SDCC '09 Adventures!

Jul 28, 2009 12:50

San Diego Comic Con 2009 was probably not only the best con I’ve ever been to, but the best vacation I’ve ever had! I spent pretty much the entire con at one booth which is funny, but it was well worth it!

Wednesday: I arrived in San Diego late afternoon. We took the train down which was fun because Kevin and I had never ridden a train before. We got all excited and kept twittering about it. Of course, this excitement only lasted the first 15 minutes of the ride. The other hour and a half was filled with us just sleeping. Getting in wasn’t a too wonderful time, though. We spent it wandering around the heat and carrying heavy luggage. It took us a while to find the hotel and we (Sami, Kevin and I) were getting cranky. My backpack was probably the worst. My shoulders have never felt so sore! But we got to the hotel in one piece and it was a nice room. The one thing I was really dreading was sharing a hotel with 8 people, but it actually was never a problem.

That night was preview night, so I wore my cute outfit that I made (though it needs to be tailored more). It was insanely packed there and I could barely see anything. But there was only one thing in my mind worth seeing: the Marvel Comics & Entertainment booth. On the stage they had the beginnings of the Hall of Armors straight from Iron Man 2! It was gorgeous and I couldn’t take my eyes off of it! I also found Barry working at the booth. He was the guy working on the Iron Man 2 set that let me on both times. He didn’t recognize me at first, but once I mentioned the Sepulveda Dam set, he remembered. He was really cool to chat with for a bit.

They also had a green screen set up so you can take your picture with a cool Marvel background. I of course went with the Iron Man background. It was cute. Though Jess did it and was wearing a green shirt so her whole top was completely see through!

That night, Jess, Sami, Kevin and I went to Dick’s last Resort for dinner. It was ok, but we got kinda tired of the servers acting like…well…dicks. The food was ok though.

But then later I went back to meet up with Eliot, Cosmoe, Mark, Monique, Toby and we all went to Ghiradelli for chocolate afterwards. I didn’t have anything but it was fun sitting around all night talking about strange Star Wars themed porn on Deviant Art. Yea….It got kinda weird, lol.
Speaking of weird, on the way back, the Twilight fans were already in line for the panel the next day. Not just in line, but all camping out. We decided that the Twilight fans are the geeks other geeks look down on. And every encounter we had with them just further proved our point. They’re a strange bunch made of tweens and women 45 and up. We did our best to steer clear, but we had to get by the line to get to the hotel. Fun obstacle course! But they became the punch line to just about every joke anyone told that weekend which was useful, lol.

Thursday: The next day was definitely one of the best ever! I wore my blue gala dress as Pepper Potts and met zionangel (Kirsten) for the first time. We had a lot of fun running around the con with my friend, Keith, the Robert Downey, Jr. look-a-like dressed as Tony Stark. People actually asked for his autograph. His wife, Tracy, dressed as Black Widow which really cool, too. But the coolest part was going to the Marvel booth and getting pictures on stage with the suits of armor. Some guys who worked on the sequel were there and wanted a picture with us, so the Marvel guys kept us up to get pictures and the crowd went crazy with their own cameras.

This guy who worked there asked us to come back on Saturday in the costumes, but I told them I would be in line for the Iron Man 2 panel. He said no worries, just come by at like 9:30 in the morning. And I said, no, I’ll be in line from 5 in the morning. He looked me square in the eye and said, “No, seriously come. We want you here for when Jon Favreau and possibly Robert Downey, Jr. come by and we’ll give you tickets to the panel.” I about fell over, but said of course I’d be there can ask Keith, I couldn’t get the smile off my face the rest of the day!

Then later, we went to Dana’s (Keith’s friend) penthouse suit in the Hard Rock to take some really nice photos on the balcony as Tony and Pepper. The pictures (what I saw of them) came out beautiful. It was definitely any fangirl’s dream and I can’t wait to see them. My hair wasn’t staying curly like it was supposed to, but I still have to admit that I was amazing I looked as good as I did in the photos. The right lighting can do wonders!

Then we finished the day by just wandering around the con. We messed with the models working the Marvel booth. They were dressed in sexy suits and were handing out Stark Industries business cards. Keith kept flirting with them and told me that he approves of the help I’ve hired while eyeing their legs. I just smirked and said, “I didn’t approve them!”

That night was the dinner gathering at Bucca de Pepe that Jess and Miracole organized. It was ok, but Sami, Kevin and I got there late so I sat on the end and couldn’t really interact with anyone.

