Shipping Meme: Day 18

Feb 25, 2014 10:21

Day 18: Most annoying character that tried to come between a ship

Note, this post contains spoilers for some of the upcoming "Lost Missions" Clone Wars episodes.

Rush Clovis, Star Wars: The Clone Wars )

padmé/anakin, star wars, shipping, clone wars

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Comments 3

lazypadawan February 26 2014, 02:27:18 UTC
Oh well, I guess I'm spoiled now!

I don't think I mentioned it in my review of "Senate Spy" at the time, but the only thing about Clovis is that I just don't see Padmé getting with a guy like that. He's like the generic rich frat boy who inevitably loses his girlfriend to the hero. In my fanon, their relationship was limited to some rubber chicken dinners and Senatorial functions, but Padmé felt no chemistry with the guy and ended things before he could get in her pants. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I just hope he's burning in Star Wars Hell along with MY least favorite OTP Obstacle ever, Bria Tharen. Mwahahahaha!


ladyaeryn February 26 2014, 14:24:53 UTC
I'd say I'm sorry for the spoilage, but I did warn you. ;)

Your backstory works for me. After all, her relationship with Clovis couldn't be too much like her relationship with Anakin; there's a reason she committed to the latter and not the former.

I never read the Han novels, so I was spared enduring Bria Tharen, but from what I've read of her she sounds like a combination of my two least favorite redheads. (Mara Jade and Ginny Weasley.) What is it with Sues and redheads?


lazypadawan February 27 2014, 05:35:22 UTC
That's okay, I couldn't wait anymore!

Bria wasn't too bad at first and I figured Han had been around the block many a time before he ever met Leia, but then Bria just turned into a Mary Sue: she ended up being forefront of the Rebellion, Boba Fett spared her life, Lando flirted with her, etc.. As I told someone at the time, she tried to out-Leia Leia.


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