I totaled my car last night.

Jun 27, 2014 10:45

I officially hate my life.

rl, car, wtf, wreck

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Comments 5

lauraflute June 27 2014, 16:23:37 UTC

I'm so sorry. *Jedi hugs if you want them*


ladyaeryn July 8 2014, 21:24:16 UTC
Definitely won't be turned down. :) Thanks.


may_child June 28 2014, 03:16:08 UTC
Oh I'm so sorry. That really, really sucks.

If it'll make you feel any better, I crunched up the side of my car several months ago and have to attach the sideview mirror with strapping tape because my insurance deductible is a thousand bucks and I can't afford that.


ladyaeryn July 8 2014, 21:25:50 UTC
Thanks. Yeah, I was in that situation before the wreck. My rear bumper looked pretty sad all chewed up and covered in packing tape. :/ Guess it doesn't matter now, though.


shantari July 11 2014, 01:16:18 UTC


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