LJ idol week 0: Intro

Oct 31, 2010 09:27

 Hello all ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

gaea_rising November 1 2010, 03:45:22 UTC
Good to meet another costumer! I'm looking forward to reading more.

Good luck!


lady_hoshi November 2 2010, 08:19:45 UTC
good luck too! and yay costumers!


alphaloria November 1 2010, 21:40:09 UTC
Post your bad poetry as a way to make fun of yourself...that's what I do, anyway, haha.


lady_hoshi November 2 2010, 08:20:46 UTC
well, I will save it as a last resort if I forget to write an entry. :D


joeymichaels November 2 2010, 11:43:25 UTC
Hey, TalonKardde was late all season and he made it to the top three. As long as its before the deadline, its on time. ;)

Welcome back!


lady_hoshi November 3 2010, 03:42:53 UTC
very true, but obviously I didn't make it on time enough last season.

I aim to do better this time around.


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