FIC: When the Past Comes Back to Bite You in the Ass 5/6

Oct 01, 2010 22:26

Title:  When the Past Comes Back to Bite You in the Ass 56

Authors: pprbckwrtr and docwho2100

Disclaimer: Nikki & Nora are the property of Nancylee Myatt and Warner Bros. Television. No infringement intended.  You know the drill, we did not create nor do we own the characters.


Chapter 5

Nora's P.O.V.

I'm not a coward, at least I never thought I was, but seeing the pure...fury?...on Nikki's face scared me. No that's not exactly true, knowing that I caused it scared me. I can blame Carrie all I want but if I had been honest from the beginning I wouldn't be here now. I don't even want to think of the look on her face when she turns around and I'm not there. As the station gets smaller in the rear view mirror realization sinks in; I am a coward and I've been one my whole life.

Well, not anymore.


What should have been a ten minute drive actually takes me thirty before I pull up to my destination, my resolve didn't falter but it did take some building. I take a deep breath as I climb out of the car and head up the front walk.

My mother jumps up from the porch swing and rushes toward the steps. "Nora, honey, what's wrong? Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone's fine," I try to assure her. "Can't I stop by to visit?"

Mama laughs as she moves back to the swing. "You don't even come when you're invited."

At least she was laughing but after all this time I know a reprimand when I hear it. "Where's daddy?" I ask as I join her on the swing. I'm not sure if I want him home or not, I'm thinking it might be easier to deal with them one at a time.

"He's out fishing with your uncle Ralph so I figured I'd sit out here relaxing with some iced tea. It's not like he'll actually notice if the floors are mopped or not." After a few seconds of studying my shoes I finally look up at her. "So, what's going on?"

Trapped in her concerned gaze I realize that I hadn't actually figured out what I was going to tell her. Swallowing hard I decide to give her the bad news first, "I had a pretty difficult scene today." I take a deep breath, "a murder suicide." She tilts her head and waits for me to explain why this one is different than all the others. "Do you remember Carrie?"

"Oh, honey," she gasps. "Why would someone kill her?"

"Actually," I have to look away, unable to say what Carrie had done. I know she understands though as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug. A sob escapes as I turn into her and wrap my arms tightly around her waist. I allow her to hold me like she used to when I was little and I give myself some time to finally grieve for someone who used to mean so much to me.

"I'm so sorry honey," she soothes as she runs her hand through my hair. "I know you two were close."

I take a deep breath as I pull away from her. "Yeah, we were."

"I never understood why you stopped bringing her around. I always liked her and thought she could have made a good match for one of your brothers." I have to laugh at that and she looks at me curiously. "What? Your brothers aren't that bad."

"It's not that." This is hard, maybe a longer drive would have helped. No, no more being a coward. "Mama, Carrie and I were more than roommates."

"What do you mean?"

"We were.....together." I just can't bring myself to say lovers in front of my mother.

"Oh?" she says casually. "Oh," she repeats as realization finally sinks in. "As in....together?" As I nod she looks down at her glass. "I think I need a stronger form of iced tea for this conversation."

Okay, so she didn't yell or run away, just feels the need to get drunk. Not a terrible reaction I suppose. "That's why I stopped bringing her around, we broke up. I'm sorry I never said anything before but I wasn't sure how you would take it."

"I guess that explains some things."

"Like what?"

"Well, like why you never dated Dan."

"Mama," I couldn't quite keep the exasperation out of my voice.

"What? He is a very attractive man and I would have had beautiful grandchildren."

Sometimes I just can't believe the things that she says. "Is that why you wanted us together?" After an uncharacteristically nervous shrug I push the issue, "Well?"

"I just thought he could offer you a nice stable life," she pauses as she brings her glass to her lips. "And if you started having children you'd get off the streets," she adds quickly before she takes a sip.

My mouth drops open and I stare at her, that one really takes the cake. I push off the swing and pace the porch. "I can't believe you just said that."

"I'm a mother it's my prerogative to worry."

I have to bite my lip to keep from yelling. "Do you expect Bobby to get off the streets when he becomes a father?"

"It's also my prerogative to not make sense." She holds out her hand and I instinctively move back and resettle next to her. "I'm sorry honey, I know that's not fair but you are my one and only little girl and I worry more about you than I do your brothers. It's just the way things work."

"I know mama. And I'm sorry if I've given you something more to worry about, I know I should have told you before but I..."

