Murphy's Law [Chap 5]

Jun 22, 2008 03:19

Title: Murphy’s Law
Length: Series
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG-13
Genre: M-preg, Humor
Pairings: YunJae, Yoosu
Summary: Life is not easy for Micky Yoochun. His family is insane, his school life is complete crap, and every time he turns around he and his boyfriend are having problems. One day he has got to stop saying, ‘What else can go wrong?’

A/N: Thanks for sticking with me, guys. ^ ^ I’m a pain, I know

[+.:Murphy’s Law:.+]

Chapter Five.


He moaned incoherently.


Gentle fingers swept across his forehead, brushing the hair away from his face. He mumbled, unsure of where he was. “Su…” the fingers stilled, and another hand came to rest on his cheek.

Micky. Authoritative, gentle, and concerned.

“Um…ma?” Micky cracked opened his eyes, blinking at the familiar sight of the living room ceiling, and the person peering down at him. Jaejoong brushed the hair tenderly from his forehead again, and he slowly came to the realization that his head was resting in his Umma’s lap. Other familiar and concerned faces watched him from various points of view; Appa and Ricky were holding a frightened Moonbin and Donghoon while Changmin was watching curiously, his eyes wide with surprise.

He was confused. What had happened? The hand on his cheek turned his face back so that he was looking up at his Umma, and he almost felt guilty at the worry lines on the still young face.

“Micky, are you all right? Changmin and Ricky said you fainted.” Jaejoong spoke slowly, unable to hide the worry in his voice as his eldest lay stunned and dazed in his lap. Micky blinked a few times at this information, trying to process it.

Fainted? He’d fainted? …Why? He couldn’t recall. “I’m…not sure,” he mumbled. He caught sight of his cell phone lying on the floor nearby, and his brows furrowed. “I was on the phone…”

“Do you feel bad at all?” Jaejoong questioned; Yunho and the rest of the boys all visibly relaxed, as things were gradually starting to look just fine. Micky shook his head, and his Umma sighed. “Don’t scare us like that; you had everyone worried.” The older male gave a small relieved smile and embraced him. His son received it happily, even though he was still a bit thrown at the situation. The ‘war’ for their Umma’s attention was still at large after all, and despite being worried about their older brother, he could spot the mild looks of jealousy on his younger brothers' faces as he was hugged. He reveled in it, resisting the urge to break out in a full grin. Ah, this was something to tell Junsu and Eunhyuk about--…His eyes widened.

“Pregnant, Chun, pregnant.”

The smile dropped from his face, as he remembered just why he’d fainted in the middle of his phone call. Junsu was…

“Micky?” came Jaejoong’s voice, curious as he saw the expression on his son’s face.

Micky shook his head, waving off his Umma’s concern as he slowly sat up. “I’m all right. I just need something to eat; I’m going to go lie down upstairs until dinner.” He grabbed his cell phone as he stood; Jaejoong let him go while Yunho took control and worked on getting Donghoon and Moonbin calmed down. The eldest son took his leave, walking out of the living room and up the stairs towards his bedroom.

He stopped at the top step and sat down heavily. Taking a deep breath, he flipped open his phone and pressed the number one. ‘Dialing…Xiah Baby’ flashed across the screen and he placed the phone to his ear, running a hand through his hair as he struggled to think. The phone rang three times on the other end, and he feared for a moment that Junsu had taken his fainting the wrong way. Someone answered.

“…Eunhyuk? Let me speak to Su…yeah. I know.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead. There was a long tentative silence “…Su? …Yeah, I’m here. …No, I’m here, don’t worry…I’m not going anywhere babe.” He said softly.


Ringing the doorbell, Micky stood outside the apartment door impatiently. He shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, trying to keep warm in the morning chill. It had to be the earliest he’d ever gotten up on a Saturday; his parents hadn’t even woken up yet. He'd written a small note saying that he’d gone out, and left it in the kitchen before heading out to the bus stop.

