After much conversation last night, and bouncing around ideas, I think some decisions have been made about the directions we're going to take this
editrx project (which seriously needs a better name. Thoughts, people?).
Firstly, there shall be a recipe/cookbook. There was overwhelming interest in both participating and purchasing such a volume, and understandably so. The Whovians are also avid foodies: everyday on my flist there's another recipe from someone making something delicious, and usually from fresh ingredient they got at a farmer's market or fresh from their garden. Or maybe even, dare I say it... making fudge!
azriona was forced volunteered to take control of this project, or at least to be in charge of gathering recipes. I will have information coming soon about how to submit, and in what format, and what kind of recipes we're looking for. If you have ideas specific to the recipe book (what type it should be, if it should be limited to just desserts, or just main dishes, or just... moose recipes, I don't know...), please leave a comment to this entry.
Secondly, there shall be a collection of original work. You may not know this about
editrx, but she is by trade, a production editor, and it is only fitting that we salute her by giving her what she enjoys most: well-written fiction. Because of the legal complications of a fanzine, we have decided to go with the original fiction route.
The skinny on this anthology:
* There will be no set theme as far as genre. However, it may be helpful to keep in mind that the intended audience is obviously going to be the hundreds of people who read and enjoy our fanfic, and who would like to see an example of our original work.
* Stories should be 5000+ words (no upper limit, but use common sense here-this would not be the proper venue to submit your novella to).
* Ratings-wise-in so far as original fiction has "ratings"-we're looking to keep it at R/15 and under. We're looking to make this a keepsake volume, something we can be proud to show people outside the fandom. Which is just a long-winded way of saying: no porn please.
* I am approaching this anthology as a literary magazine. Meaning, there will be submissions-hopefully lots of submissions-but limited space available. After submission, all stories will be stripped of the author's names and sent to editrx, who will act as the editor-in-chief and select her favorite stories to be included in the volume.
* I have been advised by my lawyer (not really) to note that the volume will hold first world publication rights only-meaning all authors will keep the rights to all of their stories in all other venues.
The submission process, step-by-step:
1. E-mail your original submission to me BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 @ 6PM EST. My professional writing address is katherinejrhodes at gmail dot com
2. In the body of your e-mail, include the title of your story, the word count, the name of your beta reader, and which name you would like to be published under, or if you would like to be published under both your fandom and real names.
3. Attach your story, and name the file in the following format: thetitleofyourstory.doc. That way, in the midst of reading submissions,
editrx doesn't forget what she's reading!
4. I will then strip the file of any information that could give away who the author of the story was, and pass it along to
editrx 5.
editrx will pick, from the submissions, approximately 10 stories to fill the anthology.
6. I'll notify all the authors who submitted one way or the other, and the volume will go in to final editing and production.
I ask, as a requirement of submission, that you have someone look over it to check for typos, at the bare minimum. We want to offer to the fandom at large a volume that is as professional as possible. We have several people in line who do things like typesetting, proofreading and graphic art for a living who have volunteered to help, so the writing should be high-quality, to match the mechanics that will surround it.
In order to make sure that we're not going to do a flying belly flop into no-one submitting anything, I'd really encourage you to have a go at the poll below. It's not a binding contract, just a way to get an idea of what we're looking at here.
Poll What I need volunteers for... eventually. Please do not volunteer in this post. (Also, feel free to suggest other things that will need done.)
1) Graphic art. Cover, definitely, although it would be nice to have art for each story.
2) Typesetting/formatting
3) Continuity/style editors
I just want to say -- the response to this has been amazing. From the folks advocating for a fanzine, who provided awesome advice (I want you all who said you'd do the fan fic to try your hand at original!), to the people who came out in droves to say they wanted recipe books, to the PMs I've gotten volunteering to help. I'm going to spread the work around, I promise you that, and at the end of the day, we'll have TWO projects, of which we can be very, very proud. (Yes, I did have to edit that sentence so it didn't end on a preposition.)