Meme from ladyhadhafang

Jan 25, 2014 18:37

Give me a character and I'll give you:

- How I feel about this character
- All the people I ship romantically with this character
- My non-romantic OTP for this character
- My unpopular opinion about this character
- One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

Let's see if anyone's still out there! :)

katniss everdeen, harry/luna, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, star wars, obi-wan kenobi, peeta mellark, harry potter, ahsoka tano, fandom, shipping, memes, anakin skywalker, padmé amidala, padmé/anakin, hunger games, katniss/peeta

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Comments 23

ladyhadhafang January 26 2014, 01:18:38 UTC
Anakin Skywalker.


ladyaeryn January 26 2014, 17:00:12 UTC
YAY, how can I resist waxing about my favorite ever? :)

How I feel about this character: What can I say? He's the fictional love of my life. Passionate yet stifled, incredibly devoted, conflicted, burdened beyond belief. That he's drop-dead-gorgeous in his pre-Vader adulthood is only icing on the cake. ;)

All the people I ship romantically with this character: Padmé Amidala. Part of what I love about his character is his singular, lifelong devotion to one woman - he wouldn't BE Anakin if he didn't love Padmé with his whole heart. It's perhaps the singularness of that devotion that contributes to his downfall, but it sure makes for compelling drama.

My non-romantic OTP for this character: His Master-Padawan relationship with Ahsoka Tano (with his friendship with Obi-Wan coming in a not too distant second). I love his relationship with Ahsoka because it shows a side never before seen in Anakin - a mentor. It's bittersweet, knowing this is the closest we will see to Anakin training his own children. It's an older brother- ( ... )


ladyhadhafang January 26 2014, 21:31:45 UTC

Pretty much this to all of what you said. Seriously.


ladyaeryn January 27 2014, 17:05:09 UTC
Thanks! And thanks for sharing the meme and listing Anakin, I never get enough of waxing about my boy. :)


chickadilly January 26 2014, 01:26:22 UTC
Neville Longbottom. :)


ladyaeryn January 26 2014, 17:16:31 UTC
How I feel about this character: He's a woobie, but a badass woobie. I loved seeing him go from insecure little first year to leader of the underground rebellion. I grew so fond of him in OotP that I nearly started sobbing when Bellatrix was torturing him, I was so sure he was going to die. I think that affected me even more than when Sirius died.

All the people I ship romantically with this character: I used to ship him with Ginny, and in some ways I do wish she had ended up with him rather than Harry. (Though in some ways, since Ginny turned out to be such a bitch, I'm kind of glad Neville escaped that.) I think it would have been a great narrative twist to have Ginny devoted to the Boy Who Lived for so many years and then end up with his less glamorous but equally heroic double. I liked the way N/G stood up for each other in GoF and the later books, that he brought out a better side to Ginny than Harry did. I wouldn't terribly mind him with Luna, since I love them both, but it still kind of smacks to me of 'pair off the ( ... )


chickadilly January 26 2014, 22:29:33 UTC
I agree with a lot of this - especially Ginny. I really don't want to see Neville with her because he's such a great character and Ginny had so many bitchy moments. Of course I don't wanna see Harry with her either. LOL (I would love Luna to date / marry either Harry or Neville, really. I think both pairings would be great to have seen.)

I wouldn't terribly mind him with Luna, since I love them both, but it still kind of smacks to me of 'pair off the last two major DA members who would possibly get in the way of OBHWF!'

I like the pairing but that's my one quibble with it, too! (And I do love my R/Hr but that would have been just TOO convenient. Sometimes I think that's why she clarified Luna marries someone else later on.

My unpopular opinion about this character: Molly Weasley STOLE his rightful vengeance/closure against Bellatrix. Sigh. At least he got to off Nagini, which almost makes up for it.IDK if this is unpopular - I've seen that sentiment a lot and I agree. I mean I can see how Molly would feel seeing someone threaten ( ... )


ladyaeryn January 27 2014, 17:15:02 UTC
Sometimes I think that's why she clarified Luna marries someone else later on.

Though that kind of baffles me too - if Luna marries someone else, why did JKR greenlight those N/L moments in DH II (especially Neville going "I can't live without her")? Unless we're just supposed to shrug off those moments as comic relief - they felt out-of-left-field to me.

IDK if this is unpopular - I've seen that sentiment a lot and I agree.

I'm honestly not 100% sure whether there is a true minority on this one - I largely based this off of the wild audience cheering I always heard when Molly offs Bellatrix in the movie. I kept thinking "I can't be the ONLY one who has a problem with this?"


frostbit_sky January 26 2014, 03:19:50 UTC
Katniss Everdeen


ladyaeryn January 26 2014, 18:12:44 UTC
How I feel about this character: LOVE her. Right now I'd dare say she trumps even my Star Wars ladies for favorite fictional heroine. In some ways (though definitely not all), I want to be her, in that I would be brave enough to offer my life up for someone I loved and clever/resourceful enough to survive something like the Hunger Games. I love that she's brave but not flawless - she's still capable of succumbing to mistrust, and grief and vengeance, like when she votes to have another Hunger Games after Prim's death. She's strong but not invincible - she's capable of being scarred. I LOVED at the beginning of the second movie where she kills the turkey and sees Marvel instead and absolutely loses it: when it came down to it she WAS capable of taking a human life, but not without great personal cost to herself. She's not Gale - people AREN'T just animals to her. She's terrified the Games will turn her into an unfeeling monster.

All the people I ship romantically with this character: Peeta Mellark, and Peeta Mellark only. I ( ... )


frostbit_sky January 26 2014, 21:44:26 UTC
That was all really well said.

My annoyance with the series is that I felt the end of Mockingjay was too rushed, too summarized. I didn't like that because Katniss was locked in a room during her trial, so were we. I am looking forward to the movies and seeing the last half more played out.


ladyaeryn January 27 2014, 16:38:23 UTC
That's a fair enough criticism - I remember wishing we'd seen more of things like Peeta's rescue from the Capitol. Honestly, it's been a long time since I've read Mockingjay all the way through, so there's every possibility I could come across some issue that stands out to me. But I don't remember anything overly glaring at this point.


asweetdownfall January 26 2014, 05:00:53 UTC
Luna Lovegood :DD


ladyaeryn January 27 2014, 16:36:09 UTC
How I feel about this character: Possibly the best character in the HP series. And in some ways she reminds me a lot of me: smart; not overly concerned with social conventions, but still wouldn't mind a few friends; known for unconventional quirks that have had me labeled as an outsider; belief in certain things despite the lack of 'tangible' proof. Unlike me, though, she's not at all afraid to be bluntly honest with people.

All the people I ship romantically with this character: I didn't think I could ship anyone but Hermione with Harry until this girl. While I love their relationship in OotP, it was actually HBP that made me ship H/L hardcore. HBP cast in a very stark light everything I found wrong with H/G, and in H/L exactly what I thought a solid relationship should be. While Harry was a hormonal idiot for most of the book, around Luna he was still the sweet, loyal boy who stood up for his friends no matter what, and didn't care what others thought about seeing them at the Slug Party together. If I recall, he even had such ( ... )


asweetdownfall January 28 2014, 05:14:37 UTC
Flawless answers are flawless~

And oh my god, when Dan said that he wanted Luna/Harry to happen IT WAS BEAUTIFUL *______*

Also, your ideas for the epilogue are amazing. And totally need to be real, ahhhhhh!

I wouldn't be opposed to a femslash pairing with her and Hermione either, or maybe a threesome with them and Harry. ;)

Hahahaha. I love the way you think ;)


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