Title: Psychobabble (Details)
Fandom: RPF
Pairing: Pinto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just love 'em
Warnings: long-term angst, OFC, mild het
Summary: Part 3 of 11. Zach has a crush on Chris but Chris really doesn't want to know. A lot of angst, UST and crappy decision making follows and eventually, Zach has to make a choice
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Comments 20
He hadn’t wiped his kiss away.
And my Pinto heart gets all wibbly.
I can't wait to see what happens next!
I know what you mean about the china shop too. As I wrote I thought, 'wow, Zach is so heart-wrenching in this' and then I finished it and looked back on it and it was actually all about how Chris was dealing with Zach's feelings for him.
I'm glad you like the last line, I kinda had a Chris moment when writing it, when I realised paragraphs afterwards, that Chris hadn't wiped the kiss away when he stepped back from Zach. I do love it when my characters do what I want them to do before I even know what it is myself :)
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Oh it's no use, I wanna know what happens as much as you do! The boys keep trying to do stuff that's NOT IN THE SCRIPT! Still, at least that means that I can still be surprised by them... me... all three of us...
Oh well I shall just have to settle for telling you are awesome and speshl. There will be some Pinto action eventually (because hey, its Pinto and there must be a Royal/Presidential Mandate somewhere that ORDERS them to get squishy at least once per fic) but I was trying to steer clear of the whole 'no, I don't want to be with you, oh wait I actually loved you all the time, let's get married' thing. Chris does love Zach very much but he's never had to deal with a platonic male friend wanting him in the way that Zach wants him (at least in my 'Verse), so he feels really off base and at a loss as to how he should feel, how he should deal with it.
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