Oh, the life of a broke geek!

Jan 29, 2012 23:14

Entire Star Trek: TNG cast to reunite

SHIT, that would be so amazing to see! Alas, even my deep, lingering childhood love of TNG isn't enough to make me want to drop part of my scant, preciously earned money on a jot to Canada in April, though. :P

star trek, geekery

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Comments 4

matril January 30 2012, 13:25:48 UTC
:O I'm not even a giant TNG fangirl, and I would love to see them all together like that. How'd they manage to pull if off? The closest I've seen to having them together again is watching Gargoyles - the show has so many former TNG actors voicing characters, it almost plays like a reunion of the show. Also, Gargoyles is just awesome. But I digress. ;)


ladyhadhafang January 30 2012, 17:02:50 UTC
I haven't really watched STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (though I should. :), but dayum! That sounds awesome. :)


turtle_goose January 30 2012, 17:38:14 UTC
I can't remember the last time I wanted something so badly. All of them. Together. Everything will be beautiful and nothing will hurt!


jedisakora January 30 2012, 23:55:34 UTC
ya!s Happiest news i've heard all day. Makes me wish i lived in Canada


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