Title: The Senator in the Scarecrow [Chapter Ten: The Tin Man]
ladychiBeta Babes:
cathmarchrCharacters/Pairings: Booth/Brennan, Hodgins/Angela, Cam, Sweets, Wendell, Clark, Parker Booth, various OCs
Rating: M for language, graphic violence and graphic sex
Summary: It's August in western Kansas and a Senator's gone missing. When a body shows up in a
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Comments 19
Excellent, excellent, as always! I love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Loved your Parker. He's obviously not as oblivious as people always assume 10 year olds are - he's already worked out what Sweets and his mom are up to, and he picked up on the strained relationship between his mom and dad at a very early age! Bless his heart.
This new victim has been presented in an equally puzzling manner as the first. Can't wait to find out why the murderer feels the need to be so inventive!
Oh dear, Tuck also sees Booth's elevated stress levels. I am now officially worried about Booth.
Love how this story is progressing. You really don't have to apologize for the late appearance of this chapter, btw, all good things are worth waiting for, lol.
Parker sat next to Dr. Sweets on the plane, reading a Green Lantern comic book that his dad had given him just a few minutes before he'd left for the Army again.
Love the detail of the Green Lantern comic. Of course, now I’m thinking about DB in a bathtub… *drools* Sorry, what?
but Parker was ten and he wasn't a kid anymore and he knew exactly what Sweets had been up to with his mother just hours before he'd gotten home from the summer program where he spent his daysCrap, I knew Parker was too smart to not pick up on what is going on with Rebecca and Sweets. I have this awful feeling Sweets is going to say or do something stupid to piss off Parker and the truth is going to be blurted out at the most inopportune moment. Huh, maybe you brought in Donaldson to replace Sweets because B&B are going to murder Sweets (Booth for going behind his back with his ex, and Brennan for hurting Booth) when they find out ( ... )
I’m surprised at Brennan’s reaction, the Catholic Church has always been, to my knowledge, heavily involved in politics in their parishes and dioceses. Or is that something that is more prevalent in cities than in rural areas?
“Bones,” Booth said firmly. “We don't have to get into this, okay? You two aren't even on the same planet when it comes to this stuff.”
Is it weird that I find Booth extremely cute whenever he has to mediate between Brennan and a member of the clergy?
“Of Senator Williams?” At Booth's nod, the priest coughed and adjusted his robe. “Yes, I've had that honor, once or twice.”
That’s an interesting reaction from Father Tuck. Gotta wonder what that’s all about, the wife seemed ok when Booth, Brennan and Donaldson interviewed her earlier…
“So.” Tuck smiled at Brennan, and for the first time she saw the soldier which must have been buried somewhere underneath of the priest. “You're Seeley's partner?”Love the descriptor, makes me think there is a bit of a ( ... )
Angela's eyes widened. “And? How was it?”
“Booth has always been very... accomplished, in that particular area.”
HA! Understatement of the year I’d say considering she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it since it happened.
“We had to go retrieve him from the hotel. Booth attempted to leave him in Salina to question some of the senator's staff but he was quite insistent that his assignment was to stay with us until Dr. Sweets arrives.”
Oh my, that is just brilliant!
“He's attempting to be charming at the moment, but it's failing miserably,” Brennan said, probably more for Booth's benefit than Angela's.
I can just picture him flashing that grin and tugging at her sleeve to get Brennan to follow him and get off the phone.
This is it. Tell her. The voices inside of her head screamed at her, but Angela held firm to her original plan. “Just having trouble adjusting to the time difference, Bren. We'll probably do a video conference to catch up tomorrow after you've processed the crime scene, right?” ( ... )
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