Title: Stark's Friends
Fandom: Farscape
Character: Stark
Time Frame: unspecified
Spoilers: none
Synopsis: Sometimes, Stark hears the song of blood....
Word Count: 103
Rating: pg
Warning: darkfic
Disclaimer: Farscape and the characters and settings therein are the property of the Henson Company, and are used here entirely without permission but entirely with respect. This is for love, not for money.
Author's Notes: Written for the Random Playlist Meme, based on Beep's Friends by Big Finish Audio
He hears the song in his sleep, sometimes. Gentle, sweet, seductive. But Stark's learnt not to listen too closely. Undernethe the beckoning melody are words, words of hate, pain, surrefing, conquest, rage. And given everything Stark's seen, and suffered, it's tempting to give in, to sing the brutal, bloody symphony of gore aloud.
Stark does sometimes have to ask himself why the Scarrens thought it wise to have an oppressed slave be the vessel of the memories of some of their most brutal conquerers and vicious despots, but then he doesn't suppose they truly understand how it works.
Perhaps someday he'll teach them...
Not anywhere near as disturbing as the actual song, trust me.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, we're done!!