Tugging his phone from his jacket pocket, he flipped it open to read the message he’d gotten last night after dinner.

From: Xiah Baby
my uncle will be
out tomorrow for
most of the day.

‘I’ll be over there, first thing tomorrow’ he’d replied, anxious to see his boyfriend after the events last night. They’d been able to talk longer than he’d expected, since his Umma had brought dinner up to him, rather than asking him to come downstairs. He was grateful for that. Just how long he would be receiving the ‘warm side’ of his Umma though, he wondered with a wince.

The door to the apartment opened and Junsu stood, lingering in the doorway. His blond hair was less fluffy; it looked a bit deflated, drooping down and leaving stray bangs in his face and around his ears. His small frame was a bit lost in the large sweater he donned (one of Micky’s), but all Micky could think looking at him was ‘adorable’.

“Um--” Junsu started to speak, only to be interrupted by his boyfriend stepping forward to embrace him. He immediately wrapped his arms around Micky’s waist, sighing in relief. “I didn’t know you’d be coming this early, my uncle just left.”

“I told you I would, didn’t I?” the brunet replied, looking at him. Junsu’s eyes still had that pink tint to them, an obvious sign of how upset he’d been the other day. He swallowed nervously. It could’ve been hormones too, now that he thought of it. Junsu didn’t cry that easily, even over big things…

Junsu averted his gaze. “I know, I was just…a bit worried. I mean I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want--” Lips covered his own before he could finish, effectively silencing him, until Micky drew back with a sigh.

“Yes you would. I’m the last person who should run away from a situation like this. I shouldn’t have been that shocked, either. I’m the biological son of two men, after all.” Micky smiled. “Don’t worry Su, I won’t leave. I promise we’re in this together.” Junsu smiled back and hugged him.

“Damn right you are,” came Eunhyuk’s voice from behind the door. He stepped out, and gave a cheerful smile at his best friend. “See, Junsu? I told you he wouldn’t let you down. We would have crippled and castrated him, otherwise.” The blond beamed, nodding in agreement.

Micky blanched, raising an eyebrow. “You were hiding behind the door?”

Eunhyuk shrugged. “Hey, you never know. I was just making sure Junsu didn’t get hurt. Who knows if I would’ve needed to hurt you.” He smiled innocently. Micky  frowned, uneasy.

“…Right. I’d thank you for being such a great friend but…yeah.” Junsu shook his head at the two of them, tugging the other forward and out of the doorway.

“Get inside; it’s too cool to stand with the door open all day.” Eunhyuk closed the door and followed them to Junsu’s bedroom, plopping down onto a chair while the couple sat on the unmade bed. A silence followed, as they all looked to one another. “So…what do we…do?”

Micky leaned back with a sigh. “Well…first of all, we need to take you to the doctor. There’s definitely one at the hospital that’s had experience with male pregnancies.” He looked to Junsu. “We should set up an appointment for you and get a check up.” His boyfriend nodded.

“Okay, we’ll have to pick a day when we’re both free--”

“No, wait,” Eunhyuk interrupted. The pair looked at him curiously. “You two can’t go to the doctor together.” He insisted.

“What? Why?” Junsu asked, worried.

“Because,” his friend replied, and turned to Micky. “Yoochun, this doctor you’re talking about is obviously the one whose worked with Jaejoong-ssi on all his deliveries, right?” he nodded. “Well, as someone who probably delivered you and all your other brothers, don’t you think he’s probably well acquainted with your family, at least a little?”

Micky shrugged. “Yeah, sort of.”

“Well, how is it going to look if the son of one of his very own patients comes in with his pregnant boyfriend; a soon-to-be father? You might not want your parents finding out about this from someone else.” Junsu had gone paler than Yoochun.

“Wait,” Micky started, frowning. “What about doctor-patient confidentiality? He’s a professional.”

Eunhyuk shrugged. “You really want to risk it?”