"No honey, I understand why you haven't and I'm sorry that you never felt as though you could tell me. I hope you know that your happiness is the only thing that I've ever wanted."

"I know."

"I have to be honest though," she shifts on the swing and takes my hands in hers. "This is going to take me some time to get used to."

My throat tightens as I voice the question that has worried me for years, not sure I want the answer. "Do you think you can?"

She looks at me like I've suddenly grown a second head. "For you I can do anything. I promise you honey, I love you."

I can feel the tears roll down my cheeks as I lean forward for a hug. "Thanks mama."

"You know even Cher said she had some trouble accepting that her daughter was gay."

I can't help but grin at how easily she says that. "Oh yeah?"

"I saw her on Oprah once." I watch in awe as she rises from the swing and moves toward the door. "Okay let's go inside and I'll make you some lunch. You can tell me what else is bothering you."

As I rise to follow she holds open the screen door and turns to look at me. "Does Nikki know?"

The question stops me dead, "Umm..." I hadn't really thought about that much honesty today.

She grins at me. "Yes, I'm sure she does. You do live together after all." Her knowing wink breaks my paralysis and I move past her into the house.


Nikki's Day

Thank the Lord Nodget is finally getting his ass moving. I return his wave, mentally trying to push him out the squad room door. "It's just a letter and a few other small items so you shouldn't need to lag like a pig in mud," I whisper under my breath as I keep the forced grin on my lips. I had to dictate what I needed to him, so I rattled off a couple of items, then the letter and another random object or two. No need to raise anyone else's suspicion. "I think that man has a few screws that need tightening." I wait for Nora's customary chuckle.


"Are you still mad at me Sugar?" I turn around, readying another tease, I know we both need to try and lighten up.


Okay maybe I did not need to say her name out loud, but considering the events of the morning and the fact my partner is not still standing by her desk, I figure I am allowed a little leeway in the logic I use to guide my actions. I think I am about to throw all logic right out the window.

I start to search the room, failing to see any trace of Nora. She better be powdering her nose or grabbing a quick coffee. Maybe I should grab some coffee too.

You know, I have always wondered why they chose to use this particular shade of gray on the hallway walls. It really is depressing. Just like the fake creamer, sugar packets stuck together and yellowed foam cups that greet me as I approach the coffee station. The completely empty, no one around at all, coffee station. Damn it, where are you Nora?

I am going to try door number two, the woman's restroom, you better be behind there Nora.

"Oh hey Beaumont, here is the list, everything is checked in but that letter, nothing about that. Oh, I noticed your partner heading out; guess you got the desk duty stint for today."

I snatch the list from Nodget's hand. I am tossing Nora right out the same window that my logic and patience just flew.

"Wow, you know Beaumont, when you make that low growl sound it is mighty sexy."

"Nodget, I suggest you creep back to your desk before you find out what it feels like to have a Macy's Midnight special wedged so far up your ass it will take weeks to dislodge it."

Good, he is creeping back into the squad room. But now... now I have no flipping idea what to do next.

I could go back to my desk and sit there, trying to focus on the case all the while I stare at the empty seat across from me as I begin to ruminate over why it is empty thus letting my jealousy begin to gnaw at my gut as I try to make up excuses for why Nora would give someone else our special symbol of our love...

Uh... no.

I could continue stalking up and down the halls as my blood pressure rises to dangerous levels ignoring the whispers of my fellow officers as they place bets on why I am going mad and who will be the target of my simmering murderous rage as I look for a small little letter that has managed to turn my entire world upside down and delivered me the day from holy hell...

Uh... no.

Dammit Nora, how can you be this frustrating when I love you so much it I'd do anything for you? No matter which way I go in this I'm screwed. I say nothing and keep your status quo and try to pretend life just swirls on and it does not matter that no one knows what is the most important piece of my life. Or, I finally do what I have dreamed of and shout it from the high heavens that you are my girl, I'll hurt anyone that hurts you because I love you and what the hell is going on...

"You know you look like you are trying to wash your face getting ready for Sunday church."

I peek between my fingers to try and locate the speaker.

Bobby Delaney.

This is so not what I need right now.

Or maybe, maybe it is.

"Come with me."

"Hey Nikki, I was just trying to find Nora."

"Bobby Delaney, I believe I just asked you to follow me down this hallway," I pivot around, confirming the young officer is still in the same spot, not following.
"If you do not follow me now, I will come over there, hogtie you tight and drag you down the hallway."

