The Geek shall inherit...

May 04, 2009 17:36

However mixed my feelings are about the upcoming JJ Abrams Star Trek flick, I do appreciate one thing about it: seeing more Trek geeking everywhere, even in mainstream media. :) Just on MSNBC alone, there are two op-ed pieces about Trek: one waxing on the irreplacable irreverence of Shatner as Kirk, the other a "top Trek villains" piece ( Read more... )

fandom, star trek

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Comments 7

heron_advocate May 4 2009, 23:59:01 UTC
Well, you'll be glad to hear that there was a huge Star Trek article in my local paper yesterday.


sarah_mitt May 5 2009, 01:55:57 UTC
How did Sela water down one of your favorite aspects of Yesterday's Enterprise? What was your favorite aspect? I just totally remember geeking out when she showed up at the end of Redemption. I didn't really like Tasha that much and I still loved that twist.

I agree with you about the Conspiracy parasites. I think it gets over looked because it was in the early seasons and only true fans would know they were mentioned in another episode. My brother and I still quote, "We seek a peaceful co-existence!" There was an episode of DS9 where I totally thought they had showed up there but it turned out just to be a cloned O'brien or something, I don't remember.

I already bought my tickets for 10:40am showing of the Trek movie on Friday. (A few weeks back I asked off for Friday and Saturday for the movie...not that I told anyone at work that was the reason)


ladyaeryn May 5 2009, 03:37:54 UTC
I wasn't a big fan of Tasha either - but that's part of why I like YE, because the episode actually made her sympathetic to me. I felt like using her sacrifice in order to contrive some shocker return for Crosby, in the form of a (IMO) thoroughly unimpressive villain, was... well, lame. After the dramatic reveal, there really wasn't much at all to Sela. (Though it was amusing watching Data take her out with the nerve pinch. ;))

only true fans would know they were mentioned in another episode.

Really? I don't remember them being referenced again... unless you mean the vague hints in that earlier episode when Wesley was taking his entrance exams. I thought I remembered there was an idea to bring them back at some point, but TPTB decided to replace them with the Borg as the big invaders, and that these buggers eventually formed a basis for the Trill?

I already bought my tickets for 10:40am showing of the Trek movie on Friday. (A few weeks back I asked off for Friday and Saturday for the movie...not that I told anyone at work that ( ... )


sarah_mitt May 5 2009, 04:09:21 UTC
For me I didn't like Tasha any better after YE and I didn't find Sela all that lame, she had some cool plans, like attacking Data's ship and wanting to conquer Vulcan in that Spock arc.

After Conspiracy those aliens weren't again until the Drumhead episode. They were in an earlier episode I thought, because Picard and Admiral Quinn talked about how Quinn had warned him about problems at Starfleet. Can't think what it was now. Darn now I gotta watch some TNG. ;-)

Watching it with opening day crowds are always more fun I think. Plus you don't have to worry about spoilers.

I think my co-workers find me weird enough without throwing the whole science fiction geekdom in their face. But I'm sure its going to come out sooner or later.


ladyaeryn May 5 2009, 14:02:03 UTC
Oh, I didn't join the Yar fanclub either - I just thought YE was a nicely heartfelt send-off for the character. But even without the YE retcon, Sela fell flat to me; maybe it was the acting, but I just couldn't buy her as a truly menacing villain, especially against someone like Spock. (Then again, that whole two-parter was kind of 'eh' to me.) But if you like her, then fine.

After Conspiracy those aliens weren't again until the Drumhead episode.

Ah, that's one I haven't done many rewatches of. That explains it. ;)

They were in an earlier episode I thought, because Picard and Admiral Quinn talked about how Quinn had warned him about problems at Starfleet. Can't think what it was now.

Coming of Age. :)


msavi May 5 2009, 06:42:04 UTC
Praetor Shinzon. :P

There's a Trekathon on SciFi channel next Thursday. I have cleared my schedule accordingly. :D


ladyaeryn May 5 2009, 14:05:45 UTC
LOL, thanks - I was only able to bring myself to sit through Nemesis once, so I imagine I've deliberately repressed/forgotten much of it.

Ahah, drunk Data! ;) That episode's ridiculous, but it's still a guilty pleasure for me anyway.

I loathe SciFi with the fire of a thousand suns, but man, a Trek movie marathon would be awesome. There's so many of them I haven't seen in years.


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