Junsu gave a side glance to Micky, who sighed in resignation. “Okay, I get it. We won’t go together, just to be safe. You’ll go with him, right?” Eunhyuk nodded.

“Of course,” Junsu sat on the edge of his bed, knees pulled up to his chest as he glanced down to his clothed stomach. He couldn’t really picture it; in a couple of months he’d be showing, and there would be no hiding it…There was a nudge in his side, and he looked up to see Micky and Eunhyuk watching him concerned.

“Sorry, I was just thinking…I wonder how far along I am…” his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked to his boyfriend. “I drank!” he exclaimed in horror, covering his mouth.

Micky raised his eyebrows. “What, what’s wrong?”

“I drank, Chunnie!” Junsu repeated, nearly going teary-eyed again. “What if I was already pregnant before the night we went out? I drank alcohol and might’ve done damage!” He started to panic. Micky reached out to grab his arms, calming him.

“Su, calm down. You’re a lightweight and barely had a shot before you were affected.” Junsu bit his lip, still worrying. “We’ll find out everything when you go to the doctor, it’s going to be all right, okay?” The blond nodded with a sigh, relaxing.

“…Well, not to be a bubble buster but there’s still one more thing on your to do list right now.” Eunhyuk spoke up, ignoring Micky’s annoyed glare because he’d just told Junsu not to worry. “Don’t glare at me, since I don’t know which of you I worry more about on this one. You still have to tell your parents and your uncle, you know.” He pointed at Micky and Junsu respectively.

“......Su, want to elope and move to Germany? It’s the last place Umma would look.”


“Be serious, you two!” Eunhyuk frowned, crossing his arms. The couple raised an eyebrow simultaneously, obviously only half kidding. He sighed, “I know it’s not something you want to do, but I doubt it will be that bad.” An incredulous look from Micky. He glared. “For goodness sake, is Jaejoong-ssi that bad?”

“Not bad, never bad,” Micky said, rubbing his temple. “He’s one of the best Ummas you could have. He’s just a little too good at it, sometimes. Not to mention unpredictable.”

Junsu moaned, resting his head on his knees. “He’ll probably kill me and I still won’t have found a way to tell my Uncle. He didn’t even know I was seeing anybody…”

Eunhyuk stared, looking from one sulking friend to the other. After a moment he raised his hand, as if he were in a school classroom. “Question…if I told you ‘you guys are screwed’, would you hit me?”

Two flying pillows to the face answered him.


“The doctor said I’m about seven to eight weeks,” Junsu reported, sounding relieved. “He also believes that everything is okay and I’m doing fine; nothing to worry about.”

Micky let out a breath of relief, holding a hand to his chest as he talked on the phone. “Yeah, well that’s all well and good, but he never had to tell his parents that he got his boyfriend pregnant.” Junsu gave a sound of agreement. “You know, eight weeks makes sense. I never thought about the sneaking out that had gotten me grounded in the first place; we did have fun that night, you know.” He said with a grin.

“Yes, and we ended up stranded at Eunhyuk’s house because of a sudden storm, causing you to be caught the next day.” Junsu reminded. “Oh yeah, and I’m pregnant.”

Micky rolled his eyes. “Don’t be all cheeky. I’m going to be facing possible death soon, and …if I don’t make it, I want you to name the kid after me and tell him that I loved him.”

“Don’t be stupid; you’re not going to…I’m not naming our child after you, be unique. What makes you think it’s a he anyway?” His boyfriend sighed. “I think we’re making this out to be worse than it really is. I’m sure your Umma will understand. At least your parents can accept the possibility of it.”

Micky peered around the corner that he’d been hiding behind, looking into the kitchen where his parents chatted away cheerfully about something. Yunho was at the counter making a simple lunch, while Jaejoong sat at the table feeding Seung Woong. “I don’t exactly have balls of steel when it comes to certain things, Su.”