"You don't have any rope," he chases his observation with a chuckle that flickers into a hiccup.

"I have handcuffs and a bra."

Oh he's listening now, the crimson coloring flooding his cheeks, then neck and I am sure all the way to the tips of his toes; Delaneys do blush something pretty. Nora has this incredible flush that develops when she's about to come and....

"I guess this new case of yours has you upset."

Oh that was not the thing to say Bobby Delaney. As I swing round to begin marching down the hallway, I catch his expression; I am guessing he is realizing he might be dealing with a jilted girlfriend rather than a worried detective.

I take a hard right, leading us into a small empty office. Shutting the door behind us, I swivel to face the young man once more, staring hard at him while keeping silent.

"It's all over the department, sorta."

As I continue my silence, my eyes drift down to watch Bobby's hands; hands that are currently toying with his baton, wringing the cylinder and sliding it back and forth. I'm good at noticing the little things people do and using them to my advantage when interacting with others; one of my better skills really. But, right now, I don't feel like playing games or trying to figure things and people out; why bother when it seems everything I had figured out about Nora was just shot to shit.

"I mean the boys are talking about Carrie. A lot knew Nora's old roommate, she'd bring her by the house a lot to family things and of course we always had a lot of cops over as well..."

I put both hands on my hips and take a single step toward Bobby.

He swallows hard, but to his credit, he stands his ground. "A couple have said there was something at the scene about Nora. No one really knows anything though," he speeds up over that last, finishing with another hard swallow, a nervous trembler of a half smile wobbles precariously across his face as I continue to watch him.

"I'm worried about Nora. She's not answering my calls."

"She's not answered mine since she left the station," I relent, a smidge, and offer that to him.

"I, I know she doesn't take losing people that are close to her very well."

"How close were Nora and Carrie?"

Bobby's eyes widen then, a quick dash of a tongue to moisten his lips, another hard swallow, his adam's apple bobbing in and out.

"Close," his voice whispers.

I wonder if he's just making the connection of how close or perhaps he made it some months ago after having found out about Nora and I. Maybe he revisited all of his sister's friendships with a new eye. I know I am beginning to do just that. Damn it, I don't want to do this. I want it to be.... ok. I love Nora and I don't want anything fucking that up. Especially some dead girlfriend who Nora seemed to have liked as much as me considering she had a similar charm and I need to stop doing this to myself right now before I end up....

I catch Bobby flinching as a hollow, electronic ring tone blares through the room. It continues to play as I keep the younger Delaney hard in my glare.

"Ain't you gonna to answer that?"

I shouldn't let him off this easy. But I have set a few ring tones separate and this is one of three I tend to pay heed and beckon too.

I point a finger at Bobby as the music ceases. "Not a word to Nora about our talk, but if she contacts you..."

Bobby is already running for the door. "I'll tell Sis she'd better call and calm the hornets nest down," he pauses at the door and cracks a half smile, one that mirrors a favorite of Nora's. Normally I'd savor the look, but it is too reminiscent of Nora, too painful to think about as all of my thoughts keep spiraling to maybe losing that smile.

I pull out my phone as the door closes, hitting the needed speed dial number.

"Hello Daddy...... yes, I know I missed the fitting..... yes I will be by tomorrow for the breakfast.... no, tell Grandma I will not be stopping by tonight.... Daddy, my absence at the fitting and tonight has nothing to do with that Nora and everything to do with I have a massive headache and my plan of going on home, soaking in the tub and drinking cocktails until I am one huge prune both inside and out and then going to bed..... yes I know my mamma use to do the same thing.... yes I am alright Daddy just a long day..... I love you too Daddy.... Goodbye Daddy...."

Snapping the phone shut, I look around the room, massaging my temple as I did not completely lie to Daddy, I am developing a killer headache. Torn between wanting to continue down my path of righteous vengeance ala wounded girlfriend and just sulking home to lie around like a bump on the log, I finally decide to put truth behind what I just told Daddy and head home and soak and sulk and pray Nora has explanations, many and very very good ones.

I open the door to the room and pause, the soft wisp of my bracelet scraping across my wrist catching my attention. I stare at the bracelet trying to decide if it holds as much meaning as it did this morning, before this all started. I grit my teeth, working my jaw as I try to stop the slide of tears I can already feel beginning to slip along my cheek. The tears are not because of the answer that whispers through my head; the tears are because I have to ask the question; because before all of this, I never would have imagined the question.

Does life ever offer redo's??????????

fic, nikki & nora

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