Title: Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, or Being Human (3/4)
Pairing: Clex
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: For the
clexmas Spring Fling for
tobywolf13Clarkpreg, old school, Kal-El
I tried to work in an old school feel to the story, even though it's set in S5.
Summary: Stripped of his powers, Clark juggles being human for he first time with the consequences of his relationship with Lex.
Post S5 Mortal
Part Three
Eyes closed firmly and hands running up and down his belly, Clark breathed in and out slowly. He willed time to stop, but it stubbornly refused. The car stopped, and after waiting a moment, Lex took one of Clark's hands.
"We're here."
"Unnn," Clark whined.
"They are going to notice something's up when we start walking around with a baby."
"I know, I just…" Clark opened his eyes and looked to Lex.
"On the bright side, there will probably be pie."
"There will be at least three kinds of pie," Clark corrected. He petted his belly. "Lucky you, huh, baby?"
"He'll love your mother's cooking."
"If last time was any indication? Oh yeah. He loves it."
Despite not knowing the gender, they'd stuck with the male pronoun. It seemed more personal than calling the baby an 'it,' and could be corrected quickly enough once they did the ultrasound.
Clark saw his father coming out of the house, and he registered the frown on Jonathan's face when he saw Lex. Clark had told them that he was bringing Lex, but apparently he'd hoped Lex would end up not making it. True, Lex had the habit of working through holidays, but Clark wasn't going into this alone.
"I'll help you out," Lex declared, opening his door.
"No, I got it." Clark pulled the handle and then pushed himself up. It wouldn't be long before he really needed the hand up. He put a hand on the top of the car and breathed out. Really wouldn't be long. He headed for his father, who was putting forth a valiant effort not to comment on Clark's appearance. Clearly his mom had words with the man. He could only imagine that conversation.
But there was just no hiding it anymore. He was round. His belly jutted out like a pitcher's mound. Clark resisted the urge to try to cover his belly with a hand, which would only draw attention to his girth.
"Hey, Dad."
"See he could make it," Jonathan wrapped his son up in a hug and patted his back.
"He wouldn’t miss it. I don't think Lex has had a real Thanksgiving since he was twelve," Clark replied. He looked back for Lex, who was strolling up as though he was the calmest, most relaxed man in the world. That probably meant that Lex was really tense.
"Good evening, Mr. Kent," Lex said warmly.
"Evening. Hope you boys brought your appetites. Martha's been cooking all day."
"It's good of her to do all of this on her own. I could have helped," Lex told Jonathan. He slipped his hands in his pockets and smiled at them both. Clark had to bite his lip because Lex looked a little like a snake oil salesman.
"Come on." Jonathan turned from them and headed into the house. Clark and Lex exchanged a look before they followed, walking closely together. The baby seemed to be nervous as well and bounced around as they entered the living room.
"Um, Dad? I need to talk to you and Mom about something," Clark said trying to keep his voice even. He and Lex had discussed what they wanted to say, or rather, what Clark wanted to say. Lex had offered to take the lead, but after all of those years deferring to his father's judgment and hearing bad things about Lex, he wanted to stand up to his father. Not just for Lex, but for himself and for their child.
"Oh yeah? Lemme get your mother."
While his father was gone, Clark turned to Lex and ran a hand over his belly. He had to do this now instead of later, and he hoped Lex was okay with that. He couldn't sit through dinner being this nervous.
"We'll be fine," Lex whispered.
"Clark, what did you have to tell us? Oh, hello, Lex." Martha entered, wiping her hands. "I was hoping you'd make it."
Clark met Lex's eye before he turned around to face his parents. "Mom, Dad, um…"
"Sweetheart, it's alright. Whatever it is," Martha promised.
Jonathan put his hands on his hips and eyed Lex. "Spit it out, son."
"I'm pregnant."
Both Kents stood there in confusion for quite a while. Martha looked down at Clark's midsection and rounded her lips.
"Clark, you…"
"You son of a bitch," Jonathan spat, looking direction at Lex.
"Jonathan!" Martha exclaimed.
"Just couldn't control yourself, could you?" Jonathan stepped toward him and Clark moved between them. "Fight your own battles, you coward!"
"I'm not going to strike Clark's father, no matter what names you call me, Mr. Kent. This isn't about you or about me. It's about Clark," Lex said, managing to keep his temper. Barely.
"Dad, please," Clark pleaded, holding up his hands. His father looked like he was about to get his shotgun.
