Shipping Meme Cont'd: Day 9 and 10

Feb 17, 2014 13:17

Potter fic 99% percent done. Should have it up sometime today. :)

Day 9: Your least favorite couple:
I've already mentioned my least favorite canon couple, Harry/Ginny. But my least favorite ship, period? Obi-Wan Kenobi/Padmé Amidala, Star Wars.

Let me count the ways... )

harry potter, star wars, shipping

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Comments 6

krpalmer February 18 2014, 17:28:21 UTC
I was miserably withdrawn from any variant of the "Star Wars" fandom, save for Fernwithy's stories, between TPM and AotC (after all, if the "off-topic references" in other fandoms were that contemptuously hostile, I could only imagine what it would be like "inside"...), and your description does make me think I missed something that would have been unpleasant to me for being unexpected. I suppose there is that little detail of supposing I have "underdeveloped shipping glands" and don't recoil from the thought of a fictional character not winding up paired off with someone else in the same story (even if that does bring to mind the stories I used to read "MSTings" of where new characters would walk in oozing what the author thought was "charm"...) On the other hand, I do seem to get gooey and sappy over a certain number of "official romances."


ladyaeryn February 18 2014, 19:22:25 UTC
Anyone I've talked to who wasn't involved with the Obidala debates was like "Huh? People actually debated over that?" To them, it was a foregone conclusion that any female lead in the prequels would be paired off with Anakin as the twins' mother. Then again, a lot of stuff we look on as foregone now was debated back then, like whether Palpatine and Sidious were the same person. (LOL.)

I would say my shipping glands are reasonably "undeveloped" too - I don't tend to deviate much from canon; and even the canon pairings, while I may enjoy them, I rarely get worked up into a frenzy. I can count on one hand the number of ships I've gotten truly "fanatic" in supporting.

Harry Potter's the one fandom where I seemed to deviate from the canon in terms of shipping - but even that deviance has been "legitimized" somewhat by the author herself now saying she at least partially regrets the way the main canon pairing came out and that in some ways another pairing (which I ship) might have been better.


krpalmer February 19 2014, 00:54:20 UTC
I almost want to say I'm surprised they're surprised. Just because I react to a great deal of "shipping" with shrugs doesn't mean I don't know people will pair off any two fictional characters that please their own personal whims.

Maybe, too, there's the troubling thought that even today "Obidala" might tie into the whole matter of complete antagonism towards the Star Wars that is; I once ran across someone who curtly criticized the existing romance while saying Anakin could be saved from the hostile influence of Padme by having Obi-Wan seduce him...


asweetdownfall February 19 2014, 07:13:38 UTC
Word to everything you said about Snape/Lily.

And the fandom's (general) Snape worship both scares and annoys me, honestly. :/


ladyaeryn February 20 2014, 16:28:02 UTC
You've heard about the "Snape Wives," right? Scary.


riva_lillium June 24 2014, 18:21:28 UTC
Coming late for the party, but I loved your rant on Obidala ( ... )


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