Title: A Strong Heart, A Steady Heart
Pair: Clex
Rating: G
One of Seven
clexmas ficlets for the True Love Fest.
Prompt: Heart
A steady sound.
Fully costumed, he stepped forward, just out of sight, to watch the hospital room unseen.
So many fights- illogical, irrational, perpetual.
Less than an hour ago, they had been doing just that. Engaged in their favorite and most hated pastime. Endless war. Endless obsession.
For all his speed, it had happened too fast. A step backward, and then…
The pale, suited figure was lit up like a Christmas tree, shaking as the electricity shot through his body, and there was no need for X-ray vision to see his bones.
The emergency workers had taken him quickly, asked no questions, suspected nothing. Superman saved people. That was something the people of Metropolis knew. Superman would always come to save you, just in time.
Until the one time he didn’t.
It was a good thing that the Kryptonian could hold his breath for hours, too, because it was almost as though his own bodily functions ceased along with Luthor’s. Motionlessly, he spied into the operating room where surgeons frantically tried to bring the King of Metropolis back from a massive, unexplained cardiac arrest.
When the monitor began to beep steadily, Superman drew air deep into his lungs, grateful that Lex had such a strong heart, and determined to remain by his side until his eyes opened once again.