"Oh, Clark," Martha whispered suddenly. She bent over a little, covering her mouth with her hand, and a tear ran down her cheek. She couldn't take her eyes off the telltale bulge under his red sweater.
"I'm okay, Mom. It's not like this is the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me," Clark joked half-heartedly.
Martha nodded, closing her eyes as more tears fell. Clark couldn't tell whether she was upset or happy, so he moved to her side to embrace her.
Then all at once, things got bad. Jonathan started yelling and lunged forward to slam Lex against the wall. Then Lex started to yell back.
A man couldn't be perfect all the time. Clark stepped over to them to break it up.
"Dad, calm down! I-" He stumbled backwards as his father's drawn-back fist popped him in the eye.
"Jonathan, watch out!" Martha cried a second too late.
"Clark!" Lex ran to Clark's side and caught him, then held him securely. "Are you alright?"
"Uh, fine."
Before Clark knew it, Lex was leading him out of the house, and his mother was crying again. Jonathan grabbed Lex's arm out on the porch, and Lex whipped around and grabbed the man's collar.
"I won't start a fight, Mr. Kent, but I will finish it. Now back off!" Lex's voice had begun calm but ended in a roar.
"Lex, it was an accident," Clark said, touching Lex's shoulder.
"It is unacceptable!" Lex replied sternly.
"I'd never intentionally strike my son," Jonathan argued.
Martha appeared in the doorway. "Everyone, just calm down. What is wrong with you, Jonathan? Our son come here to give us this impossible, wonderful news, and you attack Lex?"
"I didn't-"
"Just like my father. No. Worse." Martha slipped past him and slipped her arm around Clark's shoulders. "Honey, come inside. Let me get some ice for your eye."
Jonathan remained on the porch as Martha led the boys inside.
Ten minutes later, Clark found himself on the sofa with an ice pack on his right eye and his feet propped up. Lex had peeled off his socks and started rubbing his feet. Martha came in with some deviled eggs and stuffed mushrooms.
"Is there anything that upsets your stomach?" Martha knelt beside him.
"Not anymore. I didn't have a lot of morning sickness." Clark sucked in his lip and looked at her fretfully.
"Sweetheart, I'll talk to your father. It'll be fine. Don't worry about this, okay?" She pressed a kiss to Clark's cheek and offered him the hors d'oeuvres plate. "How are you feeling?"
"Not bad." Clark took an egg.
"Mrs. Kent," Lex said.
"Martha," she corrected.
Lex pressed his lips together. "I'm so sorry. I know that it's hard to accept that your son… Well, we should have used protection, and I apologize."
"How could you have known?" Martha said with a laugh. "Maybe you should have used protection anyway, but I can't blame you for accidentally getting Clark pregnant. If anyone, I'd…" She shrugged. "We didn't know, so you couldn't have."
"Well, honestly, Martha, I don't get sick, so I wouldn't have thought to take care of it in that regard," Lex admitted.
"You don't get sick?" Clark asked. He took another egg.
"Not since the meteor shower. This is probably my fault."
"It isn't, Lex," Clark insisted.
"How could you know that?"
"Because… Because I'll tell you later because. Have a deviled egg before I eat them all."
"Have as many as you want." Martha rubbed Clark's shoulders and stood. "You let me know if I can get you anything. Will you be staying here or at the castle?"
"Probably the castle, if you don't mind, Mom. We just… No, I need some space, if Dad's going to be nuts about this." Clark tilted his head back to look at his mother.
"I can't say I don't wish that you'd told us about Lex sooner… Though I warned Jonathan this might happen about four years ago. He can hardly be that surprised." She paused and stepped over to Lex, putting her hand on his shoulder and kissed the side of his head. "Thank you for waiting. We'll work everything else out."
Lex nodded. When Martha had departed, Lex moved to Clark's side and rested his head against him. Clark caressed the top of Lex's head gently.
"That went better than I thought it would," Clark said. He looked down a Lex. They both smirked.
Thanksgiving dinner should have been uncomfortably quiet, but although Jonathan didn't say much, the remaining three talked enough to drown out his silence.
"Ugh, Lex, you're gonna have to roll me out of here," Clark groaned when Martha brought out the pie. Lex just laughed.
"Well, if you boys want to head into the living room for a little while we can delay the pie for a little bit. I rented some movies," Martha offered.
Lex rubbed Clark's back gently. "Maybe. Do you think you can stay awake?"
