Title: The Senator in the Scarecrow [Chapter Fourteen: The Lollipop Guild]
ladychiBeta Babes:
cathmarchrGraphic Banner & Custom Icon:
ladyredravenCharacters/Pairings: Booth/Brennan, Hodgins/Angela, Cam, Sweets, Wendell, Clark, Parker Booth, various OCs
Rating: M for language, graphic violence and graphic sex
Summary: It's August in western Kansas and a Senator's
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Comments 40
But lets be honest here, the real highlight of this chapter was always going to be the promise of a sequel already - hee, anything to prolong the love!
I'm really excited to do the sequel. I've always said I could write B/B realistically as a couple, doing their thing and solving mysteries. Let's see if I can't put my money where my mouth is.
"I'll ask Dad. He doesn't really like that kind of stuff, sometimes. He says he's more into beer than caviar." Parker shrugged.
"Do you know the name of the young woman who was raped?"
"Yeah. She's not alive, though. She died earlier this year, after her youngest son died in Afghanistan."
"Maybe it was someone related to her, though... anything could help at this point."
Carrie sighed. "Her name was Marie Hubbard."
enjoying the case, which is getting even more interesting and intriguing
This is lovely :"I'm glad we're back," Angela said firmly. "I missed my friends. I missed our little family. Paris was great, Jack, but... this is our life. You wouldn't be happy just crawling around the banks of the Seine looking at French bugs when you could be here, solving murders."
Glad Angela's ok ( ... )
The pregnancy-in-trouble bit was far too cliche for me to indulge in, as far as Angela and Hodgins are concerned, but I enjoyed toying with you guys just a bit! :P
Thank you for your great comments about the sequel, and "Burdens". I'm so pleased just to have an audience that's invested and engaged -- it's very, very satisfying to be involved in this fandom. Thank you!
You tell such a great complicated case with just the right amount of personal interest in our characters. They all read very true to the "voices" in the show. Just excellent work!
I'm so glad you're enjoying the work I'm putting in to keep the characters true to themselves, tell individual story archs, and move the case forward as quickly as I can. It's quite the juggling act!
Thank you for all of your lovely comments today! It'll take me a bit to get back to you on all of them, due to some beta'ing projects I have going on at the moment, plus getting next week's update(s) ready to go, but you should know that tonight, you have truly made my evening.
Thanks, a million times, thanks!
There is no rush or even need to reply unless something I have said particularly strikes you. I would much rather you wrote stories.
I am an artist by trade and your fics paint marvelous word pictures for me.
Glad to see I am not the only afficianado of labsquint and Co's work. You rank right up there in terms of quality prose. And Mondays are now something to look forward to.
He is SUCH a chip off the Booth block - seeing something suspicious and knowing just what to do!
Booth'll be out of his mind with worry!
And now.. I am dying for this dance!!
Parker's definitely a chip off the old block. He's very smart, he's very resourceful, and he's quick. He may be a little too much like Booth for Booth's comfort, even.
So glad you're enjoying this -- the dance comes soon! It's a little romantic and a lot exciting!
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