Blonde_20in20: Round 4 - Amanda Seyfried

Sep 20, 2012 16:12

Here I am for another batch of icons! (:

20 Amanda Seyfried icons for blonde_20in20

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20in20, red riding hood, amanda seyfried, meryl streep

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Comments 13

sofia_gray September 20 2012, 15:14:17 UTC
Sono rimasta una buona mezz'ora a fissare queste meraviglie. Cioè rendiamoci conto. Questa è perfezione. ♥
L'idea del panorama è superlativa;
amo la faccia di Amanda in quirky, il crop in b/w, il coloring
in glasses, ma la mia preferita è l'ac 2. #love


lady_turner September 20 2012, 16:03:06 UTC
Devo dire che in questi giorni sono piuttosto ispirata! (:
Grazie tante per il tuo commento meraviglioso e dettagliato! :3
Hahaha, in quirky Amanda fa morire! XD


sofia_gray September 20 2012, 16:06:19 UTC
That's the truth!
Ahah tenera lei! *u*


jessswann September 20 2012, 16:40:31 UTC
She's so beautiful ^^

Love AC 5, look down & distance


lady_turner September 20 2012, 17:34:53 UTC
I have to agree, she's wonderful! :3
Thanks a lot for commenting! (:


(The comment has been removed)

lady_turner September 26 2012, 22:44:39 UTC
Thank you very much! :D


lacrimadargento September 21 2012, 10:40:49 UTC
Mi sono innamorata di B&W!!! *___* Ma sono tutte molto belle, specialmente tiny text, quirky e il set panorama!!! :)


lady_turner September 26 2012, 22:46:19 UTC
Uhhhh, grazie! Ogni volta riesci a farti piacere quelle che a me non piacciono (scusa la repetition! XD) molto! (:


ever_maedhros September 21 2012, 22:51:14 UTC
These are so pretty! Whoever styles her hair (no doubt many different stylists) sure knows how to make it flattering! Wow.


lady_turner September 26 2012, 22:47:44 UTC
Thanks a lot!
oh, and I agree with you! She has fabulous hair and I think the stylists are always happy to work on her! :)


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