"I can stay awake," Clark scoffed. "…Probably."
"Well, if you get too tired, Clark, we'll just send you boys on. We have the entire weekend to spend together." Martha came over and petted Clark's head. "No need to wear you out."
She hugged Clark from behind and kissed his cheek. "You two go ahead into the living room. Jonathan and I will clean up."
"I could help," Lex offered.
"No, shoo. You can help Clark," Martha insisted.
Lex chuckled, and then stood and took Clark's hands to help pull him up.
"You're a strong man," Clark joked.
"I'd better be." Lex slipped his arm around Clark's waist and guided him into the other room. Lex sat Clark back down on the sofa and reached over to rub circles on Clark's belly. "Feeling good?"
"Full, for sure. Pretty good." Clark smiled as Lex tried to pamper him.
"You have the coolest mother on the planet."
"Yeah. I think I do. Lex? Um. It's not you."
"What's not me?" Lex's hand stopped moving. "I'm not the father?"
"What? No! You're the father. You're definitely the father." Clark patted his arm and laughed. "No, it's… You said this was your fault. And you think that because the meteors affected you."
"And you're saying it isn't because of that?" Lex said slowly. Clark shook his head. Lex opened and closed his eyes deliberately several times. "I need… a little more explanation than that."
"That's hard to do." Clark bit his lip. "I don't have any of my powers right now."
"Powers," Lex repeated numbly.
"I should have told you before. I should have told you a long time ago. I just thought that since my powers were gone, than I'd changed, and I mean all of me. But I'm not human. I'm just… a Kryptonian without powers," Clark admitted, speaking quietly all the while.
Lex studied Clark's face closely. "Kal-El?"
"How…? Lex?" Clark's eyes bulged wide.
"The aliens from the ship were looking for you."
"Yeah. You met them?"
"They called me that name and then threw me by the neck into a rock wall." Lex stood and began to pace back and forth. "They could still be looking for you."
"Well, no. I took care of them. They probably can't get out of where they are."
Lex stopped and ran a hand over his head. "You took care of them. With your powers."
Clark looked up at Lex, feeling like if Lex walked out the door, walked out right now, he would have no one to blame but himself. And he wasn't sure he'd survive it after all they'd been through together.
"Don't make that face," Lex whispered finally. He knelt before Clark and put his hands on the sides of Clark's belly. "You just… I need some time to think about all of this. I've spent the better part of the past six months trying to cobble together some kind of a defense against those aliens, and you're telling me that they're taken care of? The pale, black haired one and the dark skinned one? And the older one with axe blade cheekbones?"
"Uh… the first two. There's this… device? And you can suck aliens into another dimension. I know that sounds crazy-"
"It doesn't. I found what I suspected to be a pocket alternate dimension about a year ago. Haven't looked into it yet. It seemed dangerous." Lex rested his forehead on Clark's belly. "It's a relief those two are gone, Clark, but I don't know if that means my efforts have been in vain. The other one is still out there."
"And he could still be looking for me," Clark concluded. The thought chilled him. Powerless. Pregnant. He couldn't protect himself, let alone Lex and their baby.
"Kal-El," Lex said again, an uncertain, intense look playing across his face
"I prefer Clark," Clark joked back. It his relief, Lex smiled a little. He pressed his cheek to Clark's belly, feeling the baby move. Clark brushed his fingers over the bump on the back of Lex's head and whispered, "There's more. What I know. When you're ready."
"Definitely. It's what I've been waiting to hear."
"You don't sound happy."
"I… have no idea how to take care of an alien baby," Lex admitted.
"Well, from my experience," Martha said as she walked into the room. "You do it pretty much like you would a human baby."
Lex looked up and sat back on his heels. "Martha…"
"Don’t fret, Lex. You two have us, if you have any questions, okay?"
Lex nodded and moved back up to the sofa to sit beside Clark. They were both clearly unsettled, but sharing one another's warmth was familiar and soothing.
The castle was very chilly inside, and the long shadows flickered across the two figures who moved through hand in hand.
"I don’t think I've been here since…" Clark put his hand on the top of his belly.
"We created out little hybrid," Lex finished. "Although it could have been the next day… Or the day after…"
Clark fixed his gaze on Lex. "Don't call him that."
"Sorry." Lex squeezed Clark's hand. "I might reconsider the amnio. The vast majority of chromosomal abnormalities spontaneously a- ahem. We just might want to check that out."