Later that night Keith and Tracy invited me to a party in the Hard Rock. The whole 4th floor is a bar with dancing. I met so many cool people that night and had a blast. Not to mention I got a bit tipsy. But I love to dance and haven’t gotten to in a while. Keith swears I’m evil because I have boobs and rhythm! I think I danced with just about every guy there, even some that weren’t with our group. It was a blast.

Friday: I debuted my Rescue armor that day. I still cringe when I think about it, but I have plans to totally upgrade it for DragonCon. A bunch of friends of mine dressed as Marvel characters that day and gathered at the booth for a photo shoot. We were able to get on the stage do it because Marvel needed us as the distraction for getting Stan Lee to the booth to sign after us. But they didn’t get enough photos so they asked us to stick around for another couple of hours to go back on.

While we were waiting to go back on, a friend of mine noticed that I happened to be sitting next to Matt Fraction! He’s the writer who basically created Rescue. I really wanted to meet him this con because I dressed as his character so I had originally planned on waiting in line to get his autograph, but there he was! However, he was doing a tape recorder interview, so I didn’t want to disturb him. But some guy dressed as a ninja did and Matt said, “Just wait a minute”. So once the interview was over, the ninja interviewed him, so I had to wait patiently again. But then Barry came and led him on stage to do a real interview for Marvel. When Barry came back, I was teasing him and said, “You took him away!” Barry of course replied, “Don’t you trust me? I’ll hook you up.”

Next thing I know, one of the guys at the booth goes in the back to get Matt and brings him out to talk with me! He was so excited that I was wearing his suit and I told him thank you for making Pepper so cool again. He told me that Pepper is one of his favorite characters and that she has a very exciting year ahead of her which of course made me happy. So then I asked him the question that many of us fangirls were wondering: did Tony and Pepper get it on last issue? It’s very confusing. He of course gave me the answer I really hoped not to hear: “How would you read those tea leaves?” But I understand and it was cool. Then some guy wanted a picture of him and he said sure. Then said “Hey, let’s get Pepper in here!” and pulled me in with him. Keith, thank goodness, read my mind and snapped a photo them, too.

Then it was time to go back on, so we went in two groups so as not to break the stage with too much weight. I only got a picture of the second group (for obvious reasons: I was in the first one). But Marvel got tons of photos and actually put us on the site! There’s a picture that prominently features Mark and myself that was on the banner on the first page!

Then I went back to the room to change into my skirt suit Pepper because my armor was annoying me. No joke, as soon as I got in, the door didn’t even close before my shin guards just fell off! It was all broken, but I didn’t care. I still got to wear it and got Matt Fraction’s approval. I wandered around the con a bit and got some pictures taken. It was pretty chill. Later, a guy at the booth told me that he couldn’t get, me into the panel, but if I showed up, it was guaranteed that I would meet Jon Favreau. So I decided to forgo the panel for that.

Then that night, Sami, Kevin, Mark and I went to the cupcake lounge! It was delicious and had coke in glass bottles. It think we all just came in our mouths! It was wonderful and then we were heading back to think of stuff to do.

Now this is when it got weird. You know how Comic Con is all about advertising. Every movie or TV show or whatever tries to have the biggest and coolest and most eye catching ads they can, but I think we found a winner: Heroes. Instead of just a regular ad, that put on a whole fucking carnival!! Seriously, there was a whole little carnival right outside the Hard Rock hotel. It had trampoline rides, games, snacks, cool stuff to look at, and it was all free! We wandered around there for a bit and noticed that the floor was rather crunchy. Sami said that it was just the pine needles. There were tons of them. But Mark didn’t remember them being like that. So I picked one up and inspected it, and then it dawned on me. There were no pine trees around! Only a few palm trees. All the pine needles that littered the floor were plastic! It was all part of the ad!

Jose called me and wanted me to join him at a party and told him that I was at a carnival. He immediately had to come down and check it out. Turns out, that Mark knew him, too! So we all went up to the penthouse suit from before and drank and partied. By this time, people I was meeting for the first time were remembering me from the con and were calling me Pepper. Then Jose took Kevin, Mark and I around the hotel to parties and such. We saw lots of celebrities and he was actually able to get us into the Wrath of Con party! He’s so funny when he’s drunk. He completely acts like he runs the place and belongs there. Because of it, no one questioned him. We all just walked on back to the VIP area and sat down for a bit.

