Team Free TARDIS - Second Generation

May 20, 2013 21:06

For future reference for my In The Starlight 'verse, I thought I'd introduce you to the second generation of my SuperWho babies. Team Free TARDIS includes a mad man with a box, a girl and boy who waited (but not anymore), an alcoholic idiot who loves too much, a tortured soul (not a metaphor) who gives too much, a woman who saved the world, and ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

of_nightingales May 21 2013, 18:28:18 UTC
I kinda love you.
Like... I squealed my through this. Your headcanons are just magnificent and now I really want to sort out all of my headcanons.
Swanchester and Sartha. I just. I cannot. It's like my favorite crossover pairings and I just... asdkfjsdf. They're so precious.


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