Heeeeey! I know I haven't been on in forever and an age since my crazy life update but...

Nov 27, 2012 20:55

Could you lovely people do me a favor and fill out this survey?

Technically it's for women only, but I mean, if you wear a bra by all means take it. =)


It's for a class, I have to use the (very anonymous, no worries!) data I get from it and write a paper.

You'd be helping me pass my math class. Please ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sharona1x2 November 28 2012, 11:52:52 UTC
Done! I don't know how this applies to Math, but I'm happy to help. :-)


ladydragon543 November 30 2012, 22:41:48 UTC
We're doing a statistics project, and we have to collect data and then crunch numbers and stuff and fjdkls;af jdla YOUR ICON. Also Hai! =D

Thank yooooou, I really appreciate it.


lil_1337 November 29 2012, 02:50:50 UTC
Done and done. I'd be curious to see what results you come up with.


ladydragon543 November 30 2012, 22:42:33 UTC
Thank you! I'll post my paper on here, why not? I'm trying to get back into using my LJ anyway (or, IDK, if people migrate permanently, my DW, which *sigh* but oh well.).


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