Clark dropped Lex's hand and stared at him in the dark hallway. "What are you saying? Do you think there might be something wrong with the baby?"
"I don't know. He could be fine."
"You didn't seem to have a problem when you though the baby happened because of your weirdness."
A shadow from outside fell across Lex's face. "I did, Clark. I just couldn't do anything about it."
"And you can now?" Clark stepped back angrily. "Or is it just a bigger problem because I'm an alien?"
"That's not it," Lex argued.
"Then what is it? Do you think the baby's going to be a monster, or that… Do you not want it now?"
"No, I just… I know my mutation! I understand it, and I can speculate what that would do to a human baby. I have no idea how my mutation would interact with extra-terrestrial DNA. Not a clue!" Lex threw his hands up in the air. "For all I know, the baby will be born unable to breathe, or worse! I don't want to worry you-"
"I'm the one who's pregnant here," Clark snapped. "So if you have a worry about the baby, you need to talk to me about it. Stop pretending you can handle everything for me!"
"Well! It's clear that I can't." Lex rolled his shoulders and turned away. "I worry that they're still looking for you. It worries me that you're involved in this alien business at all. It worries me that I think that silver rock was sent to Lana in the first place by one of them. And perhaps the mutants before that were sent to your house to feel you out. I worry that there are more of those aliens, and I was worried that they sent a sleeper agent to Earth during the first meteor shower."
"You mean… me?" Clark leaned over, feeling winded.
"Somehow I don't see you as a sleeper," Lex said. "I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. I don't how to protect you."
Clark drew in deep breath. He had to admit he'd been thinking the same thing earlier. He'd never thought that he'd be in a relationship where he was the one who needed protecting.
"Lex, just tell me one thing. Do you have a problem with aliens? And me being one?"
"Clark." Lex looked back at Clark, then moved closer to him. "You haven't changed. You're still you. Please don't mistake my efforts against the ones who want to attack us with how I feel about you. Every group of individuals has their… fringe element that they aren't proud of."
"Well, there aren't a lot of us left," Clark muttered. "It's mostly the fringe group and me." He paused. "And our baby."
"I think I lost track of what we're fighting about." Lex folded Clark into his arms.
"Are we fighting?"
"We don't have to be. Hm? I'm sorry if I was insensitive. I just don't know what to say."
"You don't seem to know much of anything," Clark joked, giving Lex a smile.
"No criminal mastermind," Lex replied warmly. "Let's get you guys in bed?"
Clark nodded and leaned on Lex a little. If nothing changed, he might be doing that a lot over the next four months.
Two sweaters, a heavy coat, gloves, a woolen hat, and a scarf.
Clark entered the caves sweating and a little worried. Lex was probably going to kill him for this, but he had to try. He approached the table with trepidation. If nothing else, getting his powers back would help him protect his child and Lex. One thing he had learned about aliens over the past two years was that Lex wasn't wrong; they were dangerous. He would have to be dangerous enough to make sure the people he loved were safe.
Pressing the octagonal disk into the table, he closed his eyes and pulled his scarf up over his face.
The transport felt different as a human. He fell to his knees in the snow and yanked the scarf back to throw up violently.
"S-sorry, baby." He wiped his mouth and pushed himself to his feet. He had to get into the Fortress immediately and get this done, or he and the baby might not survive at all.
"J-Jor-el!" Clark chattered as he stumbled inside. "You have to give me my powers back."
"I will do no such thing," the AI boomed.
Clark turned his head as the entrance of the Fortress shut tight. Suddenly he felt warm air against his cheeks. Funny. He didn't even know that Jor-El could make this place more habitable. It annoyed him that it hadn't even tried to do it for Chloe. If he had, then Clark wouldn't have had to send her to the hospital and leave the Fortress to begin with.
Clark curled one arm around his waist and lifted his chin defiantly. "You don't have the right to keep my powers. I need them back to protect myself. And my child. I know that all you care about is the future of Krypton, and right now, the future of Krypton is inside of me!"
"You misunderstand, Kal-El. Now is not the time to return your abilities," the voice insisted. "I am well aware of the existence of your children, and thus, I altered the temperature for their benefit."
"I'm not going to wait until you decide that it's… time…" Clark breathed in and out shakily and looked around the crystalline structure. He hated not having a face to talk to with Jor-El. "Their benefit? There's… more than one?"
"I scanned you as you entered. You carry a boy child as well as a girl child."
"I… Oh, God." Clark put his hand to his head and looked down briefly, then up again with even more determination. "I need my powers to protect them."
