Title: The Stand
’Verse: Lost and Found
Author: LadyMacbeth
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Priestly
Word Count: 2503
Disclaimer: “Supernatural” and all its characters belong to the genius that is Eric Kripke. I make no profit.
Warning: Incestuous slash. You no like, you no look.
Summary: Missouri reveals a secret to the boys
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Comments 35
Thanks for reading!
Glad you're enjoying it. I've got big, big plans for the final showdown. I'm going to start whittling away at it in the next day or so, so you won't have to hang on for too long.
Thanks for reading!
Tho is it possible to get a sniper shot in at 3 miles? It's a huge target, and the psychic powers help, I'm sure...eh w/e. :P Boys! Boys and they're gonna fight be be awesome! :D
Tho now the Beast looks like the Abaddon creature from Torchwood. wait...I pictured it 4-legged, like a Behemoth type monster...for some reason in this chapter I interpreted it as bipedal...eh.
If you've seen Blade:Trinity, I would imagine the Beast would look a bit like Dracula's demonic form at the end, only bulkier, two big horns, with a less refined face.
Argh. It's times like these that make me wish I could draw.
And as for the sniper stuff, I don't profess to know anything. I was just going by the stuff I've read or scene in television and movies.
And same for me on the sniper thing. I was just going off a thing I read in one of John Ringo's books...guy managed a chest shot at just under two miles. There's wind and gravity and stuff to take into account.
Also? I posted a ficlet to my journal. I feel so proud. XP
Of course I now want the rest of it yesterday. :]
Great job as always.
I did see one typo however.
accompanied by the sent of eggs
It should be scent.
And sorry about the cliffhanger. I figured it was the best place to leave it, that way the next chapter will be nothing but the battle.
I promise not to leave it too long. ;)
Thanks for reading!
I don't think you could have picked a better place to stop this chapter. Even if I don't like hanging. :]
*breaks into dance*
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