Title: It's Good To Be In Love (Details)
Fandom: RPF
Pairing: Pinto
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just love 'em
Warnings: long-term angst, OFC, mild het
Summary: Part 2 of 11. Zach has a crush on Chris but Chris really doesn't want to know. A lot of angst, UST and crappy decision making follows and eventually, Zach has to make a choice
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Comments 12
*is hoping for more of the delicious angst*
I'm such a masochist when it comes to angst, I'm glad to see I'm not alone. In my rather humble opinion, the more a story rips out your heart, the better!
It hurts so much in such a good way... More soon, please?
I'm so glad you like it, I'm hoping to get the next chapter up sometime this weekend, as long as RL doesn't butt in :)
This is beautifully painful. Or painfully beautiful. I'm not sure which. Either way, I look forward to more!
beautifully painful or vice versa was exactly what I was going for, so thanks! :D
Chris IS a little bit of a prat right now and I want to slap his girlfriend silly (which is a bit weird since I created her but what they hey).
I'm glad that it feels real though, I always have this insecurity about realism in my fic when it comes to RPF - its just not the same as non RP fanfic.
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