Title: The Death of Doctor Keenan
ladychiRating: Teen for violence, adult language, substance abuse, descriptions of domestic violence, sexual content in future chapters.
Pairings and Characters: Booth/Brennan, Hodgins/Angela, Jared/Padme, assorted squinterns and minor characters
Summary: In 1930's Philadelphia, Seeley Booth is a former cop
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Comments 8
I am so hearing Bogie and Bacall in this. Wonderful, wonderful beginning. You have the tone of film noir down perfectly.
"That doesn’t phase her at all." In this sentence, it should be "faze" not "phase." "Faze" is to be affected by. "Phase" is a state of being, as in he is going through a phase, or three-phase wiring.
Everybody gets it wrong all the time in fanfic but I hope you don't mind my pointing it out. Your writing is too good for little things like this to be allowed to mar it.
Thank you for the reminder re: phase/faze! I will edit this text to correct the mistake!
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I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Thank you for your kind words!
Like, whoah. This is an awesome idea and each of the little nuances and details you've fit in so far already have me drawn in. I love that Booth still arrested her father, that he's still a gambler in a sense thst fits right in with the time. You've got the tone and the overall 30s feel working very well, which is half the battle with a good AU and it's making for an impressive read :)
Glad you posted!
But really - you have already set up an incredibly intriguing premise. You have kept the characters true to themselves without limiting them by keeping them behind their "real world" barriers. In short, I can't wait to see more!
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