Then we danced for a bit and the drinks really started to me. Next thing I knew, Jose was gone and I was drunk and got very confused as to where I was. I texted Keith and Tracy with panicky pleas to find me, but Mark and Kevin took care of it and we walked home. Later, Keith told me that when I texted him, Jose goes “Shit! I forgot Tally!!” Jose texted me throughout the rest of the night trying to get me to come back, but I was too wasted to find my way to another hotel. They ended up on Bud Bundy’s party bus and had a very strange night, anyway.

Saturday: BEST DAY EVER!!! I was getting dressed and receiving texts from Kirsten in line for the panel. I wanted to stop by and say hi and meet my other LJ community friends before I went to the con. I was just about ready when my phone buzzed with an update from Jon Favreau’s twitter. He said that he just entered the con and was headed to the Marvel booth for an interview and signing. I was told that he wouldn’t be there until 2! So I threw my heels on and raced down to the con. On the way I passed a very confused Kirsten. I just waved and yelled “Jon Favreau!” and kept running, all the while alerting Keith.

I got there just in time. When Jon stepped out, I got to smile at him and he smiled back before being escorted on stage. Keith showed up then and the guy working at the Marvel booth told us to just walk up behind him and act like we know him. Yea, as if that’s no big deal! So we do, and Keith puts his arm on Jon’s shoulder and says, “So this is what they’ve got you doing now, huh?” Jon looks up and for a split second you can tell he thinks it’s Robert before he laughs and looks into the camera filming us and says, “Robert clearly hired a guy to play him for the day.” Then he got a picture of us all together and later posted it on his twitter. That’s right, there’s a picture of me on Favreau’s iPhone! Downey wasn’t there, but it was still the coolest moments, none-the-less.

The guys at the Marvel booth thanked us and we walked around for a bit longer. On the way we ran into a guy who worked who worked on the film and knew us. He waved and I ran over to ask if he knew if Downey would be showing up at all. He said that they aren’t planning on it, but he’ll be at the panel. I told him that there was only a couple of house before the panel so there was no way I could get in. He pauses for a moment and says, “Come with me”.

Keith and I are led back to the booth where I hear him ask for tickets to the panel. The guys said no and our new friend, Bob, disappeared for a bit. I figured oh well, it was no big deal. But then he comes back with two tickets from Paramount! I was so excited!

So we go out for a really fast lunch and race back to the con. I had to actually pull Keith through the mass of people while yelling, “No pictures!”. I think people really thought he was Downey, Jr. Especially with where we were headed. But I wonder who the hell they thought I was, lol.

We got there and accidentally cut off about ¾ of the line, but when people were let in, they cut it off right before us. I was so sad. The guy said they were all full, but Kirsten said she had two seats for us. I finally realized that we were supposed to be in VIP seating that was all full, so I explained that the two seats we have are in the regular section. It took some guilt tripping looks from me, but they finally let us in! It was in the middle of the demo reel, but I didn’t care we made it. Fortunately, Don Cheedle missed it too, so they replayed it. Omg, the first time I was screaming my head off with glee, but the second time, I couldn’t even speak. My mouth went dry from being open the whole time. The crowd went absolutely nuts over the whole thing and it was one of the coolest moments of my life!

That night, Heath got me a ticket to the Xanguin party which was kind of cool. I danced with Ya-ya and Tracy, but we were VIP and our drinks weren’t free, so we didn’t last very long. We went back to the Hyatt bar which was a much better atmosphere and I danced the night away with Tracy and drank long island ice teas. I didn’t stumble back into my room until 4 in the morning.

Sunday: It was a much more low key day that started with Kirsten showing up with doughnuts. We wandered around the con for a bit and she got to meet Matt Fraction, too. He was really cool again and remembered my Rescue costume.

When it was time to go, Sami, Kevin and I ran into a bit of a surprise. The crowds were so big that we missed the train!! They got on a train later that night while I just crashed with Keith, Tracy, and Randy and hung out for the night. I went to Joe's with Ya-ya, Brian, Tracy and Keith and then just chilled in the room with Heath and Scott joining us. It was chill and I needed it to unwind.

And that’s really the whole extent of my stay at San Diego Comic Con, 2009. It was by far the best con ever, and now I highly anticipate DragonCon! I will post the rest of the pictures of my adventures once I get them, because right now they're on other people's camera's. But for now, here's the few that I got: To skip the write up, here's the link to my pictures:

costume, san deigo comic con, iron man, pepper potts

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