"On the contrary, Kal-El. I do this for your own good."
"Yeah, that's what you always say," Clark scoffed. He walked toward the cluster at the crystals toward the center of the Fortress. He'd only been here once, but it seemed that everything Jor-El did was 'for his own good,' from kidnapping, to torture, to brainwashing, to stripping him of his powers.
"A dark force has arrived from Krypton, my son. It is looking for you, and the only reason it has not found you is that you are undetectable while powerless. I will not return your powers to you until the children have been delivered. Until then, even if you did have your powers, you could not fight it in your condition."
"How do you know it won't find us?" Clark said, his voice faltering.
"It is an artificial intelligence of immense power called Brainiac. It will be scanning individuals for the chemical reaction between Kryptonian cells and the solar radiation. Without your powers, you cannot have that reaction."
Clark nodded solemnly. He moved over to a ledge and sat down on it.
"For the moment, you will have to trust my judgment, Kal-El. The next generation must be protected at all costs."
"For once, you and I agree," Clark answered.
"It is critical that you do not face Brainiac without being prepared, and you cannot train while you are carrying," Jor-El continued.
"I'd guess not. Twins," Clark muttered.
"Our people do not generally carry physically. You must take care of yourself."
Clark frowned and crooked his mouth to the side. He'd planned on taking care of himself, and didn't need an artificial pseudo-father telling him to do so. "What does that mean? Carry physically?"
"Years ago our people discovered a method of using birthing matrices to gestate our children. Therefore, we were no longer required to risk our people for bearing of the children, and our children would not be affected by the green radiation emanating from the planet's core."
With a nod, Clark pushed himself to his feet. "How am I going to get back? Without my powers, I can't run there."
"I will transport you. Do not risk coming here again, unless you require medical treatment."
Clark found himself leaning over the table in the caves and panting heavily. He'd wanted to ask the AI further questions, but he wasn't willing to go back again. The transportation was tough on him, and he needed to rest.
When he felt a little steadier, he straightened up and headed for the car, feeling the baby kick his side-
No. One of the babies kicking his side. He wondered which one and wished again that he could see inside himself.
Clark opened the car door and picked up his cell phone, narrowing his eyes at the screen. There were several messages. He opened it up to listen to them, and then paled. "Oh, Lex."
He dialed Lex's number.
"Clark!" Lex exclaimed as soon as he picked up. "Where are you?"
"I'll be back in ten minutes tops. I found out something we need to talk about," Clark answered, adjusting himself behind the wheel.
"I'm at your parents' house. Is that any closer? Clark, I was worried sick. How did you slip out?"
"Years of practice. Um… maybe a bit longer than that."
"Can I come get you?"
"No, Lex, I'll make it. Just sit tight, okay?"
"Clark, please don't leave again."
Clark buckled his seat belt and made sure the strap was secured under his belly. "I'm coming back. Don't worry."
"I don’t want to talk while I'm driving. See you in a few, okay?"
"I love you, Clark."
Clark felt his eyes sting when he realized that, despite how Lex showed it to Clark daily, this was the first time Lex had ever said it out loud. "Love you too."
He hung up and wiped his wet cheeks before he headed out.
Clark had never seen Lex run like that, and as he stepped out of the car, Lex's arms were instantly around him and leading him inside.
"You're overreacting. I'm okay!" Clark protested.
"You shut it, young man," Lex ordered.
Biting his lip so not to laugh, Clark did as he was told. He let Lex settle him on the sofa, and once again, his mother was by his side. This time, Jonathan was right by them, looking just as concerned.
"You had us all scared, Clark," Jonathan told him seriously.
"You can't go running off like that! You have to think of the baby," Martha insisted, rubbing his back.
"Mom, that's what I was doing." Clark squeezed Lex's hand and looked to his parents. "I went to see Jor-El."
The Kents looked at one another, their eyes bulging.
"Who's Jor-El?" Lex asked.
"My biological father. I wanted to get my powers back to protect us." Clark sighed and leaned into Lex. "Obviously, I didn't. I learned a few things, though. I'll tell you all about it later. In the morning, maybe. Um. There's one thing you need to know now, though."
He took Lex's hand and pressed it to his belly.
"A boy," he whispered. When a smile lit up Lex's face, Clark continued. "And a girl."
Lex's overwhelmed and overjoyed expression was just too much. Clark had to kiss Lex, parents or no, over and over.