“Please? Do it for me; if you can manage to break the news to your parents, it might give me the courage to tell my Uncle. The sooner the better…” Junsu said in a pleading tone. Micky closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Alright, I’ll do it right now.”

“Good, call me afterwards, okay? If I don’t hear from you in twenty-four hours, I’ll call the police.”

“Thanks. I feel much better.” Micky shook his head. “…Love you.”

“Love you too.” He started to hang up. “Oh, Chunnie?”


“I’m…even with everything that’s happening, or whatever happens…I’m glad this baby is going to be with you.” Micky felt his breath hitch, unable to respond. “Call me back.” click. He stared down at the phone in his hand, tightening his grip on it as he tried to gain confidence from Su’s words.

He was going to be a father. A young one, but at least he was taking responsibility for it, and out of it he would be getting a ‘bundle of joy’, created with his first and only love. It was more than he could ask for. He wondered if this was how his parents felt when they were going to have him…and that 'twin' of his. He gave himself a moment, and then walked around the corner and into the kitchen.

His parents looked up, both smiling at him in greeting. He could feel his knees about to collapse under him any moment. Micky gave a weak smile back, sitting in the first chair he came to at the table. ‘Balls of steel, man, balls of steel.’ “Hey Umma, Appa.”

“Micky, do you want something? We we’re just making a few sandwiches for lunch.” Jaejoong offered, adjusting the milk bottle so that Seung Woong didn’t drink too fast. Micky watched the action closely, as if jotting down a mental note for future reference. Taking in his youngest brother’s small, innocent face, he imagined what a blend of his and Junsu’s genes would look like…

“Micky?” he blinked, looking up. His Umma had an eyebrow raised. Uh oh; he could feel the maternal forces trying to pry into his brain. “Is something wrong?”

“Ah, no, I just…” he paused, biting his tongue before he automatically lied. “No, I wouldn’t say that, but I do need to talk to you guys about something important.” 'Whew, here we go, Jung Yoochun. One step at a time’. His parents traded looks of concern, before Yunho stopped his work at the counter and walked over, taking a seat beside his husband and giving him their full attention.

Draping a towel over his shoulder and placing the empty bottle on the table, Jaejoong held his infant son to his shoulder to burp him. “What is it you have to tell us?” he asked, somehow able to listen intently while concentrating on Seung Woong as well. Multi-tasking; he and Junsu would have to do that, Micky realized. He watched his Umma for a moment, imagining Junsu in his place, cradling a baby to his shoulder and gently patting him on the back. There was a touch on his shoulder, jostling him from his daydream.

“Yoochun?” Yunho questioned, starting to worry about these abrupt pauses his son seemed to have. The brunet looked up, a look of quiet resolve upon his face.

“I’m all right. Just a thought…” he sighed, holding his hands together as he looked at them both. “It has to do with my fainting the Friday night.” His Umma raised both eyebrows in curiosity. “I had gotten a call from Junsu, and Eunhyuk. You know how I told you Junsu had been missing out on school because he had a ‘virus’ right?”

The two gave a slow nod, listening intently.

Micky bit his lip. “Well…it turns out it wasn’t a virus at all…Junsu’s…he's pregnant.” He glanced up.

Yunho had only widened his eyes in surprise. Jaejoong was more stunned, simply staring at him, frozen as he stopped rocking Seung Woong. Micky said nothing, and only waited.

“He’s pregnant…are you sure?” Yunho asked, giving a side glance to his spouse. Micky nodded.

“He confirmed it today when he got a check up. He’s about…seven or eight weeks.” He spoke quietly. His Appa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. His Umma’s expression was shielded by his long hair, as he focused on rocking Seung Woong to sleep. His jaw was clenched. No one said a word.

“Were you even thinking?” Jaejoong questioned him quietly. Micky remained silent. “You know that you were born from a man. Didn’t you think to be more careful with him?”

