook his head at his antics, pulling him into the dark apartment. He locked the door behind him, and turned to see the other walking loudly toward the hallway. He panicked, quietly running after him.

“Su!” He grabbed the boy’s arm, stopping him as he whispered harshly. “Didn’t you say your uncle was home, tonight?” The blond giggled, that mischievous glint coming back into his eyes.

“Yes, he’s home,” he pointed down the hall, towards a bedroom door. “But he wont be able to hear anything. He’s already half-deaf, and I turned off his hearing aid before I left.” He broke into another fit of giggles, even as Micky stared at him, amazed.

“Su, you’re brilliant.” Junsu smiled smugly, pressing a finger to the boy’s lips.

“Shhhh, I’m not ‘Su’,” he said, teasingly. “I’m ‘Xiah’. Micky wrapped his arms around his waist, bringing them closer together.

“Mmm, I love it when ‘Xiah’ comes around. Is that the one who came up with the ‘Janitor’s Closet’ idea?”

“Maybe…” They found themselves in Junsu’s room fairly quickly, mouths meshed together in a deep exploration consisting of battling tongues and rising heat. Micky’s legs hit the edge of the bed and sent them both tumbling, landing on his back with a giggling Junsu on top of him. Clothes seemed to remove themselves, hitting the floor as they were discarded one by one. Amidst moans and hot, surging, heat and passionate cries, the only coherent thought Micky could grasp was that this was completely worth it all.


A muffled tune woke him from his slumber, mixed with the faint sounds of vibration. Micky frowned, groaning as he opened his bleary eyes and stretched. Warmth lay on his right side, and he looked over, a faint smiled etched onto his face as he watched Junsu sleep; his innocent face coupled with his blond hair gave his features an angelic look. The tune sounded again, reminding him of what had woken him up. He looked around in confusion, before spotting his jeans on the floor, the front pocket vibrating and muffling the ring tone he had set for…Changmin!

Easing quickly out of bed so that he wouldn’t wake up Junsu, he grabbed his jeans and dug out his phone, checking the time. ‘8:05? It’s not time for Appa to come home, and the library closes at nine. What the hell, Min?’ He looked over at his slumbering boyfriend, missing his warmth already. The cell phone rang again, this time flashing his house number on the illuminated screen. ‘This had better be important, Min’ He flipped it open, holding it against his ear.

“Yeoboseyo--?” He heard a panting voice, mumbling ‘Thank god’ with a chaotic background as someone yelled and another was crying. “Hello? Changmin, what’s--”

“I knew something was going to happen!” His brother’s panicked voice sounded. Micky felt something drop in his stomach, the panic in Changmin’s voice seeping into him.

“Changmin, tell me what’s wrong.” He grabbed his pants, standing up to tug them on when the boy’s words stopped him cold.

“Hyung, you need to get home now. Umma’s water just broke, and we had to call Appa. He’s on his way and I covered for you, but remember you told them you would be at the library two blocks away. I think you want to get home before Appa does…or they’ll both kill you.”


Eep…! Before I’m jumped, let me just cover a few things:

o1: I’m sorry about Ricky, it came to me in a crack moment when writing the first outline, and I added him in the end. -shrug- Sorry for any retarded characterizations, but it is crack. For those of you who’ve never seen him: Park Ricky Yuhwan
o2: Yes, I know that Ricky and Dong Hoon make it five boys, and now with kid number six on the way :D All I gotta say is, practice makes perfect, and well…lets just say YunJae are perfectionists. Mini DBSK’s ages are mixed, I know but that’s just how it worked out. I also know that Micky and Ricky are not twins. That’s also how it just worked out. Go figure.

Sorry for the wait. I’m going to go work on my other fic right now. ^ ^;;

murphy's law

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