COMMENT LOG.dutyderelictNovember 14 2007, 17:27:41 UTC
[ Reno can't help but roll his eyes here, a sudden flush of irritation seizing him, grinding his teeth in brief ]
What's with everyone missing the point? The reason wasn't the important thing, Elena, I don't care if it's hormones or what, the important bit is the Turks.
[ His attention is back to his pockets, because that's an easy, shuffling focus, even as there's something like a scowl on his face. ]
Tch, but throw in sex and that's all anyone'll pay attention to. Guess everyone just assumes that on my level, that's all I think about, so that's all I can mean.
COMMENT LOG.lady_turkNovember 14 2007, 18:06:18 UTC
*Despite the fact that it's normally Elena who loses her temper first and that she's the one who's been a Turk the least amount of time, it's Elena who isn't riled up by what's being said. Because, although she was the one who had just returned from their world, she is also the one who's been away and alone from it for the longest time as well*
Of course it's about the Turks. It's about us being all that Rufus has left and here, especially. So it sounds like he's throwing a snit because his feelings for Tseng aren't going the way he wants to so he's taking it out on the only other people he has left. It's demeaning and juvenile and stupid because he won't admit to it.
And what level are you talking about? I had sex with someone who looks like they're 12 Reno. Most people would say you can't go any lower than that.
COMMENT LOG.dutyderelictNovember 14 2007, 18:23:33 UTC
[ So, that was a pretty little speech there, but all Reno can do after it is take a long moment to try and block the mental image of Elena with a twelve year old. Blocking, blocking, blocking.
Good. He's got a hand in his hair, and, after having stood through all that, has tossed a considerable amount of that irritation. ]
No level. ... He wasn't really taking it out on me until I pushed his buttons. The President just failed to see the point. Head too far up his own ass to notice there's more to think about.
What's with everyone missing the point? The reason wasn't the important thing, Elena, I don't care if it's hormones or what, the important bit is the Turks.
[ His attention is back to his pockets, because that's an easy, shuffling focus, even as there's something like a scowl on his face. ]
Tch, but throw in sex and that's all anyone'll pay attention to. Guess everyone just assumes that on my level, that's all I think about, so that's all I can mean.
Of course it's about the Turks. It's about us being all that Rufus has left and here, especially. So it sounds like he's throwing a snit because his feelings for Tseng aren't going the way he wants to so he's taking it out on the only other people he has left. It's demeaning and juvenile and stupid because he won't admit to it.
And what level are you talking about? I had sex with someone who looks like they're 12 Reno. Most people would say you can't go any lower than that.
Good. He's got a hand in his hair, and, after having stood through all that, has tossed a considerable amount of that irritation. ]
No level. ... He wasn't really taking it out on me until I pushed his buttons. The President just failed to see the point. Head too far up his own ass to notice there's more to think about.
*Takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, at least glad that Reno isn't so worked up about the situation anymore*
I can't believe I'm saying this, but you should go have a drink while I go and have a word with Rufus. And I'll make sure we're both sober for it.
[ooc: THIS is why they need to keep Elena around. XD]
No can do. Would, but I've got guard duty all day.
[ooc: SRSLY. A woman's touch! ... guard duty= Dark Nation. ]
Never stopped you before when all you had was something simple like that.
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