Micky winced, and then squared his shoulders. “I was beyond irresponsible; I know. I made a mistake… but it’s not one I regret. I plan to stick with Junsu throughout everything, and I’m going to help take care of our child.” He vowed firmly. Yunho looked proud of him at that.

There was an abrupt scrape of a kitchen chair sliding, as Jaejoong slid his chair back and stood, still holding his youngest and looking intensely at his eldest. “You love Junsu; you truly feel that and don’t see any reason for that to change?” he questioned.

His son shook his head, replying with all seriousness. “I wouldn’t leave Junsu, unless he felt there was a reason. It’d have to be a pretty damn good one even then.” His Umma stayed silent, and then gave his own quiet sigh; his eyes less hard.

“Good, because while I would never rush you into it, you and Junsu will be getting married. It'll be up to you two to decide when, but I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t want to in the long run.” He turned and left the room, heading upstairs. “…Invite him over for dinner.” He added as he left.

The remaining two men in the kitchen released twin breaths of relief. Micky slumped in his chair, staring up at the ceiling as his head spun. ‘Marriage…I love Junsu, so that’s not a problem I guess. I bet he won’t be expecting that when I call…’ A face came into view; his Appa standing over him.

“Are you all right, Yoochun?” he asked. The teen nodded.

“I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting that reaction. I thought he’d get the broom and smack me repeatedly or something…” he remarked half-jokingly.

Yunho raised an eyebrow. “For a minute, I think he was about to.” He gave him a pat on the shoulder. “You forget he’s unpredictable. Not only that but, he understands. We both do. Don’t think that we won’t help you with this; you just have give him a moment.” His Appa’s eyes grew wistful. “I know Seung Woong is probably going to be your last additional sibling, but I didn’t know you wanted another baby around this much,” he teased with a wink. "There's just something about Kims and Jungs..."

Micky snorted. “Right…” he then blinked, and looked up at Yunho curiously. “Wait, 'Last sibling’? Umma didn’t follow through on his last threat and castrate you, did he?”

Yunho gave him a half-lidded glare. “I’m giving you my full support; don’t make me revoke it.”


Jaejoong placed Seung Woong in his crib, humming a smooth lullaby as he placed a thin blanket over his son. He watched him sleeping, crossing his arms as the little one slumbered peacefully, so innocent and untouched by everything that was going on.

Quiet footsteps were barely heard as someone entered the room and walked up behind him. He was enveloped in a comforting embrace, which he leaned into. A huff of warm breath brushed his cheek as his husband spoke.

“You know you’ve got him worried, now.”

Jaejoong kept his eyes on the crib, although it wasn’t necessarily his focus. “No I haven’t. He knows I still love him. I wouldn’t stop caring over something like this. I just never imagined it happening.”

“We didn’t imagine it happening either. …At least they’re together when it’s happened. Neither of them has to worry about being a single parent, or fearing that their love is unrequited. They have their families right here to support them.” Jaejoong turned, circling his arms around Yunho. The taller male rested his forehead against his husband’s, looking him in the eye. The raven haired male gave a small smile.

“We didn’t have an easy time, did we?” he commented, not really asking since it was a simple fact.

“No, but theirs doesn’t have to be as hard. We’ll help make sure that everything goes well, and in the end you’ll see it all turn out fine. They’ll grow to have a beautiful family like our own, and we’ll even get grandchildren out of it.” He said with a grin.

Jaejoong covered his mouth to laugh, unable to hide his own smile.


Oh dear god, am I really done with this chapter? YES. DX
I sincerely hope it meets expectations. It went under quite a few changes and was originally shorter by a few pages. There is no telling if I might suddenly decide to redo it; when I read over it, I like it but I was iffy about it. Almost seemed like it lost it's flow. (I can now jump ship and work on Meta and the others.) Please let me know how this chapter worked; if it seemed off in any sense. I will work on it since I want my stories to remain smoothly on track.


murphy's law

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