Shipping Meme Day 15

Feb 22, 2014 18:25

Day 15: A ship canon really messed with
Jean-Luc Picard/Beverly Crusher, Star Trek: The Next Generation. O, what might have been. If you hadn't royally effed up, TPTB.

I never could say no to you. // Oh, so THAT'S why you married me. )

picard/crusher, star trek, shipping, jean-luc picard

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Comments 2

akscully February 23 2014, 06:02:45 UTC
*weeps softly*

we could have had it allllllllllll


ladyaeryn February 24 2014, 16:17:16 UTC
How did I know you would reply to this? :)

Icoooooonnnn. :( That episode was such a tease. "Oooh, we're finally delving into P/C! Nope, still not going anywhere with it, haha!"


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